Textual guide to complete the challenges of the level The Last Yardbird – Himmelstein.
Other HITMAN 2 Guides:
- The Undying (Mark Faba) / Quick and Easy Silent Assassin.
- Item Unlock List and What to Get First.
- Miami – Chameleon (All Disguises with Locations).
A Head Of The Curve
Eliminate all targets with headshot.
Sleeping With The Fishes
Eliminate and hide five targets in water.
Shoot guards when they are nearby a pool. You can shoot nearby the edge of the pool to make them come closer.
Clean Slate
Eliminate and hide all targets.
Shoot guards and target when they are close to pools or balconies.
Smokestack Lightnin’
Eliminate three targets by electrocution within thirty seconds.
Heavy Burden
Eliminate the three main targets with the same suspended object.
All the three target will have a meeting in the main building, in the upper floor. When they meet, shoot the chandelier chain above.
Killer Shot
Eliminate Dorian Lang and Guillaume Maison with the loudspeaker outside the art gallery.
Got A Light
Eliminate the three main targets with the same explosion.
Shoot the chandelier before the meeting. The targets will now meet in a room with a cannon on the left. Shoot the cannon when they meet.
Touch And Go
Eliminate the three main targets while they are escaping.
Trigger an evacuation making someone found a body, then shoot the targets.
No Loose Ends
Eliminate all bodyguards after starting the evacuation.
Shoot the 3 main targets. At that point, the guards will start to evacuate as well, about 3 at time. Shoot them before any of them escape. It is wise to not shoot the guards that are escaping first. Instead, shoot the ones that are still, so you will have easier targets.
Boom Boom
Eliminate five targets in explosion within thirty seconds.
A good moment could be when the main targets meet in the cannon room.
Eliminate all bodyguards.
An Elabyrinth Plot
Eliminate Dorian Lang and Doris Lee with the statue in the maze.
Raise the flag shooting the pole in the labyrinth. They will meet there. When the targets meet, shoot the base of the statue.
A Waltz With Death
Eliminate seven targets during bridal waltz.
If you are able to synchronize the meeting of the three main targets with the waltz, it will be easier.
Shoot the 6 gnomes hidden in the map.
Watch the sky and shoot the three brown hawks that fly around.
Art Critic
Shoot at the painting on the second floor of the mansion (on the left).
Wait for the butler to fix the painting then shoot at it again.
Shoot at the campfire in a cave below the helipad, on the right (you can see smoke coming out of it).
Before the bride reach the altar, shoot at the priest’s wine glass, then wait.
How Do You Due?
Shoot 10 pigeons.
- On the side of the mountain, more or less at half the height.
- In the parking lot on the left, in front of the white car.
- In a tree more or less in front of you, on the cliffside nearby the lower right side of the labyrinth.
- In the corner of a balcony in the left-side of the house.
- In the left tower on the roof.
- On the central dome of the house.
- On the cornice nearby the cages and sacks on the roof, right side of the house.
- On the head of the right-most statue in the garden, in the wedding area.
- After shooting the rice sacks on the roof, it will appear there.
Psycho Daisies
Shoot the bridal bouquet. Do it during the wedding.
Turn off the lights in all rooms of the mansion.
And He Shall Rice
Shoot at the sack of rice on the right roof.
Quacker Than The Eye
Shoot the 10 rubber ducks hidden around the map.
- In the right kitchen (RED)
- In the wedding garden, on the head of the upper-most statue (YELLOW)
- In the lower part pool, before the garden (BLUE)
- Above the left wine-cellar (YELLOW)
- Nearby the source of the waterfall (PURPLE)
- In the left-part roofs (BLUE)
- Nearby a statue, nearby the left-most corner of the labyrinth (BLUE)
- Nearby the chandelier room (WHITE)
- In the water behind the garden, on the right of the photographer stand (GREEN)
- In the upper aqueduct (WHITE)
Kiln Time
Destroy all 47 vases around the map.
Just follow the edges of the garden and shoot them. Tricky ones: in the photographer position, at top of the stairs in front of the house, in the right part of the wedding garden (many are partially hidden).
Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering?
Shoot the two mice in the right-most kitchen.
Take A Hike
Shoot the sign on the fence in front of you, at the beginning of the mountain.
The Higher You Climb
Shoot the bottle of the guy at top of the mountain, then shoot him during his jump (any moment after he has looked down is goo).
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