Here you can find a solution for the Date with Pam. All possible Variations are included.
Man of the House Guides:
- All Collectible Location Guide.
- The Cinema Movie Quiz Guide.
- Veronica Date Guide.
- Ashley Date Guide.
- Claire Date Guide.
Preparation and Gameplay
Before you can successfully complete a Date, there are a few things to do.
it’s impossible to finish the Date with one playthrough. You have to switch the Date between the Bar and the Movie option. With each successful date, you get more options on the next try!
For the Bar Date: (get her on a beer)
- Make sure you have $20 in your wallet.
- Make sure you have the right Mood.
- Make sure that you have Flowers in your backpack.
For the Movie Date:
- Make sure you have $30 in your wallet.
- Make sure you have the right Mood.
- Make sure that you have Flowers in your backpack.
Based on the hint, start with the bar.
Date at the Bar
You have to read exactly what Pam wants from you!
Heart 1:
Casual Wave – Hug her
If she smile – Kiss on Cheek
If she wink – Kiss in Lips
Heart 2: The right Mood.
Heart 3: The right Present – Flowers
Heart 4:
- Brewskie – Beer
- Vino – Wine
- Slammer – Tequila
From now on it depends how far you are at her Story and switching between the Dates!
Heart 5: Look at her.
Heart 6: Payback Time
Heart 7 + 8: Mess with her a little
Heart 9: Walk her Home
Heart 10: Invite me in…
Congratulations you finished the Date, enjoy!
Date at the Cinema
You have to read exactly what Pam wants from you!
Heart 1:
- If she timid smile – Give her a Hug
- If she face light up – Kiss her on Cheek
- If she sultry look – Kiss on Lips
Heart 2: The right Mood
Heart 3: The right Present – Flowers
Heart 4: Pick the right Movie
- Revengers Endless War
- Black Tiger
- Aquawomen
From now on it depends how far you are at her Story and switching between the Dates!
Heart 5: Kiss her
Heart 6: Oh, please…
Heart 7 + 8: Actually, why …. exciting
Heart 9: Walk her home
Heart 10: Invite me in…
Congratulations you finished the Date, enjoy!
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