All achievement guide for A Building Full of Cats with locations of all cats and hidden cats, and Fofiño locations.
Complete Guide
Warm-Up Achievement
- Click on the cat behind the bush
Give Meow Some Credit Achievement
- Click on Credit button
- Then click on the cat on top of the Giovani’s name
Wet Floor Achievement
- Click on Setting button
- Then click on a cat under the sign
1st Floor Cats and Hidden Cats
2nd Floor Cats and Hidden Cats
3rd Floor Cats and Hidden Cats
4th Floor Cats and Hidden Cats
- To find cat in the lamp, click on light switch next to entrance door
5th Floor Cats and Hidden Cats
6th Floor/Roof Cats
- In the 5th Floor menu, click on the arrow right to the door to go to the roof
How to Find Fofiño?
Fofiño can be find 2-3 times on each floor
Once you find all of Fofiño on a floor, the paw symbol will appear on the cats counter
After you find all the Fofiño in all the floors (Floor 1 to 5), go to the roof and click on Fofiño who is sitting on the ledge to trigger Found! Achievement
Adopted! and Steam’s Worst Achievement Achievements
- Once you click on Fofiño, it will give you a choice nether to adopt him or not?
Yes > Adopted! Achievement
No > Worst Achievement
You can only make one choice each time you find Fofiño. To unlock another achievement, you need to Delete Save in setting and find Fofiño all over again. Then choose another answer to get full achivements
Go pet all the cats!
Don’t leave any cat behind!
i think they deleted achievement for not adopting Fofino 😀
not adopting fofino destroyed my spirit but i did the entire game again to adopt fofino and now my soul is at peace