Death and Taxes – Mortimer’s Stories Guide (Widgets, Attire, Achievements)

In this guide you can find all info about Mortimer’s stories.

Guide to Mortimer’s Stories


Each purchased item unlocks a set of six faces/eight suits with the same basic pattern and different colors. I have marked F for femme, M for masc, and U for unisex.


  • R.I.P. Fashion – Buy everything.
  • Classical – change into Grim Cloak v1 and basic skull v1.


  • Ears of the Beast(F) stopped a mutiny.
  • The Calavera(F) was found upon Mort’s face after a Dia de los Muertos celebration of a fallen friend.
  • The Eye of Anpu(U) was found in some dunes guarded by a World Eater.
  • The Face of the Great Old One(U) was absconded from a carnival.
  • The Glasses(F) are looted from (forgot to write it down)
  • The Plague Doctor(U) mask was acquired from some folks who considered it professional attire, wherein Mortimer acquired a whole slew of them, causing the previous owners to soil their pants.
  • Unholy Smokes(M) were granted to Mortimer upon rescue of a shaman’s child.


  • A Fancy Suit (Bowtie Edition) was nicked from Fate’s wardrobe.
  • Grim Cloak was Mort’s attempt to keep warm.



  • Let it RIP – fidget the spinner until it lights up.
  • Aetherial Resonator is from a sordid tale involving an elevator (implied muzak).
  • Aphotic Reflector is an ex-lighthouse mirror framed in shipwreck driftwood (necessary prerequisite for wardrobe changes).
  • Blue Gerbil was found on the river Styx.
  • Ephemeral Mortality coin belonged to Thaddeus Thatcher.
  • Infernal Illuminator was created by an electrical trickster, derived from cannon parts and a rose bush.
  • Kaktos originated from the Island of Cactai, but travels.
  • Lethean Obliviator was used to cut a romantic tie (eraser, one use, but respawns in store at a higher price after each use).
  • Tenebrous Device was a rat trap belonging to a wizard (fidget spinner).
  • Transience of Annals was once owned by an old man on the steps of Acropolis (marks how many days you have left).
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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