Monster Sanctuary – Monster and Chest Location Guide

Map exploration order based on Monster Journal.

Mountain Path (1-20)

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1.(3x Blob)
1A.Require DoubleJump.[Large Shield]
2.(2x Blob,1x Magmapillar)(2x Magmapillar,1x Rocky)
3.[Cestus][Kunai]..[Hide]-TopRight.Flying or SummonRock
[Vital Ring]-BottomRight.BreakWall
4.(2x Blob,1x Vaero)
5.[Bracelet][Gauntlet][2x Copper]
5A.Require DoubleJump + Flying or SummonRock.(3x Manticorb).[Harp]
6.(3x Vaero).[Diadem]-Flying.
7.(2x Magmapillar,1x Rocky)(2x Blob,1x Rocky).[Morning Star][Orb]
8.*Teleporter Stone*.[Impact Ring][3x Phoenix Tear]..[Red Gem][150 G]-Cut or Burn the Vines.
9.(3x Rocky).[Bandana]..[Skill Resetter]-Break Wall
10.(3x Magmapillar)..(3x Catzerker)[Walnut]-Vines.
11.(2x Blob,1x Catzerker).[Crit Ring]
12.[3x Smoke Bomb][100 G]
12B.Require BlobForm.[Shift Stone]
13.(2x Yowie,1x Vaero)
14.[Tome][2x Potion]
15.(2x Yowie,1x Catzerker).[Shell][Ribbon]..[Gauntlet+3]-TopLeft.Require DoubleJump + Flying.
16.*Old Buran's Battle*.\\Champion Steam Golem//
17.\\Champion Monk//.[Sustain Ring]
18.[Ocarina][Wizard Hat]..[Pandora's Box]-BottomLeft.FireOrb
.....[2x Potion]-BottomRight.WaterOrb
19.(2x Catzerker,1x Magmapillar)
20.(2x Vaero,1x Catzerker)

Keeper’s Stronghold (21-32)

23.*Information on Battle Rating*.[Hide+1]
26.*Teleporter Stone*.*Monster Keeper*-Donate Egg for Reward.
27.*Blacksmith*.*Material Shop*-Appear later.
31.*Home*-Talk to Father for rewards everytime you raise your Keeper Rank.
32.[Skill Resetter][Cape]

Keeper’s Tower

Hall.*Teleporter Stone*
CC.Champion Challenge-Re-fight Boss to get their egg
DC.Duel Circle(Keeper Novice)
IA.Infinity Arena(Keeper Seeker)
OA. Online Arena(Keeper Lancer)
SP.Sacred Place(Keeper Master)-Allow you to gather all Spectral Familiar.
[Mega Potion][Shift Stone]-Secret Vision.
[Infinity Flame]-Defeat your familiar.

Blue Caves (33-61)

``From now on, Tanuki has 3% chance of appearing.
33.*Will,Leonard*.(2x Tengu,1x Grummy)
35.[Blue Cave Key][250 G]..[Bracelet+1]-BottomRight.Break Wall
36.*Switch*.(2x Grummy,1x Tengu)
``Left Switch UP 2 times if you have flying.
``Left UP 3, Middle UP 1, Right DOWN 1 if you don't have flying.
37.(3x Tengu)(2x Fungi,1x Grummy).[Katar]
39.(3x Fungi).[Vital Ring+1]
39A.BreakWall.[Vital Ring+2]
40.*Leonard*.(2x Fungi,1x Tengu).[Red Gem][Cestus+1]
41.*Teleporter Stone*..[Shell+2]-MiddleLeft.Flying and Vines.
42.(2x Fungi,1x Monk)
43.Flying or Summon Rock to reach <44>, if you don't have it, come back later after you obtain DoubleJump.
44.[Blue Cave Key][Sustain Ring+2]
45.(2x Monk,1x Grummy).[Blue Cave Key][Green Gem]
46.(2x Monk,1x Frosty).[Belt+2]
46A.Require DoubleJump.[Hazelnut][Bronze]
47.[Level Badge]
47A.Require SummonBigRock.[Blood Vessel]
48.(2x Frosty,1x Tengu).[Double Jump Boots]
49.[4x Copper][3x Cotton]
50.*Alchemist,Will,Leonard*.\\Champion Minitaur//
51.(3x Frosty)
53.(2x Tengu,1x Grummy)
54.[Pear][2x Level Badge]
55A.Require ImproveSwimming.[Crystal Shard][Shift Stone]
56.(2x Frosty,1x Monk)
57A.Dark Room.[Diadem+3]
58A.Require Levitate.[2x Reward Box lvl 3][2x Craft Box]
59.(2x Monk,1x Grummy)..[Coat+2]-BottomLeft.Summon Rock and Tackle
[Shift Stone]-BottomRight.Require Swimming
60.*Bex*..[Tome+3]-Require EarthOrb
.....[3x Combo Potion]-Require LightningOrb
61.\\Champion Specter//.[Medallion]
``Go left to open the path to Mountain Path.

``Meet Will at Keeper's Stronghold <29>, after that go fight him at Keeper's Tower Duel Circle.

Stronghold Dungeon (62-93)

63.*Jail Keeper*.[Grapes]...[Crystal Shard]-TopLeft.Summon Rock at the BottomRight.
63A.MiddleRight Room BreakWall.[Katana]
64.(2x Crackle Knight,1x Grummy)
66.(2x Nightwing,1x Crackle Knight)
68.(2x Crackle Knight,1x Nightwing).[2x Bronze]
69.[Mass Potion]-LightningOrb
69A.TopLeft of <69>.[500 G]
70.(1x G'rulu,2x Grummy)...[2x Iron]-Tackle...[Blue Gem]-TopLeft.BreakWall
72.(2x G'rulu,1x Grummy).``Go left to open the path to Blue Cave.
73.(2x G'rulu,1x Crackle Knight)
74.*Switch for <75>*
75.(2x Mad Eye,1x Crackle Knight)..[2x Iron]-TopRight.Flying
76.[Mass Potion]..[Morning Star+2]-MiddleRight.Flying
77.*Teleporter Stone*,(2x Mad Eye,1x G'rulu)
77A.[Skill Resetter]
78.(3x Mad Eye)
78A.Jump into the Dark spot at the MiddleRight.[Skill Potion]
78B.[Red Gem][Blue Gem][Green Gem]...[Shift Stone]-Require SummonBigRock
78C.\\Champion Aezerach//-Require Key Item "Ahrimaaya" which you can get by talking to Trevisan at <77> after you clear the game.
79.(2x Toxiquus,1x Mad Eye).[Corn][Gauntlet+2]
81.*Blob Monument*.[Stronghold Dungeon Key][Stronghold Dungeon Key]
82.(3x Toxiquus).[Drum]
83. *require mount to go through right side*
84.[Wizard Hat+2]
``Operate Switch counting from the right 2`3`2`4`2`3`5`1`2`3`4
88.*Will*.\\Champion Beetloid//
90.[Red Gem]-TopRight.Dark
90A.[3x Reward Box lvl 1]-BottomLeft.BreakWall multiple times.
.....[Crit Ring+3]-Follow the path on TopLeft.
91.(3x G'rulu)...[Green Gem]-TopLeft.Tackle
92.(2x Toxiquus,1x Mad Eye)
93.*Vallalar's Battle*.*Will,Chymes*
93A.Require BlobForm.[2x Reward Box lvl 3][Tome+5]

``Meet Will at Keeper's Stronghold <29>, after that go to <68> and onto new area.

Ancient Woods (94-125)

94.(Magmamoth,Magmapillar,Druid Oak).[Grapes]
96.(2x Druid Oak,1x Magmamoth).[Green Gem]
97.[2x Level Badge]
97A.BreakWall.[Sustain Ring+3]
98.(2x Nightwing,1x Molebear).[Hazelnut]
99.[Corn]-Break Wall
101.(Magmamoth,Molebear,Druid Oak)(2x Magmamoth,1x Druid Oak).[Red Gem][2x Iron]
102.(2x Magmamoth,1x Magmapillar)
103.*Tree of Evolution*.*Teleporter Stone*.*Merchant*.*Name Changer*.[Ancient Woods Key]
104.[2x Wool][Ancient Woods Key][Tome+2]
``Switch Order: Blue`Red`Blue`Red(Right)`Blue`Green`Blue`Red`Blue`Red(for the chest)`Same Red(after chest)`Green`Green(right)`Red`Green(right)`Blue(bottom)`Yellow`Blue`Green`Red.
105.(3x Molebear)....[2x Iron]-TopLeft.Flying....[2x Wool]-BottomRight.Vines
105A.BreakWall.[2x Mass Antidote]
107.(2x Nightwing,1x Molebear)
107A.Break MiddleRight Wall.[2x Level Badge]...[2000 G]-BottomRight.Require ImprovedFlying.
Deep Ancient Woods(D1).(3x Troll)
D2.(2x Argiope,1x Troll).[Craft Box]-TopLeft
D3.\\Champion Brutus//
D4.(2x Troll,1x Glowfly).``Break Wall at Right.
D5.[Morning Star+4]
108.[2x Level Badge][2x Combo Potion]
110.(2x Molebear,1x Nightwing).[Cocoon].``Top Pillar can be break.
112.(3x Druid Oak)
113.(2x Goblin Hood,1x Goblin Brute)(2x Goblin Warlock,1x Goblin Hood).[500 G]
114.*Alchemist Ostanes's Battle*.*Julia*.(2x Goblin Hood,1x Goblin Warlock)
.....[Claw+2]-Access from TopRight of <115>.
115.(2x Goblin Hood,1x Goblin Brute)...[2x Hazelnut]-BottomRight.LightningOrb
116A.Dark Room.[2x Bronze]
117.(2x Glowfly,1x Nightwing)(2x Glowfly,1x Molebear)
117A.Dark Room.(3x Glowfly).[Crystal Shard][Blue Gem]
117B.Light Torch.[2x Potion][Skill Potion]
119.(2x Goblin Warlock,1x Goblin Brute)
120.[Ancient Woods Key]
121.(1x Goblin Brute,Warlock,Hood)
122.*Ostanes,Julia*.\\Champion Goblin King//.[400 G][Cape+3]
123.(2x Goblin Brute,1x Goblin Warlock).[2x Smoke Bomb]
125.\\Champion Raduga//
125A.Require ImprovedFlying.[2x Craft Box][Skill Potion]...[Lightning Sphere]-Top.Require Grapple.

``Go to Dungeon's Jail <63> and talk to Eric.
``Now head toward Mountain Path <12> and head left for new area.

Snowy Peaks (126-154)

126.DoubleJump and Flying.
127.(3x Yowie).[Mana Ring+3]
128.*Old Buran*
129.(2x Ice Blob,1x Yowie).[Strawberry]-BottomLeft.Break Wall
130.(2x Mogwai,1x Yowie)(2x Ice Blob,1x Mogwai).[Blue Gem][Red Gem][2x Hazelnut]
130A.BreakWall.[2x Wool].[Hide+3]-TopRight.Flying
......[Corn]-MiddleRight.Below the Switch
132.(3x Mogwai).[Green Gem]
133.(2x Caraglow,1x Mogwai)
133A.BreakWall.Dark Room.[Skill Potion]
134.(2x Ice Blob,1x Caraglow)...[Almond]-TopRight.Flying
135.(2x Ice Blob,1x Crystal Snail).[2x Iron]...[2x Leather]-BottomRight.IceOrb
136.(2x Crystal Snail,1x Mogwai).[Verdant Gem]-Top.EarthOrb
136A.Require Crush.(3x Targoat).[Bronze][Silver]
136B.\\Champion Dracozul//
137.*Teleporter Stone*
138A.*Lady Stasis*-Change Dodo Egg into Shockhopper Egg.
139.(3x Aurumtail).[Mass Antidote]
140.[2x Mango]-Distance IceOrb
140A.(2x Mogwai,1x Caraglow).[Bandana+3]
141.(2x Aurumtail,1x Crystal Snail)
142.(2x Caraglow,1x Aurumtail)
143.[Leather]..[Crimson Gem]-Middle.Break Wall ...[5000 G]-TopLeft.Require Secret Vision
145.(Megataur,Caraglow,Crystal Snail).[Skill Resetter]...[Azure Gem]-TopLeft.Flying
146.*Clothes Maker*-Raw Hide for Warm Underwear(Key Item), Carrot for Winter Shard.
147.(2x Megataur,1x Crystal Snail).[Strawberry]-LightningOrb
148.[Level Badge].[Helmet+3]-TopRight.BreakWall
149.(Caraglow,Megataur,Aurumtail).[Almond][2x Iron][Orb+3]
``There is a ground switch at MiddleLeft.
149A.Require Warm Underwear.[Carrot,Claws+3]
``You need to get through the first part blindly with flying.
150.[Raw Hide].[Wizard Hat+3]-WaterOrb
``Break BottomLeft Wall to <151>
151.[Combo Potion][2x Wool][Level Badge]
``Go back to Clothes Maker to get Warm Underwear. Then go to <137>.
152A.Require Swimming.(2x Megataur,1x Aurumtail).[Shift Stone][Skill Potion]
153.*Oracle*.\\Champion Akhlut//.[Carrot]
154.[Verdant Gem]-MiddleRight.BreakWall

Sun Palace (155-185)

``Tanuki has 15% chance to appear in this place instead of 3% chance.
155.*Caretaker*.(3x Imori)(2x Blade Widow,1x Imori).[Azure Gem][Verdant Gem]
156.(2x Imori,1x Ninki Nanka).[Sun Stone]-TopRight.Flying
158.*Caretaker*.*Teleporter Stone*
159.(2x Vasuki,1x Ninki Nanka).[Cestus+3].WaterOrb.TimeSwitch
160.(2x Vasuki,1x Blade Widow)(2x Ninki Nanka,1x Vasuki).[2x Almond].
.....[Crimson Gem]-MiddleLeft.SummonRock
161.(3x Blade Widow).[2x Wool].
161A.(2x Vasuki,1x Blade Widow).[Red Gem][Blue Gem][Green Gem]-EarthOrb
161B.Require Secret Vision.\\Champion Diavola//
164.(2x Imori,1x Ninki Nanka)..[2x Leather]-Distance FireOrb...[Bandana+4]-Distance IceOrb
165.*Switch to Raise Tower*
``From Left to Right, Pull the 2nd,3rd and 5th switch.
166.*Switch for Water Drain*
167.[Carrot][2xIron][Level Badge][Phoenix Tear]
``Pull BottomRight Switch to proceed.
168.(2x Kame,1x Vasuki)
169.(2x Kame,1x Sycophantom).[Level Badge]
169A.After 2nd Water Drain, Time Switch with Mount.*Blob Monument*.[Crystal Shard][Vital Ring+4]
``Break the Wall at BottomRight and Tackle Block on the Switch.
170.(3x Sycophantom)
171.[Crimson Gem]-TopLeft.TimeSwitch
172.(2x Sycophantom,1x Kame)
173.``Focus on Right Switch first, and then Left, then pull the switch at TopRight.
174.(3x Ninki Nanka).\\Champion Qilin//.*Switch to Raise Tower*
175.*Switch for 2nd Water Drain*.[Skill Potion]
176.[Reward Box lvl 1]
177.[2x Smoke Bomb]-Middle.Tackle
177A.Require Swimming.[2x Level Badge][Switch Stone]-TimeSwitch
178.(2x Kame,1x Imori)
179A.Break BottomRight Wall.[2x Mango][Bronze]
178B.Require Grapple at the Top of <179>.[Shuriken+5]
180.[Skill Resetter][Monster Bell].[Switch Stone]-BottomLeft.Require Swimming
181.(2x Blade Widow,1x Ninki Nanka).*Switch to Raise Tower*
183.*Ignite the Pipe*.\\Champion Kanko//
185.*Zosimos's Battle*

``Go to Ancient Woods <125> for new area.

Horizon Beach (186-218)

186.*Monster Keeper*.*Teleporter Stone*
187.[Level Badge]
188.(2x Ucan,1x Vaera)(2x Dodo,1x Ucan)
189.(2x Dodo,1x Vaero).[Rare Seashell]-Require ImprovedFlying
.....[Shift Stone]-TopLeft. Require ImprovedFlying
190.*Leonard*.[Reward Box lvl 2]
191.(2x Brawlish,1x Ucan)
192.*Julia*.*Old Man by the Sea*-Memorial Ring for Reward Box lvl 2.(2x Brawlish,1x Toxiquus)
.....[Belt+4]-BottomLeft.Require ImproveSwimming
193.[Level Badge].[Rare Seashell]-BottomLeft.Require ImproveSwimming
194.(2x Thornish,1x Koi)(2x Koi,1x Thornish).[Crystal Shard].[Big Potion]-MiddleLeft.BreakWall
195.(2x Ucan,1x Dodo)(2x Silvaero,1x Vaero).[2x Monster Bell][Crit Ring+4]
``You can reach top part of the map by stepping on the wooden gate that you open.
196.(2x Thornish,1x Brawlish).[Skill Potion][Crimson Gem]-Bottom.ImproveSwimming
197.[Azure Gem]-TopRight.IceOrb and Tackle
.....[Rare Seashell]-BottomRight.TimeSwitch
198.[Level Badge]
199.*Teleporter Stone*.(2x Kongamato,1x Dodo).[Verdant Gem]
200.(2x Thornish,1x Ucan)(2x Kongamato,1x Vaero).[Bronze][Reward Box lvl 2][2x Smoke Bomb]
.....[Shell+4]-MiddleLeft.Jump with Swimming...[1000 G]-MiddleLeft.Break Wall
200A.Require BlobForm.[Mega Potion]
200B.\\Champion Vodinoy//.[Sapphire][Shift Stone]
201.(2x Kongamato,1x Silvaero).[Carrot][Gauntlet+4]
203.*Bex*.[Silver Feather]``Can use to evolve Vaera to get ImprovedFlying.
.....[Skill Potion]-Right.ImprovedFlying
204.*Fisherman*-5 Rare Seashell for Fishing Rod(Weapon).[Reward Box lvl 2]
205.[Rare Seashell]
206.(2x Brawlish,1x Nautilid)
207.(2x Nautilid,1x Toxiquus)
208.[Azure Gem][Diadem+4]
211.[Phoenix Tear]
212.(2x Ucan,1x Brawlish)
``Go back to <209>.
214.(2x Nautilid,1x Thornish)
215.[Rare Seashell]
215A.Jump through the top.
215B.[Moon Sword]
216.[Memorial Ring].``You can read the book here.
217.(3x Nautilid).[2x Combo Potion]
218.*Julia, Leonard*.*Julia's Battle*.\\Champion Elderjel//.[Sanctuary Token][2000 G]

Magma Chamber (219 – 259)

220.*Goblin Trader*
221.(2x Goblin Miner,1x Glowdra).[Level Badge]
222.[Gray Pearl]-Middle.Crush
223.(Goblin Miner,Glowdra,Glowfly)
224.*Stone Monument*
225.*Teleporter Stone*
``Go Keeper's Stronghold <29> to find Will and he will go to <224>, talk to him there.
226.[Raw Hide].``Top will lead to Ancient Woods.
228.[Verdant Gem]
229.*Bex Fight*
230.(2x Goblin Miner,1x Salahammer).[2x Steel]
232.(2x Goblin Miner,1x Draconov)
233.[2x Mass Potion].[Skill Potion]-TopLeft.BreakWall
235.(2x Glowdra,1x Glowfly).[2x Almond]
237.*Wanderer*.*Blob Monument*
238.[2x Bronze] , *Require mount to go through left side*
239.(2x Salahammer,1x Lava Blob)
240.(2x Draconov,1x Glowdra).[Volcanic Ash]-BottomRight.ImprovedFlying
241.[Runestone Shard]``Go back and talk to Will at <224>.
243.[1000 G]-BottomLeft.BreakWall
243A.Require SecretVision.[2x Mega Potion][2x Reward Box lvl 4]
244.(3x Lava Blob)
245.(2x Draconov,1x Dracogran).[Bracer+4]-BottomRight.ImproveFlying
246.(2x Dracogran,1x Draconov).[Magma Chamber Key]
247.(Lava Blob,Salahammer,Draconov).[Azure Gem]
248.[2x Silver]-Crush
249.(2x Lava Blob,1x Salahammer).[Crimson Gem][Silk]
250.*Rhazes's Battle*.*Will*.``Rhaze will become Item Shop later, also sell Plague Egg(Monster).
252.[Silver].``Open Path connected to <222>.
253.[Raw Hide]
254.(2x Salahammer,1x Lava Blob).[2x Steel].[Omni Ring]-TopRight.SummonRock and Mount.
255.(2x Lava Blob,1x Dracogran).[Needle+4]
255A.Require Levitate.\\Champion Gryphonix//.[Craft Box][Skill Potion]
256.[2x Leather]-Mount
256A.Break Wall.[2x Silver][Raw Hide]
257.(2x Dracogran,1x Draconov)
258.[Staff+4][Silk]``Go top to open path connected to <246>
259.*Will*.\\Champion Asura//.[Sanctuary Token]

``Go to Blue Cave <47> and to new area.

Underworld (260-291)

260.*Eric Fight*
262.(2x Argiope,1x Mega Rock)
263.*Leonard, Julia*.(2x Moccus,1x Mega Rock)...[Peanut]-MiddleTop.ImproveFlying
.....[2x Steel]-TopLeft.ImproveFlying
264.(2x Mega Rock,1x Argiope).[Needle+5]-BottomLeft.Require SummonBigRock
265.(2x Moccus,1x Argiope).[Banana]
266.(2x Moccus,1x Arachlich)
267.[2x Silk]-Switch from <274>.
268.[Crystal Shard]-Top.Grapple...[Mana Ring+5]-TopRight.Tackle and Grapple.
269.(2x Argiope,1x Arachlich).[Underworld Key]
270.[Skill Potion]-Switch from <274>
271.*Switch*.[1000 G]
274.(1x Moccus,Promethean,Arachlich).``Right Switch open path to <270>
``Left Switch Up once, go <267> and get the chest, afterward jump down.
274A.SummonBigRock.(2x Arachlich,1x Promethean).[2x Silver][2x Monster Bell]
275.[2x Silk][Shift Stone].``Switch open path to <269>
``Go back to <274> and pull switch down 3 times, this open up the chest at <270>.
``After getting the chest, pull the switch up 1 times and new path will open at <270>.
276.*Leonard Fight*.(2x Mega Rock,1x Moccus)
277.*Teleporter Stone*.(2x Promethean,1x Mega Rock).
...[Sustain Ring+5]-TopRight.LeftGrapple and ImproveFlying.
``ImprovedFlying Switch at Left to open path.
279.(2x Arachlich,1x Moccus).[Orange].``Ignore the Switch for now
279A.Break the Wall.[Phoenix Serum][Scythe].
``You need to pull the switch from <277>, do this after <282> when you're on the way to <285>
280.(3x Mega Rock).[Phoenix Serum]
280A.Grapper and SummonBigRock.[Level Badge].``Open Path to <169A>
280C.\\Champion Spinner//
281.*Pull the Switch after you pull the switch that's blocked off at <279>*
282.*Pull Switch*
284.(2x Promethean,1x Arachlich)
284A.Require Grapple.[Clear Stone]
284B.Require Switch from <289B>.(3x Promethean).[Wizard Hat+5]
285A.Require BlobForm.[Reward Box lvl 3][Belt+5]
286.*Julia,Vallalar*.(2x Argiope,1x Arachlich)
287.(2x Promethean,1x Argiope).[Big Potion][Helmet+5].``Pull the Switch to lower the pillar.
``Now you can pull <279> left switch and go to the top left.
288.*Don't Pull the Switch*
289.*Leonard*.[Silver].``go bottom to open path to <279>.
``Now go flip the switch of <279>, then go back to <288> through <289> and flip the switch. New path will available at <283>.
289B.[Switch Stone],*Pull Switch for Grapple Access of <284A> to <284B>*
291.*Zosimos*. \\Champion Draconoir//. [Key of Power]

``Go to Stronghold Dungeon <67> and use ImprovedFlying to the <292>

Mystical Workshop (292-314)

292.[Switch Stone]
293A.[Skill Potion]
294.(2x Stolby,1x Steam Golem)
295.(2x Stolby,1x Oculus)
295A.[2x Level Badge].[Ribbon+5]-Crush
295B.SummonRock and Tackle.[Skill Potion][3x Craft Box]
``All switch counting from left to right
`Push block onto 2nd switch
`Push other block onto 1st switch
`Summon rock at 3rd switch and go down
`Push block onto 1st switch
`Push other block to the left so you can jump up.
`Push the right block onto the switch.
`Push the left block onto the switch.
`Summon rock at the switch right next to it, the bottom gate should open.
`Now use the 2 block at the bottom + summon rock on all the three switch.
``Grab the chest and done.
296.(2x Polterofen,1x SteamGolem)
297.*Teleporter Stone*
297A.[Summoned Sword]-Distance FireOrb.
297B.*Trade Golem*.*Bex*.(2x Salahammer,1x Polterofen)
299.*Trevisan*.(2x Ornithopter,1x Oculus).[Phoenix Serum][1500 G][2x Level Badge]
299A.(3x Mimic).[2x Steel].[2x Gold]-Top.Grapple
300.(3x Mimic)(2x Oculus,1x Ornithopter).[2x Silk]
301.(3x Ornithopter)
302.[Mystical Workshop Key].[Feather+5]-Mount.TimeSwitch
303.(2x Polterofen,1x Salahammer).[Craft Box][2x Linen]
``The Switch doesn't reset so I lose track on how to do it.
``What you need to do to get the chest is flip the top right switch, this open the top left switch.
``Then you flip the top left, then back to top right, then the 2 under top left.
305.( Oculus,Steam Golem,Polterofen).[2x Linen]
305A.*Blob Monument*.[Ruby]
307.[Mystical Workshop Key]
308.(2x Ornithopter,1x Oculus)(3x Oculus).[Sapphire][2x Big Potion]
309.[Mimic][Mystical Workshop Key]
310.(2x Polterofen,1x Stolby)(3x Stolby).[Emerald]
311.*Trevisan*.\\Champion Goblin Pilot//.[Banana]
311A.*Giant Clock*.Set Clock to 11:05.\\Champion Vertraag//
``Trevison at Stronghold Dungeon's Teleporter Stone after you clear the game will give you tips on this.
311B.Set Clock to 09:00.[3000 G].[Shift Stone]...[2x Gold]-Require Levitate.
``This is hinted at <306>,
313.*Trevisan*.``Flip the switch and go to <297> for new area.
314.[3x Smoke Bomb].*Will Fight*

Abandoned Tower (315-339)

315.*Will,Julia,Leonard,Jail Keeper*
317.(2x Sutsune,Thanatos).[2x Ruby]-BottomLeft.WaterOrb
319.(2x Thanatos,1x Beetloid).[Shell+5]-TopRight.Grapple
320.(2x Specter,1x Sutsune).[Switch Stone]-TopRight.SummonBigRock
321.[Gauntlet+5]-FireOrb. [ShiftStone]-BottomLeft.BreakWall
321A.BreakWall.[2x MegaPotion]
321B.(Sutsune,Thanatos,Qilin).[2x Sapphire]-BottomRight.ImproveFlying
.........[2x Clear Stone]-TopLeft.Fake Wall, just walk through it.
321C.Require BlobForm.[Phoenix Serum][2x Craft Box]
322.*Will*.(Sutsune,Raduga,Thanatos).[2x Emerald]-SummonRock
323.(2x Darnation,1x Sutsune)
324.[2x Gold]-Crush...[2x Phoenix Serum][3x Linen]-Switch.
``Bottom to open path to <321B>
325.(2x Thanatos,1x Darnation)
326.*Leonard*.[Buckler]-FarRight.Require LoftyMount(Gryphonix)
327.[Skill Potion]-Mount.TimeSwitch
328A.[Shift Stone]-Bottom.ImproveSwimming
329.*Alchemists's Battle*.*Julia*
330.*Julia*.[2x Level Badge]
330A.[3x Steel].[3x Silk]-Ignite Torch
331.*Teleporter Stone*.(Qilin,Darnation,Raduga).[3x Skill Resetter]
332.*Zosimos's Battle*
334.(2x Sutsune,1x Beetloid).[2x Craft Box]-EarthOrb
335.[Switch Stone]
336A.[Restoring Wand]-Secret Vision
337.(3x Darnation)
337A.[2500 G][Shift Stone]-Right.BreakWall
338.*Chymes's Battle*
339.*Marduk's Battle*.\\Champion Mad Lord//

``For Next Location, talk to Wanderer at Magma Chamber <237>, then battle Old Buran at Mountain Path <16>, after that you will get Blob Key.
``Trigger all 3 Blob Monument at Stronghold Dungeon<81> ,Sun Palace<169A> and Mystical Workshop<305A>.
``New path will open at Magma Chamber <237>.

Blob Burg (340-355)

340.(Blob,Ice Blob,Lava Blob)
341.(Rainbow Blob,Blob,Ice Blob).[Linen]
342A.BlobForm.[2x Cookie Mushroom]
342.(2x Rainbow Blob,1x Lava Blob).[Ruby]
343.[2x Steel]
344.(Rainbow Blob,Ice Blob,Changeling).[Phoenix Serum][2x Linen]
346.(3x Rainbow Blob).[Gold]
347.(2x Changeling,1x Blob).[Emerald]
348.*Teleporter Stone*.[Craft Box]
349.(2x Changeling,1x Lava Blob)
350.[Skill Potion]-TopLeft.ImproveFlying...[Switch Stone]-BottomRight.Swimming
.......[Mega Potion]-Require Levitate.
351.(3x Changeling),[2x Linen][2x Mass Antidote].[Shift Stone]-BottomLeft.ImproveSwimming
353.(2x Rainbow Blob,1x Changeling)
354.\\Champion King Blob//. [Slime Skin]
355.(3x Worm)(3x Worm).[Fang+5]...[Hexing Rod]-TopRight.SecretVision.

Monster Evolution

The wild evolve form will only drop egg of their pre-evolution, so something like G’rulu will drop egg of Grummy instead, this is also the only way to get Ninki, as there is no wild Ninki, only wild Ninki Nanka.

  • `Magical Clay (Ninki > Ninki Nanka)- Obtain from the Girl at Tree of Evolution.
  • `Stardust (Grummy > G’rulu)- Obtain as a Rare Drop from G’rulu or Sycophantom.
  • `Cocoon (Magmapillar > Magmamoth)- Obtain at Ancient Woods <110>.
  • `Shard of Winter (Minitaur > Megataur)- Obtain from Clothes Maker at Snowy Peaks <146>.
  • `Sun Stone (Crackle Knight > Sizzle Knight)- Obtain at Sun Palace <156>.
  • `Silver Feather (Vaero > Silvaero)- Obtain from Bex at Horizon Beach <203>.
  • `Volcanic Ash (Glowfly > Glowdra)- Obtain at Magma Chamber <240>.
  • `Fire Stone (Draconov > Dracogran)- Obtain as Rare Drop from Dracogran.
  • `Giant Seed (Rocky > Mega Rock)- Obtain as Rare Drop from Mega Rock.
  • `Dark Stone (Draconov > Dragonoir)- Obtain from Dragonoir at 5 Star Rating.
  • `Ice Stone (Draconov > Dracozul)- Obtain from Draconov at 5 Star Rating.
  • `Demonic Pact (Mad Eye > Mad Lord)- Obtain from Mad Lord at 5 Star Rating.
  • `Majestic Crown (Any Blob > King Blob)- Obtain from King Blob at 5 Star Rating.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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