This is the guide to getting your hands on the 10 coolest pogs out there in the mysterious land of New Jersey.
Average Pog Collector Guide
Bookshelf Pog
A staple in any self respecting collector’s library. A particularly shiny piece that can be found in the pages of history. You might find it’s quite a novel pog.

Dumpster Pog
This pog is considered low value and very common. It helps complete collections but isn’t worth much on its own. The rarer pogs become more valuable when compared to common ones like this. This particular pog was produced in such large quantities that the factories have an excess supply.

777 Pog
Some say it’s the luckiest pog you can find. A marketing gimmick pog that honestly shouldn’t be as valuable as it is, but it was only available at select stores. So grab a Large Gulp slushy and your very own pog in Windtown.

Forest Pog
The pog in it’s natural habitat, this elusive creature hides within the mysterious forest surrounding Frankton. Few have seen it, even fewer have dared to try capturing it.
Some say it can only be found by someone with a stylish hair flip. Others say you should probably cut your hair.

Commemorative Pog
A commemorative pog representing the love a New Jersey mall had for its mall walkers. This pog is highly collectible, mostly because grandmas don’t know how cool pogs are and throw them out.

Airwaves Pog
This is the peak of pog perfection. This pog advertises the, now abandoned, Fankton radio tower.
Rumor has it if you tune your radio to the right station you can still hear things being broadcast from it.

Stalactite Pog
You can find this pog hanging around in the Mountain Cave of Mt.Town. Really it should be called the “Stalagmite Pog” because you might find it on the ground, but then we must ask were the pogs named from where they are or where they’re from?

Maze Pog
An outstanding piece that few have it leaves many puzzled. It’s performance as a slammer has really made it a flagship in any collection.

The Impossible Pog
It’s a pog that’s on the collectors list, but no one knows where it came from. It has japanese writing on it. Probably a knock off, but some collectors love those.

Rare Collectible Pog
Probably the most sought after pog. Some people even sell it at a high price to re-sellers. My roommate said I was crazy to spend $150 on a piece of cardboard, but he never really understood the value of pogs.

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