Quest Items
These are items that are required to push the story forward or complete side objectives.
Rita’s Order
- Used to finish a request from Rita if appropriate dialogue option is chosen.
- How to get: Day 1 Morning | Given to you by Rita if you agree to help her with ordering supplies.
Empty Bottle Of Rita’S Pride
- Needs to be brought to Rita after she asks for it in order to advance the plot.
- How to get: Day 1 Morning | Found behind the bar counter in the Bar.
Rita’S Pride
- Used in a liquid mixing mini game stage 2 in Laboratory on Day 2 Morning.
- How to get: Day 2 Morning | Added to inventory after finishing liquid mixing mini game stage 1.
Vial Of Melofutamine
- Used in a liquid mixing mini game stage 2 in Laboratory on Day 2 Morning.
- How to get: Day 2 Morning | Added to inventory after opening the Safe following liquid mixing mini game stage 1.
Rita’s Notebook
- Can be copied by using Smartphone on it in order to advance the plot towards Andrea, Kyoko and Lucy romance options and endings. Not copying Rita’s Notebook advances the plot towards Rita romance option and ending.
- How to get: Day 2 Morning | Can be added to inventory after opening the Safe following liquid mixing mini game stage 1.
- Can be used to copy Rita’s Notebook (only possible in Guest Room and Bar) in order to advance the plot towards Andrea, Kyoko and Lucy romance options and endings.
- How to get: Available from Day 2 Morning | Found in Guest Room, possible to pick up once it starts flashing.
Voice Recorder
- Can be used during a dialogue with Andrea to record her after agreeing to bring her pictures of Rita’s Notebook.
- How to get: Day 2 Evening | Given to you by Kyoko after a dialogue with her if you decided to copy Rita’s Notebook.
Voice Recorder [Full]
- Used during a dialogue with Kyoko after recording Andrea in order to advance the plot towards Kyoko and Lucy romance options and endings. You can decide to give it to Kyoko in order to trigger her sex scene and ending or refuse to give it to Kyoko and instead give it to Lucy yourself by using the Intercom in the Office.
- How to get: Day 3 Evening | Added to inventory after a dialogue with Andrea if you choose to record Andrea and refuse to hand the Voice Recorder over to her.
“Flash Yo Boobs!” Card
- When given to a romanceable character or Andro-Doll X, shows a unique topless render of that character. After use, the card respawns in a random location in the next chapter.
- How to get: Available from Day 2 Morning | Added after opening the Reinforced Door for Diego in the Machine Room.
Black Coffee (Gay Playthrough Only)
- Used as part of a Diego side quest. Giving Black Coee to Diego decreases your reputation with him.
- How to get: Day 1 Morning | Given to you by Maia when talking to her after agreeing to bring Diego coffee.
Diego’s Coffee (Gay Playthrough Only)
- Used as part of a Diego side quest. Giving Diego’s Coffee to Diego increases your reputation with him.
- How to get: Day 1 Morning | Added to inventory after using Black Coee on Milk in the cafeteria.
Tattered Note
- Serves as a hint to open the Reinforced Door (the full code is 49517). Using it on Diego advances the side quest and plot towards optional Diego romance option and ending (gay playthrough only).
- How to get: Day 2 Morning | Found in the Cafeteria where Jean-Pierre normally sits.
Makeup Powder
- Used to reveal fingerprints on the Keypad in the machine room.
- How to get: Day 2 Morning | Given to you by Andrea after talking to her following a request from Diego.
Plumbing Tools
- Used to help Elena fix the Chamber leak in Greenhouse.
- How to get: Day 2 Morning | Found behind Reinforced Door after unlocking it and asking Diego about the tools.
- Needs to be mixed with Coee to prepare Infused Coffee for Elena’s reputation-based side quest.
- How to get: Reputation-based (requires at least 5 reputation score with Elena) | Given to you by Elena if you agree to help with her “science” project.
- Needs to be mixed with Pheromone to prepare Infused Coffee for Elena’s reputation-based side quest.
- How to get: Reputation-based (requires at least 5 reputation score with Elena) | Given to you by Maia after accepting the assignment from Elena and receiving Pheromone.
Infused Coffee
- Can be given to any female Cockwork Industries employee in order to unlock their masturbation scene.
- How to get: Reputation-based (requires at least 5 reputation score with Elena) | Added to inventory after using Pheromone on Coffee.
Video Footage
- Used to finish Elena’s reputation-based side quest. Giving Video Footage to Elena increases your reputation with her (unless Infused Coffee was given to Rita).
- How to get: Reputation-based (requires at least 5 reputation score with Elena) | Given to you by Feng after talking to him and watching the masturbation scene unlocked by giving Infused Coffee to the girl of your choice.
- Can be given to Nadia in order to boost your reputation score with her.
- How to get: Day 1 Morning or Day 2 Morning | Added to your inventory after inspecting the Water Dispenser in the Office following a request by Nadia.
Folk Talisman
- Can be given to any female love interest in order to unlock their “wet dream” scene. After Folk Talisman is given to a selected character, the scene will play upon clicking the Bed in Day 3 Morning.
- How to get: Day 2 Evening or Day 3 Morning | Given to you by Nadia after providing enough information to finish her quest and talking to her afterwards.
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