I personally ran through almost all the items you can give each girl so you don’t have to!
The Art of Gifting
So the gifts ranges are as follows, along with points they give on challenge mode (assume that each value is doubled for easy mode).
- Preferred (+15)
- Liked (+9)
- Okay (+4)
- meh (+1)
- Hate (none)
This list is still not entirely comprehensive but it details all you really need to know about what you need to gift each girl!
All girls usually have 2 preferred items except for the two princesses who only have 1!
You can assume that everyone likes all of Serena’s luxury shop items but each girl has 2 luxury items that they’re only okay with
Remember that repeatedly giving the same item to a girl usually has diminishing returns on love points (usually half of the usual), so you need as much variety as you can, especially on challenge mode!
Your stats also play a part in gift giving! Each girl has a stat that they like and you get bonuses equal to half that stat for Okay gifts. On the other hand, you get a bonus equal to that stat when giving out Preferred gifts!
Quick runthrough of each girl’s preferred stat at least for gifts:
- Beatrice: Charm
- Vel: Strength
- Gisselle: Intelligence
- Amy: Intelligence
- Kamala: Strength
The princesses do have 2 +15 items, Beatrice also has Eredille Necklace and Kamala Star Compass.
Amy’s second Bouquet should probably be Friendship Cupcake. Lotus Brooches,
Jewelboxes and Friendship Cupcakes are universal +9 gifts, and Amy doesn’t seem Friendship Cupcake anywhere else on your list.
I have a small suggestion, maybe add a pic of each girl at the top of their column in case readers don’t recall the name.
the philosopher stone up there 200 point and the bonus 120 to all girls.
I have only barely started, but I’m wondering if someone can answer me without spoilers, do gifts gain more affection if given on a birthday? Some other dating sims I’ve played seem to have this mechanic.
giving gifts on birthdays doesn’t seem to have an added effect besides additional dialogue…. but it only triggers when you give them a preferred item
You know, I think it would be very helpful to add a section to this guide that describes how to get each item. But that’s extra work, and totally understandable if you don’t. Just my 2 cents!
Giving the herbal soap to Kamala gives +4 points (not 0 points)
Giving the herbal soap to Kamala gives +1 point.
I’m thinking, maybe this changed after posting, but Beatrice does not prefer the Luxurious Ring. She now like the Cupcake of Friendship as 2nd best gift.