Lakeview Valley – Item List (with Locations)

Warning! Guide contains spoilers. You can find there more then only items and its locations. This guide contains some general in-game information.

Items Around Town



Found in the carpenters house. Can be used as a weapon, though it isn’t all that great. It can also be used to cut out the red shrubs that block some paths. Villagers become suspicious if they see you with the chainsaw.


Found on the first screen next to the bus. Can be used as a weapon. Ivan needs this to build the stage.


Behind Dixon’s house. This is the house on the West side of the map. The one with the motor cycle in the front yard. Can be used as a weapon. Ivan needs this to build the stage.


The screw driver is in the junkyard. When you enter on the left hand side there are three large piles of garbage. The screwdriver is in the smaller, middle pile of garbage. You can’t see it though. Go to the top of the pile of garbage and walk down the middle. The garbage will obscure your character. You will see the “E” pickup icon appear on the screen when you are close enough. Press “E” to pick it up. Ivan needs this to build the stage.


Found in the graveyard. Can be used to dig holes. Sometimes other items are found in the ground.


Dropped by the naked guy in the top right corner past the junkyard. You need to use the chainsaw to remove a shrub thing to get to the path.

Poison Sprayer

In the yellow house next door to the carpenter. It fires 5 shots. It gives targets the poison effect.



Found on the top of the rock shelf in the woods. Enter the woods from the north. There are many snakes. The knife is probably the best or possibly second best weapon.


The sword is found in the cabin in the middle of the lake. The sword is the best or possibly second best weapon. It is the same weapon the sheriff uses.


Dropped by the guy guarding his property (Frank). It holds 8 rounds.



Found in the junkyard. Gives a magic mushroom effect if you eat it. The screen goes all wavy. The Hermit may visit you on the first night and give you a brown thing that turns into a mushroom the next day.

Metal Detector

found on a beach. The West side of the square lake. It can be used to find the mask.


Found near the metal detector. Use the metal detector to until it beeps quickly. Then use the shovel to dig around in that area and it will pop out of the ground. Use it to hide your identity.

Bike Horn

Found in the area with the naked guy. If you play it near someone they will become suspicious and follow you. You can lead them around. When they catch you though you will lose popularity.


Near the tree next to the gate to your house. Wait for the kid to show up under the apple tree and then hit the tree a few times with the stick. The apple will fall down and the kid will give you a popularity point.


You can take the apple and eat it later.

Medical Kit

There is one in the doctors office, one in the cabin in the middle of the lake and one in Franks house (shotgun guy). There may be others. Heals your wounds, removes bleeding and poison.

Purchased Items

These are items that have to be purchased from a shop.


The Diner is at the North side of the lake. They sell food. Sometimes your character will be hungry. This is one place to get food.

  • Hot Dog – $5. Buy it and eat it to reduce hunger.
  • Cookies – $5. Buy it and eat it to reduce hunger.


Lakemart is in town next to the doctors office.

  • Bleach – $10. The Blorox Bleach is used to remove blood stains. Walk up to some blood on the ground, equip the bleach bottle and “attack”. All blood stains within a small radius will be cleaned up. You get 10 uses per bottle.
  • Energy Drink – $4. Makes you run much faster for the day.
  • Dog Bone – $20. Makes Donna and Matt’s dog follow you if you throw the bone at it.
  • Cat Food – $20. Used to make the cat follow you.
  • Med Kit – $20. Heals wounds, stops bleeding, removes poison.

George – Fishing Supplies

  • Fishing Rod – $50
  • Diving Helmet – $100


Kill a couple of towns people and a purple hat will appear in the wooded area to the North of your house. You will need to chainsaw the red plants blocking it. Once you use the hat it will turn into a circus tent and you can buy things from Morgo.

  • Throwing Knife – $10. It’s a knife you can throw. Use the attack key and it will fly in a straight line. Can be picked up after. Moro has 3 of them.
  • Poison Syringe – $500. Insta-kills the target. Does not work on the Sheriff.
  • Bolas – $100. Throw the bolas at someone and it will keep them from running away. It is a crime and they will scream and shout.
  • Feather of Love – $500. Thrown. Makes whoever it hits follow you around for a short time.
  • Muffling Sack – $10. Makes it so the target can’t yell out.
  • Sheriffs Badge – $300. Decreases popularity if you use it on someone. Does nothing if used on the sheriff.

Amy’s Booth

On Sunday Amy has a booth near the stage. She sells dream catchers

  • Red Dream Catcher – $1000
  • Blue Dream Catcher – $500
  • Green Dream Catcher – $100

“Quest” Items

These are items that are stored on the Items screen when you hit escape.

Circus Morgo Ticket

You start the game with this.

Copper Key

Get this from the sheriff when you first enter the town. It opens the gate to your house

Work Permit

You get this from the guy building the stage. If you get it signed by the sheriff he will have jobs for you to do.


Found in the blind behind Franks house. The blind is open at night. This is a quest item for the guy in the dumpster.

Wine Bottle

Behind the alter in the church. Bring this to Donna and Matthews house on Friday.


Buried in the grave yard in the grave with the wreath on it. Top row, second from the left. Use the shovel to get it out.

Stage Poles

You can buy them from Alex at the junkyard or you can get them from Frank. Easiest way to get them is to go around Frank by going through Donna and Matt’s gate and then around to the path on the right. Watch out for the bear trap at the bottom. Then go into Franks cabin and out in to the back yard. They are there.

Increasing Popularity

The more popular you are the more money you get from the bank every day (at <4 you get $50 at 4 you get $100). It also lets you get past the gate with the camera on it (Donna and Matt) to the East of the junkyard. Getting past the gate also makes it easier to get on the shotgun guys property.

Tasks That Increase Popularity

Knock the apple out of the tree

On the first day at some point Lil Bobby will appear beneath the apple tree next to the gate of your house. Use the stick nearby to knock the apple out of the tree. Talk to the kid and you will get one popularity.

Let the kid play in your yard

On the next day or so Lil Bobby will appear in your yard and will ask to play in your yard. Tell him yes. You will get one popularity.

Spank Lil Bobby

At some point Lil Bobby will come to you in your yard and tell you he stole something from his neighbor. He then tells you to spank him. If you do you get one popularity.

Return the soccer ball to Dixon

In front of the sheriffs office there is a weird looking round thing with black and white squares. This is a soccer ball. You can kick it in the general direction you want it to go. Kick it all the way back to Dixon’s house (All the way to the West from your house, over the bridge, head South. It is the brownish yellow house with the motor cycle). Kick the ball into him and he will give you one popularity… Have fun, it’s a pain in the neck.

Cut Martha’s Bushes

Take the chainsaw from the carpenters house and go to the house right below Dixon’s. There are a bunch of red bushes in her yard. Use the chainsaw on the bushes to cut them. Once you cut them all you get the popularity point. She will also offer to have sex with you if you talk to her after.

Find Rebecca’s cat

First buy a can of cat food from the store. Then go all the way to the West. Follow the road to the West from your gate. Go over the bridge. Look at the top left corner. There is a path, follow it to the burned house. The cat is there. Walk to the cat while holding the can of cat food. Press “F” to talk to the cat. The cat will say “Meow?” with a “?”. It will then follow you. Take the cat to Rebecca. She is either on the West side of the lake or in the brown clearing with the benches to the right of the carpenters.

Having sex with Matt

On Friday you can bring Matt and Donna a bottle of wine from the church. You then take off your clothes and have sex with Matt. Press “E” rapidly until the heart icon bursts.

Decreasing Popularity

How to lower your popularity:

  • Being reported for crimes lowers your popularity.
  • Using the sheriffs badge on people.
  • Honking the horn near people and letting them catch you.
  • Hitting people with a dream catcher lowers your popularity.

I think bleeding around others lowers your popularity too.


These are the upgrades you get for committing murders. Each towns person you kill unlocks any one upgrade. You can pick which one you want.

The upgrades are located to the North of your house. You need the chainsaw to cut the red bushes out of the way.


Infinite Stamina

Your stamina will never decrease while you swing your weapon.


Your life and energy and ammo and oxygen will show on the top left of the screen.

Inventory System

You can now hold up to 8 items on a toolbar.

Water Breathing

Infinite oxygen while under water in the lake.


Press “M” to open a map of the area. It also shows where all the townsfolk are during the day.

Better Drag

Makes you drag items 3x faster.

Daily Money

Every morning you get $100.

Daily Ammo

Every morning your shotgun ammo refills to 8.



Lives with Matthew. She is the bank teller.


Often out in the woods or running around town. Will have sex with you if you want if you talk to him on the checkerboard blanket.

The Sheriff

He investigates crime, gives you the key to your house on the first day. Pretty sure he is invincible.

Lil Bobby

The kid. Lives with Martha.


Lives in the lower of the two houses on the West side. Hers is the house with the red bushes in the yard


Lives with Amy. The house right above Martha’s. He will sell you a moped and will give you pop for returning his soccer ball. Often at grocery store.


Lives with Dixon. Runs the Diner and the dream catcher booth on Sunday.


Runs the furniture shop.


Runs the grocery store (Lakemart). He lives in the blue and red house all the way to the East down the road.

The Hermit

Naked guy who lives to the right of the junkyard. Need to take the path to the right of the outhouse on your land. You need the chainsaw to open the path.

Old Ruth

Often either on the bench next to the fountain or out by the graveyard.


The construction guy. He will give you a work permit. Take the work permit to the sheriff and then bring it back. He will pay you to help build the stage. He is near the Diner. Sometimes he is standing in the parking spot near the Lakeview map on the East side of the map.


AKA crazy guy with the shotgun. He lives on the property with all the no trespassing signs. He will shoot you if you get too close.


The carpenter. Lives at the carpenters house to the North of the shops. The chainsaw is in his house. Also you can repaint your house for a fee.


The bus driver. Usually is at the Diner.


The gamer. Always playing the video game at the diner. He lives above the yellow house in the purple shack on the pier in the area North of the shops. You can challenge him to a game.


The fisherman. Lives in the fisherman hut below the Diner. Sells fishing supplies.


She used to live in the burned out house. Now she is homeless. Bring her cat back to her for a popularity reward. She can be found either in the empty clearing with the benches to the right of the yellow house and carpenter. Or she can be found on the West coast of the lake.


She runs the junkyard and will pay you if you drag junk from your property to her place. She also lives there.


Lives in a random dumpster. I think it changes daily. He will only talk to you after midnight. He sends you to collect lipstick and mascara.

Mystery Lady

She shows up one night looking for Morgo. She turns into the “Wolf Lady” and proceeds to kick your ♥♥♥.


Appears at your door on Saturday Night. He asks you about your “sins” with a series of yes and no questions. If you lie he opens fire with a shotgun. If you tell the truth and answer “yes” to any of his questions he opens up with a shotgun… Basically, you can’t steal, have sex, murder or take any upgrades.


Morgo will sell you “evil” tools to help with murder. He is North of your house in the circus tent. The circus tent will only appear after you kill some people and use Morgos hat.


Creepy clown shows up after a while. Apparently he likes good deeds and doesn’t like bad deeds. He will follow you around at after it gets dark he will attack you. I don’t know much about his mechanics. I assume if you do something good around him maybe he doesn’t attack? He kept getting stuck on things when I was playing and he stopped following me.

Dr. Don

Usually at the clinic near the shops. He also runs around the town checking on people.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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