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How to Solve Red Orbit Revelation Quest
First the game asks you to harvester Red_Orbit.
The PR employee is Owen_Stewart, you can find that by searching his name on Tweeter.
Then do a harvester on him as well.
You’ll find a bunch of IPs, and subsequent Shreddit posts related to those IPs, the game doesn’t explain you this. The first IP equals the first post, second IP second post, etc.
Once you realize which IP is his personal computer instead of company computer (kinda obvious when you think about the step above) you need to do a “intercepter” command on him, using his IP and a host that he uses, The game doesn’t explain which host it is. I wasted my time trying “shreddit.com” and such.
What the game wants you to do is to read his tweeter and realize he’s missing a delivery from “walmartyr.com”. That’s the host you want.
Rest is self-explanatory. Happy hacking!
More explanation
After you use the intercepter command, it generates a dumped file.
You dont even need to peruse that file, just add the name of it together with the extension to the sqlmap command, and after that you’ll use another sql command to find information on two different tables.
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