This is just a concise guide I put together to help first timers who may be having difficulty.
Useful Tips to Start
Tips and Helpful Info
- Your army will level up faster if it is smaller. This is due to how XP is distributed.
- You can purchase gifts from towns sometimes, as well as finding them in dungeons.
- AOE spells are OP, so you will want a character that has some. If they don’t start out with some try to learn some Arcana because spells make a big difference in battle.
- Holding CTRL will speed up the game. To speed up dialogue, just spam mouse click while holding CTRL in order to speed through any dialogue.
- Buy speciality items from a town, travel as far away as possible to the other side of the map, sell the items. They will sell for 2x-3x more depending on how far you travel.
- I recommend Thur troops from Umbra Cliffs because they deal lots of damage and they don’t require a lot of resources to promote.
- As soon as you can, try conquering any and all bandit camps you see that have Jade in them. Conquering one of these can net you 50 jade, plus other resources, as well as the jade and resources sitting in chests inside the camp. These chests refill periodically so you can keep coming back later on.
- Some animals and “monster” units are very powerful. If you are finding the game difficult, try turning off real mode. This will allow you to recruit powerful units such as demon’s and dragons to your army.
- If you want to become allies with a faction, go to the intel tab, click the faction, click the diplomacy button and choose “goodwill”. This can make you allies with a neutral faction or even fix relations if you are at war with one. The options are goodwill, ceasefire, declare war, or alliance depending on your relationship with the faction. Note: this will require money but that should not be too difficult using the item selling method described above.
- There is a quest in West Docana Desert where you need to bring 3 white rose potions in order to calm a snake. When turning in the quest you will have the option to kill the snake or not. Do not choose to kill it. Instead choose the peaceful option, and the woman will grant you 15x extra inventory slots.
- In order to find someone, you can talk to any of the heroes who have an army, travel the map or are stationed in cities. These heroes all have an option “I want to ask about someone”. Just click that and ask them where the person you are looking for is.
- If you are in a siege, there should be buttons on the right side saying “attack/defend/follow” etc., if you want to speed things up you can just click on all troops and then “attack”. This will make your entire army move at once to attack the next point.
- If you are in the late game and all the cities are too heavily defended, use intel and select “gather a squad”. If you have appointed any sultan to towns, they will all close in on your location and follow you around the map. When you go to siege a town now, you will have the combined forces of your own army as well as the armies of your sultans, which will be more than enough to conquer most cities.
- Finally, do not underestimate AOE spells and what a difference they can make in battle. The thumbnail for this guide is of a siege I launched on Agadir:
I ended up winning because as enemy troops piled in, I just mowed them down using arcana and some of the spiritmancers’ spells. My troops all died but my hero kept respawning and mowing them down until eventually I was able to capture the points and win. Never underestimate AOE spells they can turn the tide of battle even when your army is outnumbered and outmatched.
In conclusion, these are just a few helpful things I wish I had known when I started out. Knowing these few tips would have been very helpful for me starting out so I figured I would share some of them with you guys. Feel free to leave a comment if you feel like there’s something I left out, anyways thanks for reading.
Thank you!!!