Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – How to Get Materials (Wood, Metal, Leather, Precious Gems, etc.)

Ever feel you don’t have enough materials? This guide will teach you how to get them.

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The easiest of all the materials to get.
Wood is best obtained from destroying ships, it doesn’t matter how you destroy it, as long as you board or cleave you get around the same amount. So if you need wood fast cleaving is the better choice.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - How to Get Materials (Wood, Metal, Leather, Precious Gems, etc.)

Another way to obtain wood, is to collect it from small branches that you’ll find sticking out of the ground. While fast and easy, not the most efficient way, netting you about 5-10 wood each time you collect.


One of the more annoying materials to collect, we get to metal.
What makes metal annoying is you get it in small amounts.

You can get it from little ores you find on the ground.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - How to Get Materials (Wood, Metal, Leather, Precious Gems, etc.)


Leather is best, and most easily obtained from hunting. Animals are easy and quick to kill, and net in around 5-9 leather per kill.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - How to Get Materials (Wood, Metal, Leather, Precious Gems, etc.)

Obsidian Glass

Obsidian glass is fairly easy to get, and you can get it in quick numbers from conquest battles.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - How to Get Materials (Wood, Metal, Leather, Precious Gems, etc.)

Precious Gems

Precious gems are the second hardest to get, and the reason for this is you get them in very small amounts, no matter how you get them.

But the best way of getting Precious Gems is killing mercenaries, because mercenaries are plentiful around the lands.

Anchient Tablets

Anchient tablets are the hardest of the materials to get, because there’s very few around the world.
The best way to get them is from ruins.

Each ruin has an anchient tablet node, that gives you 4 anchient tablets apon picking up.

Anchient Tablets are only obtainable through picking up, or puchasing from blacksmiths.

Dismantling Weapons & Armor

Dismantling items is one of the better ways to get materials, because you should always have an abundance of items, and each item dismantled nets quite a few materials.

Nation Treasure & War Supplies

The nation treasure, the better of the 2, is one of the better ways of obtaining mass amounts of supplies, and drachma, provided to get lucky on what supplies it gives you.

War supplies on the other hand, mostly give materials, lower amounts but 2 different kinds, consisting mostly of wood, metal & leather, but other materials are possible to get from war cache’s.

Buying Materials

Don’t forget, you can buy materials from blacksmiths.
Buying materials is the best way of obtaining them, except wood.
Blacksmiths sell every material out there, even anchient tablets.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - How to Get Materials (Wood, Metal, Leather, Precious Gems, etc.)

  • Wood: is sold for 8 drachma a piece.
  • Meta: is sold for 16 drachma a piece.
  • Leather: is sold for 20 drachma a piece.
  • Obsidian glass: Is sold you 128 drachma a piece.
  • Precious Gems: Is sold for 160 drachma a piece.
  • Anchient tablets: Is sold for 800 drachma a piece.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7936 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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