A guide to all the collectibles in They Are Billions.
Other They Are Billions Guides:
- Gameplay Tips.
- How to Win in 80 Days.
- Hero / Tactical Campaign Missions Guide.
- How to Beat the Fourth Map on 100 Days.
Hello, this is a guide to show the location of collectibles in the hero campaign missions.
The Last Bunker
This Video Shows the locations of all of the items.
Here is an overview of where all the items are (red circles) for those who prefer text guides.
And close ups of each of the rooms.
That is all 14 of the collectibles from The Last Bunker mission and the mission objective box.
Alpha Communications Center
This Video Shows the locations of all of the items in The Alpha Communications Center.
The overview of where all the items are (red circles).
Close ups of each room.
All 23 items including consumables. And 1 objective completion item for the Alpha Comm Center.
The Weapons Factory
This Video Shows the locations of all of the items in The Weapons Factory
(some items may be in different locations due to a few of the minor items being randomly generated).
An overview of the level (warning some items may be randomised and may not yet be added to the guide).
And close ups of each of the sections.
Some items may be in different locations due to a few of the minor items being randomly generated.
That is one possible configuration of the collectibles and consumables, some items will always be in the same place but others could be different for you. if you have found an item you would like adding to the map please post bellow.
The Foundry
The video showing where collectables can be found in the foundry.
The overview of the foundry level.
And close ups of each of the area’s.
Items may be randomised, all items that are randomised will be added when found.
The Gamma Medical Center
Video showing where collectables can be found in the Gamma Medical Center.
Overview of the gamma medical center. (Red circles are pick up-able items.)
Close ups of each part.
Some items have randomly generated positions and will be added as they are found.
Hydra Power Plant
Video Showing Where collectables can be found on the hydra power plant level.
An overview of the level (red circles are the collectables / consumables).
And close ups of each of the area’s.
The Prison
Video showing where collectables can be found.
Overview of the level. (red circles are items that can be picked up).
Close ups of each section.
Some items are randomly generated and will be added to the guide as they are found.
The Omicron Laboratory
Video Showing where items can be found in Omicron Laboratory.
Overview of the level (pickups circled in red).
And close ups of the area.
Some items are randomly generated and will be marked on the map as they are found.
The Steel Fortress
Video Showing where collectables can be found.
Overview of the level (items marked by red circles).
Close ups of each area.
Some items are randomised and will be added as they are found.
Phoenix Project
Video Showing Where Collectibles can be found.
Overview Of the level, (red circles above items).
Close ups of each area.
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