Chinese Parents – Lady Wooer Achievement Guide

A basic guide listing the choices available when choosing to interact with female classmates as a male student.


The Lady Wooer achievement is given when you attain an average intimacy of >50% with all girls. Due to the nature of the achievement, it is recommended you do this run within your later generations (Better passive stats for easier play through). Also, try not to spend too much money early in the game as you want to keep a good savings to buy items for the girls.

Obviously try to go for the highest positive choices when possible. Sometimes, the choices may flip (A neutral may give a negative response, a positive response may be negative). But for the most part, the values and reactions you receive should be fairly consistent .

You can always restart the turn by going to the main menu as the choices will be random. This achievement is really just more about RNG so don’t get discouraged if there are always negative choices.

Also, you may be limited to 3 interactions with girls per turn depending on your mom’s reaction. Getting 4 interactions is always ideal. You can always repeat interaction with girls if you want to build one to 50% and move onto the next.

Note: Your parents income from the previous generation must award you with at least ¥100 of pocket money to even interact with Yeena Tang (P2W Girl). Make sure you start this achievement with this requirement met or you will not be able to earn the achievement.

Professions that Earn ¥100 Minimum

Career Field / Profession / Money

  • Singer – World Famous Singer / ¥130
  • Star – Popular Celebrity / ¥120
  • Singer – Music Tutor / ¥100

Phoebe Liu

One of the 4 starter girls when you enter Junior High. Typical nerdy girl and easy to charm.

Positive Choices

  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50) +12
  • Talk about study efficiency and methods +8
  • Give a commemorative album (¥130) +8
  • Give a new notebook (¥5) +8
  • Show off your IQ +8
  • Talk about the newest school books +6
  • Give a poem collection (¥50) +5
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50) +5
  • Talk about homework +5
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +3
  • Imagine the future +3
  • Give a thermos mug (¥50) +2
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +3
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50) +2
  • Give a nice key chain (¥500) +2 (Waste of money)
  • Give a music box (¥120) +2
  • Speak ill of your enemies +2
  • Tell Jokes +2
  • Let’s do brain teasers! +2
  • If we… +2
  • I see… +2
  • How about… +2
  • A simple song… +2
  • Talk about your futures +2
  • Talk about a niche movie +2
  • Talk about school gossip +2
  • Talk about the past +2
  • Recite a poem +2

Neutral Choices

  • Perform coin magic tricks
  • Try a kabedon on her
  • Imitate celebrity poses
  • Just do whatever comes to mind
  • Invite them to work as a volunteer with you
  • Freestyle rap
  • Give them an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50)
  • Give a membership to a high end gym (¥100)
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40)
  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50)
  • Give superhero cards (¥20)
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100)
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110)
  • Talk about recent novels
  • Talk about sports shoe brands
  • Talk about sports gossip
  • Talk about onion news
  • Talk about the latest movies
  • Talk about new movies
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition
  • Talk about school legends
  • Talk about the latest celebrity couples
  • Because of love…
  • You are…
  • You say you’re…
  • I want to say it out loud…
  • I want to…
  • Dear…

Negative Choices

  • Think of nicknames for your teachers -8
  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70) -5
  • Talk about e-sports players -5
  • Talk about new games -5
  • Talk about celebrity gossip -5
  • Gossip about your teachers -5
  • Talk about your teachers positions at school -3
  • I’m not afraid -2
  • Sing some rap -2
  • Yawn -2
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) -2
  • Talk about the latest sports car -2
  • Talk about male clothes -2
  • Talk about skin care products -2
  • Talk about luxury products -2
  • Talk about the weather -2
  • Talk about new anime series -2
  • Talk about quotes of your teachers -2
  • Talk about yesterday’s social media posts -2

Marleen Xi

One of the 4 starter girls when you enter Junior High. Typical party girl

Positive Choices

  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50) +10
  • Talk about yesterday’s social media posts +10
  • Talk about celebrity gossip +10
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +8
  • Talk about school legends +8
  • Speak ill of your enemies +8
  • Give a nice key chain (¥500) +5 (If you have the money)
  • Play party king (flying chess) +5
  • Invite them to sing with you +5
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50) +5
  • Talk about school gossip +5
  • Talk about sports gossip +5
  • Let’s do brain teasers! +5
  • Tell Jokes +5
  • Talk about clothes you’re wearing today +3
  • Play rock paper scissors +3
  • Talk about onion news +3
  • I want to… +3
  • Give them an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50) +2
  • Talk about your teachers positions at school +2
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +2
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50) +2
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100) +2
  • Talk about sports shoe brands +2
  • Talk about skin care products +2
  • Talk about the latest movies +2
  • Gossip about your teachers +2
  • Talk about male clothes +2
  • Imitate celebrity poses +2
  • You say you’re… +2
  • Freestyle rap +2
  • How about… +2
  • Dear… +2

Neutral Choices

  • Give a membership card to a high-end gym (¥100)
  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50)
  • Talk about clothes you’re wearing today
  • Talk about the latest celebrity couples
  • Give a commemorative album (¥130)
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110)
  • Give a poem collection (¥50)
  • Talk about latest sports car
  • Give a thermos mug (¥50)
  • Give a new notebook (¥5)
  • Talk about a niche movie
  • Talk about recent novels
  • Give a music box (¥120)
  • Talk about the weather
  • Talk about new games
  • Imagine the future
  • A simple song…
  • I see…

Negative Choices

  • Talk about study efficiency and methods -5
  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70) -5
  • Praise your own popularity -5
  • Talk about homework -5
  • Talk about the past -5
  • You are… -5
  • Talk about the newest school books -2
  • Give superhero cards (¥20) -2
  • Talk about a niche movie -2
  • Talk about filial respect -2
  • Talk about your futures -2
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40) -2
  • Because of love… -2
  • Show off your IQ -2
  • Recite a poem -2
  • Sing some rap -2
  • If we… -2

Yori Qin

One of the 4 starter girls when you enter Junior High. Artistic and creative girl.

Positive Choices

  • Give a poem collection (¥50) +15
  • Recite a poem +12
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition +10
  • Give a music box (¥120) +10
  • Talk about the latest movies +8
  • Talk about recent novels +5
  • Talk about the past +5
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40) +5
  • Imagine the future +5
  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50)+2
  • Talk about your teachers positions at school +2
  • Give a commemorative album (¥130) +2
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +2
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +2
  • Give superhero cards (¥20) +2
  • Give a thermos mug (¥50) +2
  • Talk about sports gossip +2
  • Talk about male clothes +2
  • Let’s do brain teasers! +2
  • Talk about homework +2
  • Tell Jokes +2

Neutral Choices

  • Give a membership to a high end gym (¥100)
  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50)
  • Talk about study efficiency and methods
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50)
  • Talk about sports shoe brands
  • Talk about skin care products
  • Give a nice key chain (¥500)
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50)
  • Talk about your futures
  • Talk about new games
  • Show off your IQ

Negative Choices

  • Give them an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50) -5
  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70) -5
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100) -5
  • Talk about latest sports car -5
  • Praise your own popularity -5
  • Talk about school legends -5
  • Give a new notebook (¥5) -5
  • Talk about yesterdays’ social media posts -2
  • Talk about the newest school books -2
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110) -2
  • Talk about celebrity gossip -2
  • Speak ill of your enemies -2
  • Talk about school gossip -2
  • Talk about the weather -2
  • Sing some rap -2

Henrietta Zhang

One of the 4 starter girls when you enter Junior High. Bland girl with no real qualities

Positive Choices

  • Give them an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50) +12
  • Praise your own popularity +8
  • Talk about male clothes +8
  • Talk about skin care products +5
  • Give a nice key chain (¥500) +5
  • Talk about the latest movies +5
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50) +5
  • Speak ill of your enemies +5
  • Talk about recent novels +5
  • Sing some rap +5
  • Give a membership to a high end gym (¥100) +2
  • Talk about your teachers positions at school +2
  • Give a commemorative album (¥130) +2
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +2
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100) +2
  • Talk about sports shoe brands +2
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +2
  • Give superhero cards (¥20) +2
  • Talk about school legends +2
  • Talk about school gossip +2
  • Give a music box (¥120) +2
  • Talk about new games +2
  • Tell Jokes +2

Neutral Choices

  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50)
  • Talk about the newest school books
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50)
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110)
  • Give a poem collection (¥50)
  • Talk about latest sports car
  • Talk about celebrity gossip
  • Give a new notebook (¥5)
  • Talk about the weather
  • Let’s do brain teasers!
  • Talk about homework
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40)

Negative Choices

  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70) -5
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition -5
  • Talk about sports gossip -5
  • Talk about your futures -5
  • Show off your IQ -5
  • Recite a poem-5
  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50) -2
  • Talk about study efficiency and methods -2
  • Give a thermos mug (¥50) -2
  • Talk about the past -2

Selene Wang

Selene will appear a few turns after you are able to start talking to classmates. Somewhat difficult to charm due to lackluster responses.

Positive Choices

  • Give a membership card to a high-end gym (¥100) +15
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110) +15
  • Talk about sports gossip +10
  • Talk about the latest celebrity couples +8
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +5
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50) +5
  • Talk about sport shoe brands +5
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40) +5
  • Invite them to work as a volunteer with you +3
  • I’m not afraid… +3
  • Talk about yesterday’s social media posts +2
  • Give a nice key chain (¥500) +2
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50) +2
  • Invite them to sing with you +2
  • Give a thermos mug (¥50) +2
  • Talk about e-sport players +2
  • I want to say it out loud… +2
  • Play rock paper scissors +2
  • Talk about recent novels +2
  • Talk about the weather +2
  • Dear… +2

Neutral Choices

  • Give an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50)
  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50)
  • Give a commemorative album (¥130)
  • Talk about quotes of your teachers
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition
  • Talk about the latest sports cars
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100)
  • Talk about skin care products
  • Play party king (flying chess)
  • Talk about the latest movies
  • Give superhero cards (¥20)
  • Talk about celebrity gossip
  • Talk about school legends
  • Talk about luxury products
  • Perform coin magic tricks
  • Give a music box (¥120)
  • Talk about male clothes
  • Talk about filial respect
  • Talk about niche movie
  • Imitate celebrity poses
  • Talk about homework
  • Talk about the past
  • Imagine the future
  • Show off you IQ
  • Freestyle rap
  • You are…

Negative Choices

  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50) -5
  • Just do whatever comes to mind -5
  • Speak ill of your enemies -5
  • Try a kabedon on her -5
  • Talk about the clothes you’re wearing today -2
  • Talk about the newest school books -2
  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70) -2
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) -2
  • Give a poem collection (¥50) -2
  • Give a new notebook (¥5) -2
  • Gossip about your teacher -2
  • Talk about school gossip -2
  • Talk about onion news -2
  • Talk about your futures -2
  • Talk about new games -2
  • Because of love… -2
  • You say you’re… -2
  • A simple song… -2
  • Recite a poem -2
  • Sing some rap -2
  • I want to… -2
  • I see… -2
  • Yawn -2

Rachel Li

Rachel will appear after Selene, again after a few turns. She has an interesting story line if you progress with her.

Positive Choices

  • Give a thermos mug (¥50) +10
  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50) +5
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +5
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50) +5
  • Just do whatever comes to mind +5
  • Give a nice key chain (¥500) +5
  • Talk about new movies +5
  • Talk about your futures +5
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40) +5
  • Because of love… +5
  • Give an autographed picture of hot celebrity (¥50) +2
  • Give a commemorative album (¥130) +2
  • Talk about the newest school books +2
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition +2
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100) +2
  • Talk about sports shoe brands +2
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110) +2
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +2
  • Talk about the latest movies +2
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50) +2
  • Invite them to sing with you +2
  • Praise your own popularity +2
  • Talk about celebrity gossip +2
  • Give a new notebook (¥5) +2
  • Perform coin magic tricks +2
  • I want to say it out loud… +2
  • Talk about a niche movie +2
  • Give a music box (¥120) +2
  • Talk about the weather +2
  • Talk about the past +2
  • Imagine the future +2
  • Show off your IQ +2
  • I want to… +2
  • Dear… +2

Neutral Choices

  • Give a membership card to a high-end gym (¥100)
  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50)
  • Talk about the clothes you’re wearing today
  • Talk about yesterday’s social media posts
  • Talk about the latest celebrity couples
  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70)
  • Give a poem collection (¥50)
  • Talk about new anime series
  • Give superhero cards (¥20)
  • Play rock paper scissors
  • Let’s do brain teasers!
  • Talk about homework
  • Sing some rap!
  • Freestyle rap
  • Yawn
  • If we…
  • Because of love… +5
  • Talk about male clothes -2

Negative Choices

  • Talk about your teachers positions at school -5
  • Talk about the new game’s publishing date -5
  • Gossip about your teachers -5
  • Talk about recent novels -5
  • Think of nicknames for your teachers -2
  • Talk about quotes of your teachers -2
  • Talk about the latest sports cars -2
  • Talk about school legends -2
  • Talk about male clothes -2
  • Imitate celebrity poses -2
  • Talk about onion news -2
  • Try a kabedon on her -2
  • I see… -2

Yeena Tang

Rich girl. Basically give her expensive stuff.

Positive Choices

  • Give a nice key chain (¥500) +15
  • Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +10
  • Talk about latest sports car +10
  • Give a luxury meal voucher (¥50) +8
  • Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100) +8
  • Talk about sports shoe brands +5
  • Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50) +5
  • Talk about male clothes +5
  • Give them an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50) +2
  • Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥50) +2
  • Give a membership to a high end gym (¥100) +2
  • Talk about your teachers positions at school +2
  • Talk about yesterdays’ social media posts +2
  • Talk about skin care products +2
  • Talk about the latest movies +2
  • Talk about celebrity gossip +2
  • Talk about school legends +2
  • Give a new notebook (¥5) +2
  • Talk about school gossip +2
  • Let’s do brain teasers! +2
  • Give a yo-yo (¥40) +2
  • Tell Jokes +2

Neutral Choices

  • Give a commemorative album (¥130)
  • Talk about the newest school books
  • Give an acne treatment pack (¥70)
  • Give eight treasure porridge (¥90)
  • Talk about the latest art exhibition
  • Give a sports bracelet (¥110)
  • Give superhero cards (¥20)
  • Praise your own popularity
  • Give a thermos mug (¥50)
  • Speak ill of your enemies
  • Talk about sports gossip
  • Give a music box (¥120)
  • Talk about the weather
  • Talk about your futures
  • Talk about new games
  • Talk about the past
  • Imagine the future
  • Show off your IQ
  • Sing some rap

Negative Choices

  • Give the latest school exercise book (¥50) -5
  • Talk about filial respect -5
  • Talk about study efficiency and methods -2
  • Give a poem collection (¥50) -2
  • Talk about recent novels -2
  • Talk about homework -2
  • Recite a poem -2
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Yori Qin

    Positive choices:
    Recite a poem +12
    Let’s do brain teasers! +5
    Dear… +5
    Talk about onion news +2
    I see… +2

    Neutral choices:
    Let’s talk about our favorite anime director.
    Give figurine (¥80)
    The series Anway likes.
    Play rock paper scissors
    Discuss life.
    Perform coin magic tricks
    I’m not afraid…

    Negative choices:
    Just do whatever comes to mind. -5
    If we… -3
    Think of nicknames for your teachers -2
    Imitate celebrity poses -2
    You say you’re… -2
    How about something to show you my chuunibyou side. -2

  2. Henrietta Zhang

    Positive choices:
    Try to make a move on her +10
    Imitate celebrity poses +5
    Talk about new movies +5
    Talk about yesterday’s social media posts +2
    Give unflattering Boyonce photo (¥100) +2
    How about… +2

    Neutral choices:
    Talk about luxury products
    Show your “collection”.
    I’m not afraid…
    A simple song…

    Negative choices:
    Talk about the new game’s publishing date -2
    Talk about quotes of your teachers -2
    Think of nicknames for your teachers -2
    I want to say it out loud… -2
    You say you’re… -2
    I see… -2

    Selene Wang

    Positive choices:
    Talk about luxury products +5
    Talk about recent novels +2
    If we… +5

    Neutral choices:
    Talk about filial respect

    Negative choices:
    Talk about the new game’s publishing date -2
    Talk about study efficiency and methods -2

  3. Rachel Li

    Positive choices:
    You say you’re… +2
    A simple song… +2
    You are… +2

    Neutral choices:
    A simple song…

    Negative choices:
    The series Anway likes. -5
    Show your “collection” -3
    Invite her to come home with you -2
    Recite a poem -2

    Yeena Tang

    Positive choices:
    Play party king (flying chess) +2
    Imitate celebrity poses +2
    Let’s do brain teasers! +2

    Neutral choices:
    Talk about the latest celebrity couples
    Invite her to come home with you
    Invite them to sing with you
    Speak ill of your enemies
    Perform coin magic tricks
    Talk about the past
    I want to…

    Negative choices:
    Try to make a move on her -5
    Give anime merchandise (¥45) -5
    Talk about recent novels -3
    Give unflattering Boyonce picture (¥100) -2
    Catch some of them••• -2

  4. Fanny Su

    Positive choices:
    Let’s talk about plots of anime series +5
    Give superhero cards (¥20) +5
    Talk about onion news +5
    What’s all this red goo? +5
    Catch some of them••• +5
    I see… +3
    Invite them to volunteer with you +2
    Perform coin magic tricks +2
    Give a nice key chain (¥500) +2
    Talk about recent novels +2
    Discuss life +2
    I want to say it out loud… +2
    Because of love… +2
    How about… +2
    I want to… +2

    Neutral choices:
    Invite them to sing with you
    Speak ill of your enemies
    Give a poem collection (¥50)
    Talk about new movies

    Negative choices:
    Give expensive lipstick (¥80) -5
    A simple song… -5
    You are… -5
    Talk about your teachers’ position at school -2
    Play rock paper scissors -2
    Sing some rap -2
    You say you’re… -2
    If we… -2

  5. Some of the 5+ positive options for Danny:
    Give a Karaoke ticket (¥50)
    Give a thermos mug (¥50)
    Give eight treasure porridge (¥90)
    How about…
    Imagine the future
    Invite her to come home with you
    Talk about filial respect

  6. [Part 3 of 3]

    Give anime merchandise (¥45) -2
    Give superhero cards (¥20) -2
    Talk about e-sport players -2
    Talk about school gossip -2
    Talk about new anime series -2
    Talk about sports gossip -2
    Think of nicknames for your teachers -2
    Let’s talk about our favorite voice actors. -2
    Praise your own popularity -2
    Just do whatever comes to mind -2
    Deadly notes… -2
    You are… -2
    Talk about the latest celebrity couples -5
    Talk about the new game’s publishing date -5
    Talk about sports shoe brands -5
    Talk about new games -5
    Talk about your teacher’s positions at school -5
    Gossip about your teachers -5
    Show off your IQ -5
    Speak ill of your enemies -5
    How about something to show my chuunibyou side. -5
    Yawn -5
    Give a hundred RMB bill (¥100) -10

  7. [Part 2 of 3]

    Talk about the newest school books +2
    Talk about homework +2
    Talk about the latest movies +2
    Talk about new movies +2
    Talk about disco dance moves +2
    Imitate celebrity poses +2
    Show your “collection.” +2
    Freestyle rap +2
    I want to say it out loud… +2
    I want to… +2
    I see… +2
    If we… +2
    Dear… +2

    Give unflattering Beyoncé photo (¥100) 0
    Give a sports bracelet (¥110) 0
    Give an acne treatment pack (¥70) 0
    Give a poem collection (¥50) 0
    Give a yo-yo (¥40) 0
    Talk about the latest sports cars 0
    Talk about onion news 0
    Talk about recent novels 0
    Talk about the latest art exhibition 0
    Talk about a niche movie 0
    Talk about luxury products 0
    Talk about school legends 0
    The series Anyway likes. 0
    Play party king (flying chess) 0
    Because of love… 0
    A simple song… 0

  8. [Part 1 of 3]

    Danny (Update):

    Talk about your futures +10
    Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +8
    Give a karaoke ticket (¥50) +8
    Give eight treasure porridge (¥90) +8
    Discuss life. +8
    Imagine the future +8
    Give a thermos mug (¥50) +5
    Talk about celebrity gossip +5
    Talk about the past +5
    Talk about the clothes you’re wearing today +5
    Invite her to come home with you +5
    Invite them to work as a volunteer with you +5
    Give a membership card to a high-end gym (¥100) +3
    Give a music box (¥120) +3
    Talk about male clothes +3
    Talk about yesterday’s social media posts +3
    Talk about skin care products +3
    Tell jokes +3
    Invite them to sing with you +3
    I’m not afraid… +3
    How about… +3
    Give a nice key chain (¥500) +2
    Give an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50) +2
    Give a luxury meal voucher (¥60) +2
    Give a one-time Japanese print club picture (¥30) +2
    Give a new notebook (¥5) +2

  9. Danny:

    Give expensive lipstick (¥80) +8
    Give a karaoke ticket (¥50) +8
    Give a thermos mug (¥50) +5
    Invite her to come home with you +5
    Freestyle rap +2
    Talk about the newest school books +2
    Give an autographed picture of a hot celebrity (¥50) +2
    Talk about homework +2

    Talk about the latest sports cars 0
    Talk about onion news 0
    Talk about recent novels 0
    Give unflattering Beyoncé photo (¥100) 0
    Talk about the latest art exhibition 0

    Give anime merchandise (¥45) -2
    Talk about e-sport players -2
    Talk about the latest celebrity couples -5
    Show off your IQ -5

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