Dying Light – Parkour Fever Tips and Tricks

Here’s a few tips and tricks that make the Parkour Fever challenges much more bearable.

Other Dying Light Guides:

Not So Obvious

Hopefully you know this by now, but if not, the Parkour Fever challenges are represented on the map by icons of a boot with three stars under it. Anyone paying attention will notice that even though there are 10 challenges in total, only nine of them show up on the map. 5 show up in the Slums, but only 4 show up in Old Town. The one that doesn’t show up is righfully named “Not So Obvious”. Here’s a short video on where to find it.

Sliding For Speed

This one’s pretty straightforward, but it’s something I overlooked for a while. You know those speed boosts you get during the challenges, the ones with the boot icon showing up in the top left corner? Those speed boosts can mean the difference between winning and losing. You may sometimes find it difficult to maintain these boosts and find yourself without one, and with no chance of winning. Well, I have good news for you. For those of you who don’t know, you get these boosts by doing anything that would normally give you agility points. Taking that into account, there is an unbelievably easy way to keep that boost going…


That’s it. Literally all you have to do is slide every now and then (before the boost depletes) and you’re good to go. Also, to really shave off seconds, jump as soon as you slide to keep running without delay. This right here is a game changer, especially for some of the challenges in the Slums.

The Sky’s The Limit

This is something that only has an effect on laggy computers, so if your computer runs fine, feel free to skip this section.

By now you’ve most likely noticed that going on ziplines makes your game’s FPS drop quite a bit. There’s a simple solution to this. While on a zipline, stare up at the sky the entire time until you’re off of it. The difference this strategy makes is UNBELIEVABLE. Also, this works in laggy areas of the Slums, particularly the roads and bridges with zombies and fire galore. Unfortunately, this tactic requires you to look up at the sky and use only your mini-map for guidance, but it works great if you can pull it off. Just remember to keep jumping so you can’t be grabbed by zombies.

One more thing, if you’re really struggling to make the game run good, set all of your video settings to their lowest option. Believe it or not, this actually doesn’t have much of an effect on the visual quality. Even turning down the view distance has practically no effect on the visuals, and yet your framerate will go up exponentially (it should anyways). Turning the FOV down helps as well.


Here’s some video walkthroughs for each of the challenges.

I’m not the one who originally uploaded these. The credit for that goes to Gary Nicholson. Feel free to look up his YouTube channel if these videos don’t load for some reason (including the one on where to find “Not So Obvious”).


#1 – End of the Tunnel

#2 – First Assignment

#3  Favela Fever

#4 – Twister

#5 – Tiptoeing to Gazi

Old Town

#6 – Tower Run

#7 – Diagonal Run

#8 – On the Edge

#9 – Blue District Fever

#10 – Not So Obvious


First and foremost, don’t get upset if you keep failing these challenges. They are extremely difficult and require an almost flawless run. You’re not going to get it the first time. These take a lot of practice, and the only way you’re going to complete these challenges is if you keep a level head. Believe me, I understand how frustrating these can be. Some of them took me DAYS to complete. It’s all worth it in the end though.

Second, I strongly suggest having your agility maxed out. If you don’t, then these challenges will most likely be impossible to complete.

Third, while you can snag both achievements by only doing these challenges at night, I strongly suggest practicing during the day so you know what you’re doing when night falls. After getting a good idea of what you have to do, feel free to only attempt the challenges at night. It’s a time-saver, that’s for sure.

Fourth, don’t feel like doing the challenges at night is going to be impossible. The volatiles hardly make a difference. Most of the time they’re barely noticeable.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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