Next Day: Survival – The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)

How to get the best items within the first hour of gameplay.

Other Next Day: Survival Guides:

  • Gameplay Tips for New Players.
  • Survival Map.
  • Money Glitch.


For the purpose of this guide i will be using the tokarev pistol because it can be easily farmed from the first civilian quest.

If you are going to the bunker for the first time definitely bring some first aid kits and bandages.

Best weapon in my opinion is RPK. Each magazine carries 75 bullets. And you will never run out of ammo because half the enemies in the bunker have RPKs which can be looted and unloaded.

Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)

Entering the Bunker

To enter the bunker you have three options:

  • C8 Forrest Entrance (has wolf/bear spawn next to it)
  • F9 Depot Entrance
  • G6 Military Camp (lots of military AI obviously)

In this guide i will be using 1 to enter and exit.

Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)

Using Cover

It is very important that you use the cover spots properly. Failing to do so will almost always lead to death. There is a sweet spot that allows you to shoot out of cover while the enemy cant hit you.

Hold alt to look around corners and get a better view when behind cover.

Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)
Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)

The Enemies

The enemies in section 1 to 5 are grouped together. Shooting one will alert all of them. I recommend you stay behind cover (blue lines, arrow showing direction you should face) until all enemies of a section are dead. Always count your kills. You do not want to run into an enemy by surprise, it usually doesnt end well.

The single enemy in G3 will patrol this part of the corridor. Shooting him will not alert any others.

The two guys at H5 & H6 never leave their post and can be easily killed through the open door once section 2 is clear.

By the time you complete a full circle, the enemies at the entrance will likely have respawned so better be careful when leaving.

Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)

Loot Map

  • Armor and Clothing can mostly be found in the green spots.
  • Red shows Weapon and Ammo locations. Gauss rifle can spawn there.
  • Yellow are other items including food, medkits and vehicle parts. Can also spawn ammo.

The best strategy for finding a gauss rifle is to log out in the red marked room at J3 and just hop from server to server until it spawns infront of you. But beware, fighting your way out of this room is much harder than going in. And if you die there, with all the other enemies respawned, you have 0 chance of getting your items back.

Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)


  • 1 – C8 Forrest entrance
  • 2 – F9 Depot entrance
  • 3 – G6 Military entrance
  • 4 – Spawn at faction camp
  • 5 – Spawn at faction camp 

Next Day: Survival - The Ultimate Bunker Guide (Enemy and Loot Maps)

Solo Run (Video)

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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