Cyberpunk 2077 – All Free Legendary Armor Sets Guide

Every Free Legendary Armor Set will be shown in this guide, along with instructions on how to obtain them. Currently contains every one of the nine sets found in the game: Techie, Nomad, Rocker, Corpo, Fixer, Media, Netrunner, Badge, and Solo.

All Free Legendary Armor Sets Locations (Map)

Wait until you reach Level 50 before collecting these Armor Sets if you want them to have the best possible stats, as they scale with your level.

Some armor pieces require specific Attribute Checks to obtain. The most important ones to remember are 16 in Technical Ability and 13 in Body. Other requirements are usually around 5 points and sometimes you can access these areas using double jump or other methods.

The number of mod slots on each item is random. If you want the maximum number of slots (4 for Outer and Inner Torso, 3 for all other pieces), save your game before picking up the item and reload until you get the number of slots you want.

To find each item, go to the location shown by the green arrow on the map. If you position yourself exactly as shown in the first screenshot, you’ll see the same view. Then just follow the instructions and look at the following screenshots to find the item.

Badge Armor Set

Female Character.

Male Character.


District: Watson, Subdistrict: Northside.

Go through the alley.

At the end, go left, past the people dancing, towards the police car.

The Badge Goggles can be found on a body near the police car.

Outer Torso

District: Santo Domingo, Subdistrict: Rancho Coronado (Don’t mind the graphical glitch on my map, yours should look fine).

You will find, not one, but two Badge Coats on two bodies in a driveway near several police cars.


District: Watson, Subdistrict: Little China.

Go towards the right, between the bench and the guardrail.

Go down the two consecutive flights of stairs.

Look right after the second one, you’ll find the NCPD Pants on a body near a couple of doors.


District: Santo Domingo, Subdistrict: Rancho Coronado.

Go up both flight of stairs until you reach a yellow ladder.

Climb up the ladder.

You will find, not one, but two pairs of Badge Boots on two bodies on the roof.

Corporate Armor Set

Female Character, with and without the Outer Torso.

Male Character, with and without the Outer Torso.


This Item can be found in two different locations, I’ll showcase both.

District: Santo Domingo, Subdistrict: Rancho Coronado.

The Corporate Glasses are located in a box under the billboard.

District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Jackson Plains.

The Glasses can be found in a crashed container.

Outer Torso

District: Watson, Subdistrict: Northside.

Go behind the Barely Illegal sign.

The Corporate Blazer is located on a body near a burning car.

Inner Torso

District: Heywood, Subdistrict: The Glen.

Go towards the stairs in the distance.

Go behind the scaffolding behind the fences.

The Corporate Shirt is located on a body.


District: Watson, Subdistrict: Northside.

Go towards the containers in the distance.

The Corporate Slacks are located on a body near a car.


Unlock Condition: Complete the Gig “I Fought the Law”.

District: Watson, Subdistrict: Northside.

Go towards the three burning vans.

The Corporate Pumps/Shoes are located on a body near the van on the left.

Fixer Armor Set

Female Character, with and without the Outer Torso.

Male Character, with and without the Outer Torso.


District: Santo Domingo, Subdistrict: Arroyo.

Go towards the wall, to the left of the containers.

The Fixer Glasses are located on a body near the wrecked car.

Outer Torso

District: Santo Domingo, Subdistrict: Rancho Coronado.

The Fixer Jacket/Coat is located in a container near a cabin under the Ferris Wheel.

Inner Torso

District: Heywood, Subdistrict: Vista Del Rey.

Go through the Market Alley, past the three Valentinos and until you reach the next screenshot.

Go straight forward, past the yellow steel beams in the distance.

Look left, the Fixer Bustier/Shirt is on a body on the ground.


District: Westbrook, Subdistrict: Japantown.

Go through the alley, towards the Joytoy on the left, into a smaller alley.

Go up the garbage bin, unto the canopy and to the roof.

Once here, go up the shack, up two flight of stairs and look to the left. Go up the ladder.

Go into the shack, the Fixer Skirt/Pants is/are on a body on the ground.


District: Westbrook, Subdistrict: Japantown.

Right after spawning at the fast travel point, look right.

Go over the fence.

The Fixer Pumps/Shoes are located on a body in the blue van.

Media Armor Set

Female Character.

Male Character.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Jackson Plains.

Climb on the cinder blocks in front of the car to get to the first level.

From there, get on top of the bags of cement to get to the second level.

Go round the tower to the ladder, climb it.

The Media Cap will be located in a bag near the camera.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Jackson Plains.

Go inside the trailer.

You’ll find the Media Ocuset in a box on a table.

Outer Torso

This item exists in the game files and can be acquired via console commands but hasn’t been found (or doesn’t exist yet) in the game world.

Inner Torso

District: Heywood, Subdistrict: Wellsprings.

Go down both flights of stairs.

Get over the fence by first climbing the barrels.

The Media Shirt will be found on a body on the right behind the fenced gate.


This Item can be found in two different locations, I’ll showcase both.

District: Westbrook, Subdistrict: Charter Hill.

Shoot the ladder to lower it and climb it up.

The Media Cargo Pants are located on a body near a duffel bag.

District: Westbrook, Subdistrict: Charter Hill.

Jump on the parasol closest to the Cirrus Cola to access the roof.

The Media Cargo Pants will be located on a body.


This item exists in the game files and can be acquired via console commands but hasn’t been found (or doesn’t exist yet) in the game world.

Netrunner Armor Set

Female Character, with and without the Pants.

Male Character, with and without the Pants.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Rattlesnake Creek

First, go to this location to start the mission “Reported Crime: Death from Above”.

Pick up the transcript on the dead Netrunner near the burning car and read it.

Follow the quest marker to this location not far from the last screenshot.

Two Netrunner Infovisors can be picked up in a crashed container.

Inner Torso

District: Heywood, Subdistrict: Wellsprings.

Go towards the shack in the distance.

To the left of it, go over the garbage and to the back of the shack.

Crouch down and get inside.

The Netrunning Suit is on a body in the back of the shack.


District: Watson, Subdistrict: Northside.

Go towards the containers, to the right of the guardrail.

At the end, turn right and go towards the bike.

Go up the stairs to the left of the bike and you’ll find the Netrunner Pants on a dead Netrunner.


District: Westbrook, Subdistrict: Charter Hill.

Go towards the open vent.

The Netrunner Boots are located on a body in the corner.

Nomad Armor Set

Female Character, with and without the Outer Torso.

Male Character, with and without the Outer Torso.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Jackson Plains.

The Nomad Mask is inside a container near a burned van.

Outer Torso

This piece of armor requires 13 attribute points in Body. There is no way around it.

District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Jackson Plains.

Go towards the underground bunker to the left of the house.

The Nomad Jacket is located inside a container on the ground.

Inner Torso

District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Jackson Plains.

The Nomad Shirt can be found on a body near an abandoned van.


This item exists in the game files and can be acquired via console commands but hasn’t been found (or doesn’t exist yet) in the game world.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Rocky Ridge.

Go towards the opening in the ground to the right of the building.

Go down the stairs and open the door.

The Nomad Boots are on a body inside.

Rocker Armor Set

Female Character, with and without the Outer Torso.

Male Character, with and without the Outer Torso.


District: Santo Domingo, Subdistrict: Rancho Coronado (Don’t mind the graphical glitch on my map, yours should look fine).

Go to the left of the Foodscape, over the concrete barriers.

The Rocker Aviators are on a body near a trash bin.

Outer Torso

District: Watson, Subdistrict: Kabuki.

Look 90° right and up the stairs.

The Rocker Foldtop/Vest is on a body near a bench right after the stairs.

Inner Torso

District: Pacifica, Subdistrict: Coastview.

Go up the elevated platform through the broken fence.

Continue straight until you find the dead music band, the Bra/Tank can be found on one of them.


This piece of armor requires 12 attribute points in Body or the ability to double-jump.

District: City Center, Subdistrict: Corpo Plaza.

Go up the platform on the right and continue towards the fenced gate.

If you have 12 in Body, open the door. If you have double-jump, go over it and through the hole.

The Rocker Pants are on a dead body in the middle of the area.


This piece of armor can be accessed through the door with 12 attribute points in Body or you can go through the broken fence on the right.

District: City Center, Subdistricct: Downtown.

Go towards the fenced gate in the distance.

Where the shoe is is where you go through if you don’t have 12 in Body. Otherwise, continue to the door and open it.

The Rocker Boots are on a body near large storage boxes.

Solo Armor Set

Female Character, with and without the Outer Torso.

Male Character, with and without the Outer Torso.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Biotechnica Flats.

The Solo Techgogs are located on a body near a fence.

Outer Torso

This piece of armor requires 16 attribute points in Technical Ability. There is no way around it.

District: Heywood, Subdistrict: The Glen.

Go down the alley past the garbage bins until you reach the next screenshot.

The door which requires the attribute check is behind the boxes in black tarp.

The Solo Jacket can be found on a body at the back of the room.

Inner Torso

Subdistrict: Rocky Ridge.

The Solo Shirt is located in a piece of luggage near two bodies next to a rock.


District: Heywood, Subdistrict: Wellsprings.

Go towards the small opening and down the ladder.

Once down, follow the wall, past the many garbage bags, and into the alley on the right.

Go through the fenced gate, up the shack and down behind it.

The Solo Racers are located on a body inside the shack.


District: Watson, Subdistrict: Kabuki.

Go through the tunnel and go down the stairs to the left.

Hug the wall on the left until you reach an elevator. Take it up to the third floor.

Once there, get out and go through the door on the left. The Solo Boots will be in a container behind the food vendor.

Techie Armor Set

Female Character.

Male Character.


This piece of armor requires 5 attribute points in Technical Ability. There is no way around it.

District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Rocky Ridge.

Go towards the underground bunker in-between the two burned vehicles.

The Techie Cap is inside a container on a workbench.


District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Rocky Ridge.

Go towards the shack in the distance, be mindful of the mines on the left of it.

Go inside, the Techie Ocuset will be in a container under a table.

Outer Torso

This item exists in the game files and can be acquired via console commands but hasn’t been found (or doesn’t exist yet) in the game world.

Inner Torso

This armor piece requires to have completed the main story quest involving Panam called “Ghost Town”. Once  go to the location shown and the container will have appeared. Before that point in the story, the container won’t be there.

District: The Badlands, Subdistrict: Rocky Ridge.

Go through the tunnel and continue for a while, until you reach the container in the next screenshot.

The Techie Shirt is inside a container behind the Black Caliburn, a secret car you can add to your collection by driving away with it.


District: Santo Doming, Subdistrict: Rancho Coronado.

Go towards the mini-truck in the back, past the police cars.

The Techie Pants are on a body near the truck.


This piece of armor requires 5 attribute points in Technical Ability.

District: City Center, Subdistrict: Corpo Plaza.

Go towards the fenced gate in the distance.

Open the door.

The Techie Shoes are on a body at the back or the room.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. There are a few other legendary armors that are not in this list because they are not part of a complete set

  2. Actually you can get rocker legs without 12 body or double jump. Use pipes on right side little bit before gate and the small ledges to jump on the cage

  3. If you want to know how the Nomad Pants look like, they look exactly like the “Vintage Extra-Leather Straightcuts” for Male V

  4. Thanks for the helpful guide ^^

    Currently playing a female character and wearing the Lazrpunk Jacket, Rocker Glasses and Bra, and the Netrunner trousers and shoes 😀

  5. Thank you for the great guide!
    In all my playtime i managed to find all of 6 of listed items. 🙂
    BTW, i checked: they fixed rocker’s outer torso for female V, now it looks ok.

  6. The inner torso piece for the fixer set seems to be gone now. There’s no corpse that holds the item anymore. At least in this current playthrough of mine. In the others it was still there.

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