AFK Arena – Tier List for All Heroes

When partnered with their ideal match, the game’s top heroes are occasionally just that. The finest AFK Arena heroes, on the other hand, are usually ones that outperform others in circumstances when they shouldn’t. They’ll likely end up towards the top of the AFK Arena tier list if they can inflict enough damage to eliminate a possible counter before they have a chance to do their thing.

Full Tier List

Best for PVE


  • Ainz, Alna, Daimon, Desira, Eironn, Elijah & Lailah, Lucretia, Merlin, Mortas, Raku, Rowan, Skriath, Talene, Thoran, Morrow


  • Albedo, Arthur, Athalia, Drez, Eluard, Ezio, Ezizh, Fawkes, Ferael, Flora, Grezhul, Gwyneth, Hendrik, Isabella, Izold, Kelthur, Leofric, Lyca, Mehira, Mezoth, Morael, Nakoruru, Nara, Nemora, Numisu, Oden, Orthros, Pippa, Prince of Persia, QUEEN, Rosaline, Safiya, Saurus, Silas, Tasi, Tidus, Titus, Wu Kong, Zaphrael, Zolrath, Zikis


  • Belinda,Brutus, Cecilia, Estrilda, Gorvo, JOKER, Khazard, Kren, Respen, Shemira, Skreg, Thali, Theowyn, Vurk, Hodgkin


  • Mishka, Anoki, Antandra, Kaz, Khasos, Lorsan, Lucius, Peggy, Raine, Satrana, Solise, Torne, Warek


  • Baden, Oscar, Rigby, Ukyo, Ulmus, Walker


  • Seirus, Thane

These are the AFK Arena characters you should spend your resources on if you’re only trying to go through the main narrative stuff. This is the first place you should go if you’re a newbie. After you’ve caught up, you may begin content grinding by investing in the greatest PVP and Boss Battle characters.

Best for PVP


  • Albedo, Athalia, Hendrik, Izold, Kelthur, Mezoth, Nara, Silas, Zaphrael, Zolrath, Belinda, Brutus, Estrilda, JOKER, Shemira, Lucius, Satrana, Warek, Baden, Ukyo, Ainz, Raku, Rowan, Skriath, Thoran


  • Arthur, Ezio, Ezizh, Gwyneth, Isabella, Leofric, Mehira, Nakoruru, Numisu, Oden, Orthros, Pippa, Prince of Persia, Tidus, Cecilia, Gorvo, Kren, Theowyn, Vurk, Hodgkin, Antandra, Lorsan, Peggy, Oscar, Ulmus, Alna Daimon Morrow


  • Grezhul, Lyca QUEEN Rosaline Safiya Zikis, Respen, Kaz, Khasos, Thane, Talene


  • Mishka, Drez, Flora, Morael, Nemora, Saurus, Tasi, Titus, Wu Kong, Khazard, Thali, Anoki, Torne, Rigby, Walker, Desira, Elijah & Lailah, Mortos


  • Eluard, Fawkes, Ferael, Skreg, Raine, Eironn, Lucretia, Merlin


  • Solise, Seirus

The AFK Arena PVP tier list above should assist competitive players understand the game’s player-vs-player situation. Building the ideal team is difficult with over 100 heroes available, and the meta is always shifting, but the list above should give you a good idea of who to target.

Best for Boss Battles


  • Pippa, Gorvo, Hodgkin, Ulmus, Morrow, Grezhul, Tasi, Fawkes, Raine, Eironn, Solise, Albedo, Mezoth


  • Mehira, Numisu, Orthros, Cecilia, Theowyn, QUEEN, Kaz, Talene, Drez, Flora, Eluard, Lucretia, Athalia, Baden


  • Arthur, Ezizh, Nakoruru, Prince of Persia, Kren, Antandra, Lorsan, Peggy, Alna, Respen, Morael, Nemora, Saurus, Titus, Thali, Merlin, Izold, Zaphrael, Zolrath, Estrilda, Satrana, Ukyo, Ainz, Rowan, Skriath, Thoran


  • Mishka, Ezio, Gwyneth, Tidus, Vurk, Lyca, Safiya, Khasos, Thane, Wu Kong, Khazard, Torne, Desira, Elijah & Lailah, Kelthur, Brutus, JOKER, Shemira, Raku


  • Isabella, Oscar, Rosaline, Anoki, Rigby, Walker, Mortas, Ferael, Skreg, Silas


  • Leofric, Oden, Daimon, Zikis, Seirus, Hendrik, Nara, Belinda, Lucius, Warek

Using the AFK Arena boss tier list above, you should be well on your way to conquering the game’s major PVE bouts and events. Many useful awards are hidden behind boss fight content, and entering with sub-optimal troops may drastically reduce the benefits you get at the conclusion of each. It’s not a risk worth taking.

How Many Heroes Are in AFK Arena?

AFK Arena presently features roughly 88 characters that have found a position on the AFK Arena tier list, not including the game’s common fodder heroes that you’ll pull many times throughout your time with the game. They all have their advantages, but some, like Seirus or Thane, are just worth constructing above others.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13347 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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