With pictures and instructions I’ll try my best to explain each and every achievement so you can unlock them if you’re stuck.
The choices you make when you answer Mr. Voice questions do not matter.
Pay attention to the “OBS!” notes under a few of the achievements, some are connected and some require you to replay the game or keep a saved file.
Double check and interact with everything just in case.
Hay Doll Achievements
Hay Doll #1
Find the doll #1
The first one is on a tree in the forest after you leave George’s house, Little Misfortune will pick it up automatically. There’s no way that you can miss it.
Hay Doll #2
Find the doll #2
To get this one, you have to go on the Twister atleast once.
Hay Doll #3
Find the doll #3
You find this one at the end of the Pet Cemetary.
Hay Doll #4
Find the doll #4
You find this one in the Janitor’s office to the left of the wolf at the Zoo, you either get there by sneaking pass the Janitor or get caught by her.
Hay Doll #5
Find the doll #5
To get this you will have to buy it from the reward machine, that will cost you 3 tickets.
Hay Doll #6
Find the doll #6
To get this one you must have read / found all 3 runestones!
Look at the “Runestones” achievement to see where and how to.
Hay Doll #7
Find the doll #7
After you leave the basement of Benjamin’s cabin you’ll find his bag on the ground, take a look in it and you’ll find the hay doll inside.
Hay Doll #8
Find the doll #8
After your encounter with Morgo near the end and you wake up again in your room the hay doll will be on the floor infront of you.
Hay Doll #9
Find the doll #9
You find this by the doors at the end when you follow Benjamin to the other side.
Other Achievements
The Cause
Fix the vase
This one is kinda self-explanatory, puzzle the pieces together to fix the broken vase.
Fox Whacker
Whack the fox
Play the Fox Whacker at Phantasmagolia.
You can get 9 Reward tickets in total!
Rich Lady
Buy everything
If you gotten the 9 Reward tickets from Fox Whacker you can buy all the rewards from the machine and still have 3 Reward tickets over to use on the fortune teller.
Hit the alarm!
To get this one you will have to interfare with the two hamsters outside the Hamster club, the hamster robber will run off making the old lady hamster upset. Because of that she will not give you a VIP ticket so you will have to find another way out from the cave. Behind the lady is a button, if you press it a ladder will appear. Climb up and you find yourself in a room with 3 tough looking hamsters. To distract them you will have to shoot a pinecone at the fire alarm button with a slingshot. If you hit it you’ll get it, it’s not harder than that.
Ninja Lady
Sneak past The Janitor
When you are at the Zoo, sneak past the Janitor without getting caught.
You will have to do this to get the 2nd runestone.
Alternative: Save before you try to walk pass the janitor so you can load the save if you get caught.
See all Runestones
To get this one you’ll have to read all the runestones, always keep the piece.
- First: You find it in the forest after yoy leave George’s house.
- Second: You find this one at the Zoo after passing the Janitor.
- Third: You find this on the way to Benjamin’s cabin.
To get to the 2nd runestone you will have to pass the janitor at the zoo and will that you will automatically get you the “Ninja Lady” achivement.
Alternative: Save before you try to walk pass the janitor so you can load the save if you get caught.
Win all reward tickets
Get all the 9 reward tickets by playing Fox Whacker.
Fortune Teller
Get all your fortunes told
Get your fortunes told 3 times, you will need 3 Reward tickets.
If you have 9 Reward rickets you’ll still have enough to buy everything from the machine afterwards. You get tickets at the Fox Whacker and also automatically the “Whack the fox” achievement.
Can Kicker
Kick the can 3 times
When you get off the train there’s a purple can on the ground. Kick it around 3 times.
Paint all the pages
Bring the coloring book with you, you can find it her “hiding spot”. Later on in the game you’ll find Little Missfortune on a train. You get the choice to either color in the coloring book or skip it. Color ALL the dinosaurs to get the achievement!
Doggy Treat
Give Lil’ Cutie a treat!
When you get the option to either take the Fortune cookie or the Doggy treat, pick the doggy treat.
Alternative: Save before picking the Doggy treat and load the save after and pick the Fortune cookie.
Feed the birds
When you get to the Zoo, walk to your left until you see a wheelbarrow with seeds in it. Steal some seeds and feed the three cages with birds to your right.
Tomb Lady
Dig all graves
When you get to the Pet Cemetary, dig all the graves you can interact with.
Lil’ Cutie
Learn the name of the Puppy
When you get the choice to either play with the puppy or set it free, pick “Set it free” and interact with the puppy til’ she mentions “Lil’ Cutie”.
This achievement is connected to the “Doggy Treat” and “The Fortune” achievements!
You must do this to be able to get the other two.
Alternative: Save one file before you move on the the other two, in that way you can pick one and then load the save file and pick the other one.
Dance Master
Score high in the Club
When you walk to the Hamster Club you’ll encounter two hamster, you can either end the violence between them or not. Leave them and you’ll be left with a purse on the ground. Pick it up and walk all the way to the right until you meet the old lady hamster. She will be happy and give you a VIP ticket so you can enter the Hamster Club. When you enter the club, go to the right and interact with the male hamster stripper by the stage. Your unicorn/rock will jump out and the battle will begin. Hit all the notes as much as you can and you will get the achievement eventually.
You can’t get the “Sniper” achievement if you do this one.
Rotten Fish
Bury Rodrigo
When a fish appeares on the bridge infront of Little Misfortune keep it. When you later on pass a seagul at the playground give it to the bird and you will only have bony remains of Rodrigo, pick it up. Keep the bones until you get to the Pet Cemetary and look for the empty grave to bury Rodrigo in.
You can’t get the “Kraken” achievement if you do this one.
Alternative: Save straight after you pick up Rodrigo, continue and do all of this and then load the save from when you picked up Rodrigo and continue the game without feeding him to the seagul. In that way you’ll be able to get the “Kraken” achievement later on.
Manual Sparkle
Sparkle 50 times
Click on Little Misfortune to sparkle, do it 50 times.
The Fortune
Read your fortune cookie
When you get the option to either take the Fortune cookie or the Doggy treat, pick the Fortune cookie and read what it says.
Alternative: Save before picking the Fortune cookie and load the save after and pick the Doggy treat.
Music 4 Ever
Dance the entire song
Click on the radio in Little Misfortune’s room and dance through the whole song.
“It’s the music that goes on forever.”
Sparkling Lady
Uncover all Sparkles
Have Little Misfortune sparkle over every object she can sparkle over.
Here’s all the objects you can sparkle over, make sure to not miss any!
Eternal Happiness
Give Mommy the Eternal Happiness
To get this you will have to interact will all 16 sparkle objects to fill the tree at the end, mommy will be happy. You get the “Somewhere else” and “Sparkling Lady” with it automatically at the end.
The Kraken
Met the Kraken
When a fish appears infront of you on the bridge early in the game, pick it up and save him. Keep him through the game until you are on the boat crossing to Benjamin’s cabin and throw the fish in the water, that will distract the Kraken to you.
The Returner
Ride all rides
To get this you will have to ride both rides at Phantasmagoria. The Horror House and the Carousel. I would suggest you right away to save before you enter a ride so you can load the save again and go on the other one straight after.
The Effect
Don’t fix the vase
Pretty simple, don’t fix the vase. Not once through out the whole game and you will get it at the very end of the game.
Too Much Rolling
Ride the Twister until you puke
This one is kinda self-explanatory, ride the Twister 3-4 times until Little Misfortune pukes.
Somewhere Else
Win the game
Finish the game and wipe away your tears.
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