How to get the 1000 points for Yoko.
Other Mirror Guides:
- Battle Recommendations.
- How to Enable 18+ Content.
- How to Defeat the Girls (Hints).
- How to Get the 200% Rage (Hell Hath no Fury Achievement Guide).
Pain Route
- Choose option: “Yoko, you used to respect and love my lord. You must be willing to accept him now”.
- Tug at the ropes.
- Choose option: “Don’t try to resist, you are doomed to become the vessel for my lord’s descent”.
- Tug at the ropes twice, then use the tentacles on her meow.
- Receive bad ending.
Pleasure Route
- Choose option: “After my lord’s descent, he will cleanse this world. For this beautiful world, Yoko, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself, right?”
- Rub her thigh until you reach 450 points.
- Grope her breast.
- Choose option: “Look at that spilling milk and flooding love juice, all fo these lead me to believe you’re not the fair and innocent yoko everyone thinks you are”.
- Grope her breast with a hand and then a tentacle.
- Finish her with the tentacles on her meow.
- Receive good ending.
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