Alice Escaped! – How to Get All 5 Endings

Conditions on how to get all 5 endings and some tips to get the items that are prerequisites. I only made this guide because I wish I had one, hope it helps. Spoilers, obviously.

Notes About the Endings

This guide isn’t totally inclusive on how to get everything you need in the game, just the conditions you’ll need to meet for getting each ending. If you’re ever stuck, check your map for any covered up areas you may have missed…

Major Note About Ending 4

Ending #4 can be missed in a save file and best done first if you want all of them (though it’s possible to do ending 5 along the way of doing ending 4).

The Endings Go in Order of 5 – 1

  • From easiest / most earliest to get to the hardest / most end game to get.
  • These do not need to be in order.
  • Ending #1 is the “true” ending.
  • You will get Ending #3 over the course of the game, you don’t have to worry about knowing how to get this one so much, it’s necessary as part of the story.

Ending 5 – Huh? Where’s Alice?


  1. Find Cheshire cat’s room and talk to her, ask her how to leave this world and tell her you want to go.

Q: Where can I find the Cheshire cat’s room?

A: Near the mansion entrance, in one of the circular tea saucer plate rooms, in a crack in the floor.

Ending 4 – Alice the Shut-In


  1. Do NOT catch Alice before she reaches the Queen’s Castle
  2. Don’t get the key from Dodo. Don’t do her quests, don’t try to talk things out. Fighting her is OK.
    • Side Note: if you beat her twice in combat, she should disappear for now.
  3. Make your way to the Castle and defeat the Queen of Hearts.

Q: I already have the key from Dodo, can I do this ending?

A: Unfortunately, no, but it’s possible to get it in a new game save slot.

Q: I passed the speech checks from Dodo, is it too late?

A: Don’t do her quests, as long as you don’t get the key from Dodo at the Tea Party, you can still get this ending. You might even be ok if you just leave the key on the ground for now? But once you get it in your inventory, this ending is impossible.

Q: What if I catch Alice?

A: Unless you know the trick on how to catch her, you don’t have to worry about this.

Ending 3 – Turn Back Time!


  1. Do NOT catch Alice before she reaches the Queen’s Castle
  2. Talk to Dodo and convince her to come to the tea party
  3. Get the key from Dodo at the tea party.
  4. Make your way to the Castle and defeat the Queen of Hearts.
  5. Use Dodo’s key on the room behind her throne to confront Alice.

Q: I didn’t pass the speech checks with Dodo and beat her up twice, now I can’t find her at all, what can I do?

A: If you already got Ending 4, she won’t disappear from the Library on top of the mansion and you can still talk with her… I think. Try leaving and visiting the library again. If you haven’t gotten Ending 4 yet, and Dodo has disappeared from the Library and world completely, you’re on track for getting Ending 4, unfortunately.

Q: What if I catch Alice?

A: Unless you know the trick on how to catch her, you don’t have to worry about this.

Ending 2 – Was This Really for the Best?


  1. Get Ending #3 so time rifts appear.


  1. Do NOT catch Alice before she reaches the Queen’s Castle
  2. Restore the Hatters memory with the Hat of Truth
  3. Get both Dodo and Humpty to the Tea Party, talk to them to convince them to come along.
  4. Meet Cheshire in the mirror room in the top right of the castle.

Q: How can I get the Hat of Truth?

A: You must first close all time rifts. Closing the last rift will reward you with the key to the Castle dungeon. Take that to the dungeon and head deep inside…

Q: What if I catch Alice?

A: Unless you know the trick on how to catch her, you don’t have to worry about this.

Q: How can I convince Dodo to come along?

A: After inviting Humpty to the party, suggest that she go to Humpty’s world.

Q: How can I convince Humpty to come along?

A: Pass a speech check with her.

Ending 1 – My Name Is…


  1. Get Ending #3 so time rifts appear.


  1. Catch Alice before she makes it to the Castle!
  2. Restore the Hatters memory with the Hat of Truth
  3. Get both Dodo and Humpty to the Tea Party, talk to them to convince them to come along.
  4. Meet Cheshire in the mirror room in the top right of the Castle.
  5. Defeat the final boss!

Q: How can I catch Alice?

A: Use the White Watch in your inventory to start a fresh timeline, use the teleport ability immediately from the start to go to the fast travel location “The Mushroom Forest”, this will put you next to the Humpty’s Wall where you fight her the first time, then head left (heading right will make you fight humpty and not catch Alice), you should bump into Alice right before you get to the door to the Tea Party area.

Q: How can I get the teleport ability?

A: Meet Cheshire in her room and befriend her in multiple timelines by talking to her, leaving the mansion and coming back to talk to her more until her affection is maxed out. I think when they talk about saving everyone and Cheshire says ‘I’ll be waiting, but I won’t be hopeful.”, you successfully maxed it out. The second timeline you do this in, she’ll give you Cheshire’s Bracelet as proof of your friendship. Turn back time one more time and choose ‘lend us your power!’ when you talk to her.

Alternatively, pass the hard speech check for ‘lend us your power!’.

Q: Where can I find the Cheshire cat’s room?

A: Near the mansion entrance, in one of the circular tea saucer plate rooms, in a crack in the floor.

Q: How can I get the Hat of Truth?

A: You must first close all time rifts. Closing the last rift will reward you with the key to the Castle dungeon. Take that to the dungeon and head deep inside…

Q: How can I convince Dodo to come along?

A: After inviting Humpty to the party, suggest that she go to Humpty’s world.

Q: How can I convince Humpty to come along?

A: Pass a speech check with her.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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