How to get the “grass” block without a biome type defined for it.
The Long Way
- Enable cheats in order to use flying. As far as I know, this will not disable your achievements. To do this, press T to open the chat, then type “/cheats on” . If you are in a multiplayer server, you will have to enter the server window and type “/setgroup [your username] king” first.
- Enable flying by typing “/setflight true” .
- Fly by pressing the F key. Press the Z key to lower yourself until you are a few blocks underground.
- While going forward, hold the shift key to fly fast. Going at this speed is important.
- Hold down the left mouse button while you are flying fast.
- Stop moving. You should still be holding down your left mouse button and shift.
- When you finish mining the block in front of you, you should get the “grass” block!
The Easy Way
- Follow step one in “the long way.”
- Type “/loot grass”.
- The grass block should show up in your stockpile.
The block should look like this:
This method worked as of version 1.1.8, maybe it will be patched.
Written by Zevulon.
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