Pine – 100% Achievements and Collectible Guide

Game Related Hints / Tips and Completion Time

Perfection time of the game: about 20hours, but this can be a bit more, depends how much you want to explore.

You can progress a lot in the game before earning the first achievement so don’t be afraid to try it even if you care too much about your AVGC.

Hints / Tips:

After you start the game progress on the quests instead of exploring until you find Grob. His offering rewards for turning in Amphiscus orbs and the first reward for 5 orbs will double your inventory size.

If you badly need a resource and it is a rare one (for example Baegelit) it is better just to stay a good location where there are 2-3 resource can be obtained and wait. Resources respawn every 3-6 minutes, depends on rarity.

Combat against faction enemies sometimes hard, sometimes overhelming as enemies keep coming. Getting loot is sometimes easier if you let 2 factions fight each other and loot up the deads instead fighting by yourself (eventually you can kill the damaged winners too).

Hollow Mountain / Dune Observatory / Ancient Stables Walkthrough

Fast, no commentary walkthrough of all 3 vaults.

  • Hollow mountain start: 0:01
  • Ancient Stables start: 12:24
  • Dune Observatory start: 22:46

Zap Away

Find the Conducting Lantern Outfinding.

Main quest will send you to explore “vaults”. In the one which is located at Telkin Pass you can find the conducting lantern. This item allows you to use the small blue diamond-shaped object which has some lightning effects on it. These object start lifts/elevators/platforms. I believe you see such things already before reaching this part of the game and wondered how to use them:-) You can enter the Vault once upgraded the village at its location.

Location of Telkin Pass:

See Ahead

Find the Scouting Lens Outfinding.

This item is found in Dune Observatory vault.

The main quest will send you to explore “vaults”. In the one which is located at Dry Bay you can find the Scouting Lens Outfinding. This vault is called Dune Observatory. After exploring the first vault you need to do a lot of quests before being able to enter the second vault and the same happens between the second and the third vault.

This item helps you to find secret objectives and items.

Riding Off

Find the Taming Bands Outfinding.

This item found in Ancient Stables vault. Check the video for a fast, goal oriented, no commentary walkthrough.

The main quest will send you to explore “vaults”. In the one which is located at Soggy Woodlands you can find the Taming Bands Outfinding. This vault is called The Ancient Stable. After exploring the first vault you need to do A LOT of quests before being able to enter the second vault and the same happens between the second and the third vault.

The Taming Bands allows you to tame critters. These what the critters are useable for:

  • Alphaphant: You can use these as mount to travel faster without losing energy.
  • Bleeker: The only monster on the island and it is used for combat.
  • Puffle: A tamed small bird can be used as a jumping platform. You can use this pet to reach harder to reach areas, towers, what you can’t enter without this method.
  • Waddletooth: You can find piles around the island:

A tamed waddletooth will dig these piles out for you and these, which providing you some extra items/resources.


Gather all gear created by species.

After the first vault, before the second vault you need to do one quest for each of the faction and so you need to be allied with them once. Use this time to visit Tier C and Tier B village of each faction/race to buy all the required recipes. After the second vault, it requires much more resources to change relationships. Before the third vault, after you beat a very strong enemy on the top of Mt. Telkin during “A Chilling Affair” quest, you will become hostile with all race / faction so this achievement will become impossible if you have not purchased the recipes previously.

You need craft all the faction related gears, these recipes purchasable from faction vendors if you allied with them or found during quests related to those factions. The purchasable recipes also depend on the size of the village.

There might be recipes from Tier A villages too, but crafting the followings unlocked it:

Gobbledew faction:

Feather Sleeves

  • Purchasable at any Gobbledew village if you allied with them.
  • Recipe: 2*Sandstone, 2*Dry Clay, 2*Puffle Feather, 1*Slick Pearl.

Feather Adornment

  • Purchasable at an upgraded Gobbledew village.
  • Recipe: 3*Sandstone, 1*Dry Clay, 4*Puffle Feather, 1*Slick Pearl.

Feather Shinguards

  • Found during the Tomb Gazer storyline quest.
  • Recipe: 1*Sandstone, 3*Dry Clay, 5*Puffle Feather.

Cariblin faction:

Antler Mitts

  • Purchasable at any Cariblin village if you allied with them.
  • Recipe: 4*Solfodil, 3*Lead-Iron, 5*Marrwood, 1*Stiffrope.

Antler Shinguards

  • Purchasable at any Cariblin village if you allied with them.
  • Recipe: 2*Solfodil, 3*Lead-Iron, 4*Marrwood, 1*Stiffrope.

Antler Mask

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Cariblin village.
  • Recipe: 3*Solfodil, 4*Lead-Iron, 6*Marrwood, 2*Stiffrope.

Litter faction

Spitter’s wristguard

  • Purchasable at a Tier C Litter village.
  • Recipe: 1*Spystal, 1*Morrow Hay, 2*Stuffcloth, 5*Dullrock.

Spitter’s legs

  • Purchasable at a Tier C Litter village.
  • Recipe: 1*Spystal, 1*Morrow Hay, 2*Stuffcloth, 3*Dullrock.

Spitter’s Hood

  • Recipe looted automatically during Drool’s Gold storyline quest.
  • Recipe: 2*Spystal, 2*Morrow Hay, 4*Stuffcloth, 3*Dullrock.

Fexel faction

Barrel Mask

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Fexel village.
  • Recipe: 3*Grandcone, 1*Gravel Moss, 1*Stuffcloth, 3*Softglass.

Barrel Boots

  • Purchasable at a Tier C Fexel village.
  • Recipe: 2*Grandcone, 1*Gravel Moss, 1*Stuffcloth, 2*Softglass.

Barrel Gloves

  • Purchasable at a Tier C Fexel village.
  • Recipe: 1*Grandcone, 2*Gravel Moss, 2*Stuffcloth, 2*Softglass.

Krocker Faction

Skull Horns

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Krocker village.
  • Recipe: 3*Alpafant Leather, 5*Toothstone, 2*Stiffrope, 5*Crassbone.

Skull Leg Braces

  • Purchasable at a Tier C Krocker village.
  • Recipe: 4*Alpafant Leather, 2*Toothstone, 1*Stiffrope, 2*Crassbone.

Skull Arm Braces

  • Purchasable at a Tier C Krocker village.
  • Recipe: 3*Alpafant Leather, 2*Toothstone, 1*Stiffrope, 4*Crassbone.


Gather all tools created by species.

You need to collect all recipes and then craft all of the faction weapons. I am 99% sure this achievement bugged right now as only these should be the required items (no more faction related weapon recipes can be purchased or found during quests). 

Gobbledew faction:

Feather bow

  • Purchasable at an upgraded Gobbledew village.
  • Recipe: 2*Sandstone, 3*Dry Clay, 4*Puffle Feather, 1*Lean-Iron.

Feather sickle

  • Purchasable at an upgraded Gobbledew village.
  • Recipe: 3*Sandstone, 5*Dry Clay, 2*Puffle Feather, 3*Lean-Iron.

Cariblin faction

Antler Mace

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Cariblin village.
  • Recipe: 2*Solfodil, 3*Lead-Iron, 5*Crassbone, 4*Stiffrope.

Antler Shield

  • The recipe will be next to a quest item during a storyline quest.
  • Recipe: 5*Marrwood, 2*Crassbone, 2*Stiffrope, 3*Lean-Iron.

Litter faction

Spitter Bow

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Litter village.
  • Recipe: 1*Stuffcloth, 5*Marrwood, 2*Spystal, 2*Stiffrope.

Spitter Axe

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Litter village.
  • Recipe: 2*Stuffcloth, 3*,Spystal, 2*Stiffrope, 7*Marrwood.

Fexel faction

Barrel Shield

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Fexel village.
  • Recipe: 4*Grandcone, 8*Dullrock, 2*Stuffcloth, 1*Softglass.

Barrel Bow

  • Found during the Schnusky”s Bet storyline quest.
  • Recipe: 5*Grandcone, 8*Dullrock, 1*Stuffcloth, 2*Softglass.

Krocker Faction

Skull Shield

  • Purchasable at a Tier B Krocker village.
  • Recipe: 4*Crassbone, 5*Toothstone, 2*Stiffrope, 3*Bleeker Antenne.

Skull Mace

  • Found during “The Trial of the Warrior” storyline quest, on the throne next to the quest item.
  • Recipe: 5*Crassbone, 3*Toothstone, 2*Stiffrope, 4*Bleeker Antenne.


Potion Master

Have every mixture crafted at least once.

Potion recipes can be found at many location. Please share your findings. Once all found i’ll remove all the single location screenshots and I’ll update it with a single map picture with marked locations.

Power Brew

  • This is part of the storyline and will be found at the tower once found Grob and he directed you to there.

Scope Drink

Recipe found at this location:

Vigor Drew

Recipe found at this location:

Tenacity Mixture

Recipe found at this location:

Hop Brew

Recipe found during the Tomb Gazer storyline Gobbledew faction quest. Location (inside a tomb):

Evasion Mixture

The recipe can be found at this location (you need to have the conducting lantern item to reach the platform, it is the item which unlocks the Zap Away achievement):

Clash Mixture

You can get to the recipe either through some jumping platforms or with Hop Brew from the other side. Recipe location:

Stamina Brew

Recipe located at this position:

Tenacity Mixture

Recipe looted automatically during Drool’s Gold storyline quest.

Spurt Mixture

Recipe found during the Schnusky”s Bet storyline quest.

Grob’s Support

Collect and wear the full Beagalite set.

Grob will give you quests for delivering him Amphiscus Orbs. Check orb locations at the appropriate guide part. The first 5 unlocks more inventory slots (from 10 to 20), then the next 25 unlocks even more inventory slots (from 20 to 40).

Next quest: 5 Amphiscus Orbs and 3 Beagalite:

Reward: Beagalite gauntlet.

Next quest: 5 Amphiscus Orbs and 3 Beagalite:

Reward: Beagalite Sabatons

Next Quest: 5 Amphiscus Orbs and 5 Beagalite:

Reward: Beagalite Breeches

Next Quest: 5 Amphiscus Orbs and 8 Beagalite:

Reward: Beagalite Plates

Next Quest: 5 Amphiscus Orbs and 10 Beagalite:

Reward: Beagelite Helmet

As this will be the last part you can see that you don’t need to collect every single Amphiscus Orbs, only 55 from the 68.

Getting these items from Grob not enough for the achievement as there are an axe and a shield too. You need to craft both and the recipes found during The Pact storyline quest. The recipes located in your “new home” and you can’t progress on the quest without looting both recipes, so you can’t miss them.

Beagalite Axe

Recipe: 4*Marrwood, 3*Alpafant Leather, 12*Lean-Iron, 8*Beagalite, 3*Droolica, 2*Gobbledew Essence, 2*Cariblin Essence, 2*Fexel Essence.

Beagalite Shield

Recipe: 8*Marrwood, 6*Alpafant Leather, 4*Stuffcloth, 12*Lean-Iron, 5*Beagalite, 4*Droolica, 2*Litter Essence, 2*Krocker Essence.

Once all obtained you should have the achievement and your character will look like this:

Amphiscus Orb Location

At these positions, you can find the orbs. There are a total of 67, but there is one error on the map, no orb at the southern small island. You don’t need to collect all for the Grob’s quests, only 55.

Resource Locations

Resources respawn every 6th min. If you reload your game resources respawn.

Additional information about some materials as those not on the map mentioned above or because it is a more desired ones:

  • Beagelite (max item stack: 3)

Best Beagelite farming spot: (both resource respawn every 6th minute)

  • Droolica (max item stack: 10) – Using Preservation Knowledge on a village will spawn boxes close to houses on that village. Destroying those boxes is the way to find Droolica. You will unlock Preservation Knowledge during the Drool’s Gold storyline quest. The preservation Knowledge useable on any villages, no matter of race / faction.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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