Apex Legends – Beginners Guide (S11)

Apex Legends is a game that might be hard for newcomers. If you are a new player in apex and you want to know the basics of the game and get better, this guide can be very useful to you.

First, Ping!

All credit goes to GhostAlireza79 !

In the main menu, before getting into the lobby you can see (and change) your server. The game chooses the best server for you but if you want to choose the server yourself, you can click on “Data Center” button and change it your server.

If you skipped the main menu, don’t panic! you still can get back to it, just press the “escape” button (or select the gear button in the bottom right) and after that select the “return to the main menu” button.

Game Lobby (Part 1)

Now let me give you some information about the game lobby and its tabs, maybe many of you don’t need this information, but this may be difficult for some people, so I have included this in the guide.

1-Game Mode Button

By choosing this button you can select different modes to play. After selecting the desired mode, select the “Ready” button and the game will start to find a match. also you can uncheck “Fill Teammates” to get into the game without any teammates.

2-Play Tab

This is the game main tab. This tab is for showing team members and getting ready to start the game, also it displays a summary of the information you may need before starting the game.

3-Club Tab

In this Tab, you can find a Club and join it or create your own Club! but before that, You need to be at least level 10 to create or join a Club. Clubs allow you to better coordinate with your friends and Club members and do better teamwork. Each Club has a max of 30 members.

First, the game introduces you to the Clubs that you may like, if you want to find a club you like, you can use the preset tags.

If you want to create your own Club, you can use the “Create a club” button. in this section, you must create a unique name, and in addition, you must also create a 4-letter code. This code is displayed next to the Club member’s name in the Match. Then you can set the security level of the Club. You can also use preset tags to specify your Club goal and you can even customize your Club logo!

After creating a Club or even joining one of them, your Club page will change. now in this section, you can see all the Club members, the latest activities of the Club, and the conversation of the Club members. The Club Owner (or admin) can send out announcements to everyone for different things and fire Club members or invite new people and rank them.

There are four ranks in the Club:

  • Grunt: All new members have this rank, these members can invite other Club members to their lobby and use the club chat, but they cant invite other people to the Club.
  • Captain: In addition to having Grunt capabilities, these members can also invite other people to the Club.
  • Admin: These members have all the capabilities of Captain, and besides, they can change the Club settings and make announcements, and even fire other members or change their rank.
  • Owner: this member is the creator of the Club and has all the capabilities of Admin and besides, he can increase the rank of members to Admin or reduce their rank.

4-Legends Tab

In this Tab, you can customize your Legends and see their abilities. Legend Cosmetics include Skin, Banner, Banner Pose, Kill Quip, Intro Quip, Quip Wheels, Holo Sprays, Emote, and finishers.

To customize your legends, you can select the desired Legend and enter the customization page. On this page, there are different taps, each of which is related to a part of the selected Legend.

5-Loadout Tab

On this page you can customize your weapons, it dosnt mean adding an extended barrel or changing the mag. you can ONLY change the Skin of the weapon, you can also choose Charm for your weapons.

Note: You can use each charm only on one weapon.

On this page, besides customizing weapons, you can also customize other kinds of stuff. The “game Customization” button will take you to a new page that has three different tabs.

  • In the “Load Screens” tab you can change the image of the Loading screen.
  • In the”Music Packs” tab you can change the music of the game.
  • In the “Skydive Trail” tab, you can customize the Trail that is created when you skydiving.

6-Store Tab

In the store tap, you can buy charms and Skins for your Legends/weapons using your Apex Coins, you can also buy Apex Packs. if you have some of the legendary skins, with your Legend Tokens you can buy a recolor for that Legendary Skins.

In other tabs, you can use your Legend Tokens to buy locked Legends, or if you have Heirloom Shards, buy Heirloom for your Legends.

7-Game Currencies

There are four currencies in the game, two of them are main currencies and the other two are sub-currencies, and only two currencies are displayed on the main screen.

First of all, let’s take a look at two main currencies:

  • Apex Coin: This currency is used to buy Battle Pass or buy from the store, its color is yellow and is displayed on the main page. can be earned only through Battle Pass or using real money.
  • Legend Token: This currency is used to buy Legends and Recolors from the store, or you can use it to change daily challenges. its color is orange and is not displayed on the main page, can be earned just by Leveling Up your account.

Now, let’s take a look at other two sub-currencies:

  • Crafting Materials: Used to buy cosmetic items, its color is blue and is displayed on the main page. the only way to get it is through Battle Pass, Apex Packs, or daily treasure packs.
  • Heirloom Shards: It is the rarest currency in the game, and it looks like Crafting Materials (but it’s red). it’s not displayed on the main page and it is used in the store to buy Heirloom. it can be earned only through opening Apex Pack (1 in 500 Apex Pack!).

8-Season Hub

There are three different tabs. the first tab is the Battle Pass, you can see Battle Pass items or your Tier in here.

The second tab is for Treasure Packs, in each Match you may encounter boxes called Treasure Pack, you can pick one of these boxes every day, by finding each box you will receive a reward on this page. You need 45 Treasure Pack to get all the prizes. Apart from that, you can read weekly comics on this page.

The third tab is for challenges, by completing the challenges you can climb Battle Pass tiers faster.


By completing challenges, you will receive stars. By collecting every 10 stars, your Battle Pass tier will increase. Challenges fall into three categories:

  • Daily Challenge: every day you receive five daily challenges, these challenges are basically easy and you can easily complete them but they give you fewer stars. You also get a star every time you get 5000 XP.
  • Weekly Challenge: Each week you receive 11 challenges that do not change until the end of the season. By doing each of the first four challenges from above, your Battle Pass goes up one Tier (they give you 10 stars), the other seven challenges give you a decent amount of stars. basically, these challenges Are difficult versions of daily challenges.
  • Event Challenge: These challenges are given to you only in Events and by doing them you can receive Event prizes. At the end of the Event, these challenges will be disabled.

Game Lobby (Part 2)

10-The latest game news

In this section, the latest game news is placed, by selecting it you can read the full news.

11-Latest Match Information

In this section you can see all the information of the last Match you have played, information such as the amount of XP you received, the number of stars you received for the Battle Pass, the number of Kills, and…

12-The last people you have played with

In this section, the list of people whom you played with in the last Match is displayed and you can invite them to your lobby.

Best Settings Before Starting the Game

To have a better and easier experience, I suggest changing a few options in the game settings:

Damage Number: By default, the game shows the sum of the damage you have done to the enemy. By going to the settings page, in the GamePlay section, you can see an option called Damage Number. set its value to Both. By doing this, it will display the sum of the damage numbers and each damage number together.

Field of View: In order to be able to see your surroundings better, you can change the value of Field of View. it is recommended to set its value to 95 or 100. to do this, go to the Video section and change the Field of View value.

Performance Display: By activating this option, you can see Ping, FPS, and other information that you need while playing.

Jetpack Control: If you want to play with the Valkyrie, it is better to put this option on Hold first, by holding down the desired button, you will start flying, and releasing that button will exit the flight mode.

Game Modes (Part 1)


When you enter Apex Legends for the first time, first you must enter the Training mode. If you do not enter, the game will not allow you to enter other modes. as the name implies, it will teach you the basics of the game.

2-Firing Range

It is the same as Training Mode, except that you are free to do anything. you are free to try different weapons and Legends in this mode. You can also enter this mode with your friends and fight with each other and test each other’s skills.

3-Play Apex

This is the Battle Royale mode and it can be played as Duos or Trios, each match has 60 Players (30 teams in Duos mode and 20 teams in Trios mode). this mode has 4 maps and you can’t choose which map to play in. map changes every 30 minutes.

4-Ranked Leagues

Ranked mode is the same as Play Apex mode, except that all the players in the Match are the same skills as you. when you enter the new season, your rank will reset, and based on the previous season’s rank, you will receive a reward!

To enter this mode, your level must be above 10.

The rank mode has two splits, in each split, you can only play on one map. The first split starts at the beginning of the season and the second split starts in the middle of the season. At the beginning of each split, the Rank map will change and your rank will reset! But don’t worry, when the new season starts, the game will reward you based on the highest rank you have achieved in each of the splits. soo if your first split rank is higher than the second split, the game will reward you based on the first split rank. Now, if you achieve the same rank in both splits, the Badge award that you will receive in the next season will be animated.

With every match you play, you will earn RP. I will explain the ways that you can earn more RPs below but now let me introduce you to the ranks.

The Game Ranks Are:

  • Bronze: is the lowest rank, and it won’t cost you any RPs to start a match. This rank gives you Bronze Badge and Bronze Holospray at the end of the season.
  • Silver: is the first Rank that reduces your RPs for playing, it will cost 12 points from your RPs to enter each Match. At the end of the season, it gives you Silver Badge and Silver Holospray.
  • Gold: From this Rank onwards, rival players will become more professional. it will cost you 24 points from your RPs to enter each Match. At the end of the season, it gives you Gold Badge, Gold Holospray, and Gold Charm.
  • Platinum: In this Rank, players are even more professional and make your job harder to rank up. it will cost you 36 points of your RPs to enter each Match. At the end of the season, it gives you Platinum Badge, Platinum Holospray, and Platinum Charm.
  • Diamond: From this rank onwards, matches become extremely difficult, it will cost you 48 points from your RPs to enter each match. At the end of the season, it will give you Diamond Badge, Diamond Holospray, and Diamond Charm.
  • Master: top Apex Legends players are in this Rank, it will cost you 60 points from your RPs to enter each Match. At the end of the season, it will give you Master Badge, Master Holospray, and Master Charm.
  • Apex Predator: there are only 750 top Apex Legends players In this Rank. it will cost you 60 points from your RPs to enter each Match. At the end of the season, it gives you Apex Predator Badge, Apex Predator Holospray, and Apex Predator Charm.

Now let me explain the ways that you can earn RPs:

By getting a kill or assist, you get 1 RP which is multiplied by Multiplier (by default Multiplier is 10) and it will count up to 6 Kill / Assist.

  • By reaching the Top 11/13, the Multiplier value remains the same as 10, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 5 RPs.
  • By reaching the Top 10/9, the Multiplier value will increase to 12, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 10 RPs.
  • By reaching the Top 8/7, the Multiplier value remains the same as 12, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 20 RPs.
  • By reaching the Top 6/5, the Multiplier value in the Top 6 remains the same as 12, but in the Top 5 it becomes 15, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 30 RPs.
  • By reaching the Top 4/3, the Multiplier value in the Top 4 remains the same as 15, but in the Top 3 it becomes 20, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 40 RPs.
  • By reaching the Top 2, the Multiplier value remains the same as 20, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 60 RPs.
  • By winning the match the Multiplier value becomes 25, and after the end of the Match, you will receive 100 RPs.

As you can see, the game forces you to kill more in addition to surviving, so try to balance survival and killing in each match. If you get a lot of Kills or Assists at the beginning of the match, focus on survival, or in the opposite situation, if you have reached the end of the match and don’t have any Kills or Assists, focus on smart combat (don’t get in a fight that you can’t win).


Arena is a 3vs3 mode which is one of the main modes of Apex Legends. In this mode, you and your teammates must destroy all members of the opposing team to win a round. To win a match you must win at least three Rounds and be two Rounds ahead of the opposing team. If both teams win the same amount of rounds, they enter the ninth round and each team that wins this round wins the match.

In this mode, Crafting Materials act as money. Before the start of each round, you can use them to buy the weapons, equipment, and Abilities you need. At the end of each round, you will receive some Crafting Materials by default, you can also receive extra Crafting Materials based on your performance in the round and the Crafting Materials you have saved in the previous round. There are several Crafting Material tanks in the game map and by using them, all team members will receive 200 Crafting Materials for the next round. since Crafting Materials play an important role in this mode, these tanks are very important.

At the end of each round, you lose all your weapons and for the next round, you have to buy weapons again. You can also use the Crafting Materials to upgrade the weapons you bought. each time you upgrade you will put better attachments on your weapon. In this mode, there is no Ground Loot and you can only use Supply Bins on the map. inside each Supply Bin there are two Shield Batteries, one Med Kit, and one Phoenix Kit. also if you open them with the Lifeline (legend). You will receive 4 additional Shield Cells.

In each round, a Care Package lands on the map that contains three Fully Kited weapons that can help you get better weapons. Also, with each round, the level of weapons in the Care Package increases. You can see the weapons in the Care Package and their level on the purchase page before the start of the Round.

You can’t get respawned in this mode and if you die you have to wait for the round to end. soo, Legends that have a high revive speed are very efficient in this mode.

Game Modes (Part 2)

6-Ranked Arenas

This mode is the Ranked version of Arenas. When you first play Ranked Arenas, you start in placement matches. Your performance over these 10 matches will determine your initial MMR and your starting rank. MMR variance is wider initially, so these first 10 matches might be stomp-or-get-stomped until your MMR settles more. The game starts giving you APs after your rank is determined.

The ranked mode has two splits. The first split starts at the beginning of the season and the second split starts in the middle of the season, and your rank will reset at the beginning of each split! But don’t worry, at the end of the season, the game will reward you based on the highest rank you have achieved in each of the splits. soo, if your first split rank is higher than the second split, the game will reward you based on the first split rank. Now, if you achieve the same rank in both splits, the Badge award that you will receive in the next season will be animated.

With each match you play, if you win you will receive APs and if you lose you will lose APs. Based on the amount of APs you have, your Rank will be determined. The game ranks are:

  • Bronze: It is the lowest Rank and you will need 1 AP to enter its matches. it will give you a Bronze Badge at the end of the season.
  • Silver: You need 1600 APs to enter its matches. it will give you a Silver Badge at the end of the season.
  • Gold: From this Rank onwards, rival players will become more professional. you need 3200 APs to enter its matches and at the end of the season, it gives you a Gold Badge and a Gold Weapon Charm.
  • Platinum: In this Rank, the players are more aggressive and make your job harder to rank up. you need 4800 APs to enter its matches and it gives you a Platinum Badge and a Platinum Weapon Charm at the end of the season.
  • Diamond: From this rank onwards, matches become very hard. you need 6400 APs to enter its matches and at the end of the season, it will give you a Diamond Badge, a Diamond Weapon Charm, and a Diamond Holospray.
  • Master: The top Apex Legends players are in this Rank. you need 8000 APs to enter its matches and at the end of the season, it will give you a Master Badge, a Master Weapon Charm, and a Master Holospray.
  • Apex Predator: only the top 500 Apex Legends players get in this Rank. it will give you an Apex Predator Badge, an Apex Predator Weapon Charm, and an Apex Predator Holospray at the end of the season.

7-Crafting Rotations

In Battle Royal games you may be looking for certain equipment but you can’t find them, so the Crafting system in Apex Legends will help you solve this problem!

In each match, by opening each Supply Bin, you will receive 5 Crafting Materials. Also, there are tanks on the map that give you 25 Crafting materials if you use them.

Crafting Materials won’t take up your inventory space, and you don’t lose them if you die, meaning that if your teammates respawn you again, you can use the Crafting Materials you collected before you die.

In the map, there are 3D printers called Replicators that you can use to make equipment using the Crafting Materials you have collected!

The equipment in the Replicator is not found on the ground or inside the Supply Bins, meaning you can only get them through the Replicators.

The equipment inside the Replicator changes weekly and daily, you can see the equipment that can be made through the Replicator on the mode selection page or in the Match next to the map.

8-Custom Match

If you want to make a custom match or start a contest, you must select this option, but also keep in mind that you must have an admin code to be able to create a match.

You can invite 60 players and 5 Spectators to a Match, in custom matches you won’t receive any XP.

To create a Match you have to enter your admin code in the box, if you are a player who wants to enter the Match you have to enter the code that the admin gives you.


There are many weapons in the game, each with a different trait, you may like some of the weapons in the game more, but you must know how to use all weapons so that if you didn’t find your favorite weapon, you could still survive. So be sure to practice with all weapons in Firing Range.

In the game, there are 6 weapon classes, which are as follows:

Marksman Weapons Class

Weapons of this class are very suitable for medium and long-distance combat, but they don’t perform well in close combat, except Triple Take. it can also work well in close combat. most weapons in this class are semi-auto and have excellent accuracy and firing speed.

  • Weapons in this class are: Triple Take, Bocek Bow, G7 Scout, 30-30 Repeater

Assault Rifle Class

Weapons of this class are very suitable for medium distance Combat, and they also work very well in close Combats. These weapons are not useful for long distances, but Havoc with Select Fire hop-up can almost work well in long-distance combats. Most weapons in this class are very accurate.

  • Weapons in this class are: Hemlock, R301, Flatline, Havok

SMG Class

Weapons in this class have a high fire rate with low damage. they are more suitable for close combat and most of them are not useful for medium and long distances at all, but some of them, such as Volt perform well at medium distances.

Most weapons in this class have good accuracy and high firing speed.

  • Weapons in this class are: R99, Prowler, Alternator, Volt, C.A.R

LMG Class

If you like to shoot your enemies without being concerned about reloading, then the LMG class is for you!

The weapons in this class are kind of accurate, but their most important trait is their magazine size. All weapons in this class have a large magazine, even one of these weapons (LStar) doesn’t have a magazine and only gets hot by firing too much!

  • Weapons in this class are: SpitFire, Devotion, LStar, Rampage

Sniper Rifle Class

All of these weapons have high damage and slow fire rate and they are perfect for long distance combat. All weapons in this class also perform well in medium-range Combat.

  • Weapons in this class are: Longbow, Sentinel, Charge Rifle, Kraber

Shotgun Class

Weapons in this class, just like the SMG class, are very suitable for close combat. remember, none of these weapons are suitable for medium-distance combat. The focus of this class is on dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time.

  • Weapons in this class are: Eva-8, Mastiff, Mozambique, PeaceKeeper

Pistol Class

Most weapons in this class can be useful for the beginning of the Match, but a weapon like Wingman is extremely powerful and can be used even at medium distances.

All weapons in this class have good firing speeds and are more useful in close-range combat.

  • Weapons in this class are: P2020, RE45, Wingman


As the name implies, the playable characters are called Legend. Each of the Legends has its own set of abilities and personalities. based on their abilities, they take place in one of the classes of Defend, Recon, Support, and Offense.


In Apex Legends, there are four maps named Kings Canyon, World’s Edge, Olympus, and Storm Point. Kings Canyon is a savannah biome and full of deserts. on the other hand, World’s Edge is mountainous and lush and at the same time cold, Olympus is a utopia in the sky that is very green and advanced, Storm Point is a dangerous tropical and green island. Knowing the important locations of each map will help you reach good loots sooner.


This game has good and fun Gunplay. In addition to the fact that each weapon has a special feature, each type of bullet also has its own trait.

Weapons that use light bullets have low damage and high firing speed. The focus of these bullets is more on close combat.

Weapons that use heavy bullets have low firing speed and a lot of damage. The focus of these bullets is more on the medium distance.

Some of the weapons that use Energy bullets have negative traits such as charging and heating, but most of them are very powerful weapons. The energy bullet has a very high speed and has much less drop at long distances. energy bullets are the only bullets that their damage drop at far distances.

Weapons that use sniper bullets have high bullet speed and their bullets can pass through several enemies. The focus of these bullets is more on medium and long-distance.

Arrows allow you to use them again after firing them! After firing, they attach to objects and you can pick them up. If these arrows hit enemies, after their death these bullets will be transferred to their DeathBox.

Also, keep in mind that all bullets that hit the enemy will stun them, which means their running and Sliding will get canceled.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13981 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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