Bankrupt Heroines 2 – 100% Full Achievement Guide

How to Get All Achievements

X Meters Achievements

These achievements are about how far you go in a level. You need to reach 100, 200, 400, 600, and 800 meters. It’s easier to get the longer distances when you have better weapons. A character who can make you stronger can also help you go faster.

The people of delivery
Go over 100 meters

You can probably get this in the first level.

Go over 200 meters

This is also easy and you can likely get it in the first or second level.

Go over 400 meters

You should be able to get this just by playing the game normally.

I don’t know how should I name this achievement
Go over 600 meters

This might take a bit more effort, but it’s still just about walking 600 meters.

Longer than the Vatican City
Go over 800 meters

This one requires you to go further. You can do it in the first level by walking to 800 meters and not fighting enemies.

Final Battle Achievements

The final boss has two related achievements. You can get one by beating the boss, and the other by losing to the boss. To unlock both achievements, you’ll need two different save files. Use one save file to win against the boss, and use the other save file to let the boss defeat you.

  • If you lose to the last boss, your save file will be deleted. Make sure you’re prepared before facing them.

A Regular Cat
Destroy the boss

I recommend doing this on your first save file so that you can grind out the money achievements more easily with all your overpowered gear. I recommend using the best buff along with the armor piercing round to easily defeat the final boss. It really shouldn’t be all that hard.

Fail in the boss stage

Pretty simple. You just have to purposefully die to the final boss. However as I mentioned previously, your save file will be deleted once the CG is completed (You will be able to view the CG later at anytime). I recommend going into the fight without any buffs so that it is easier for you to die.

Money Achievements

There are 11 achievements about money in the game. They’re easy to get but take some time. It’s best to try for these after finishing the game because they can be boring. Talk to the mob boss to lower your taxes. This helps you get more money and upgrade weapons easier.

Get 1000 gold

Greedy cow
Get 3000 gold in one stage

Money! Money!
Get 5000 gold

Get 5000 gold in one stage

These can be done by just playing normally, especially in levels 5-8.

Vegan food
Collect 1000 shrimp from trees

Do this in level 7 or 8. Use speed or best buff to jump on trees easily.

Intercontinental Ballistic Tuna
Get 2000 points from tuna

Do this in level 5 or 6. Stay under shelter during tuna strikes. Use a gun with wide view to see gold drops.

I hate taxation
Lose 10,000,000 gold to taxes

Play level 7 or 8 with speed boost. Reach 800-1000 meters, then finish the level.

U. S. A.
Spend 1,000,000 gold on weapon upgrades

Upgrade any weapon. Shotgun is good to start, then focus on armor-piercing rounds.

California governing at the finest
Spend 100,000 gold on shotgun upgrades

Focus on damage and clip size first, then shot speed and reload speed.

Gold Rush!
Pick up 100 gold boxes

This can be frustrating. Listen for a ding every 100 meters and collect the falling crate. Go to level 7 or 8 with speed boost to collect shrimp and boxes. Reset after 1000 meters. Once you have enough money for other achievements, go to level 1 to finish the gold box achievement. Or keep collecting gold to upgrade more weapons.

Misc. Achievements

The end of the Erich Hartmann
Shut down the Canadian Stuka

This achievement is for beating a secret boss in level 3. Go about 300 to 350 meters until you hear a scream from above. This means the boss is showing up. It’s a good idea to use the armor piercing gun with better stats. Also, try to have a buff that increases your damage. This helps because the boss will vanish quickly. You can try the level as many times as you need to beat the boss. Remember, you can only find this boss after you’ve completed the level once.

We are GGanbus ain’t we?
Find 8 NPCs

This achievement can be easily gotten by going through each level of the game and collecting each NPC after the required score to pass the level achieved.

We are GGGGGGanbus ain’t we?
Find all hidden NPCs

There are three hidden NPC’s in the game. They are in level 1, level 6 and level 8.

When trying to skip over NPCs, check the area around them for enemies or stray bullets. These could accidentally push you into the NPC you’re trying to avoid. Make sure to jump over the NPCs instead of walking through them.

  • The first hidden NPC is in the first level. You must skip over the first NPC to appear by hopping over them and continuing on until you get to the tentacle monster NPC
  • The second NPC is in level 6 and you must do roughly the same, passing over the initial NPC until you get to the hidden NPC.
  • The third and final NPC is in level 8 and again you have to skip over the initial NPC to get to the hidden one.

Useful Tips

The game has 8 different NPCs you can find. They give you different things like images or weapons. Here are some important ones:

  • NPC #1: Lets you upgrade weapons. Gives you more health if you talk to them.
  • NPC #3: Gives you the shotgun, which is good early in the game.
  • NPC #6: Gives character improvements for 100 gold (90 with the hidden NPC). It’s a good idea to try for a speed improvement or the best improvement before going for some achievements.
  • NPC #7: Gives you the armor piercing round gun, which is very strong and helps with most achievements

Use the shotgun until you can get the armor piercing round from the NPC in level 7. Upgrade the shotgun as much as you can. Put most of your money into damage, then how many shots it can hold, and then how fast it reloads. Do the same with the armor piercing round when you get it.

The Sixth NPC offers several improvements. You can keep spending 100 gold until you get the one you want. The main ones to remember are:

  • Best Buff – Gives you all improvements including speed, reload speed, defense, and damage
  • Speed Buff – Makes you faster and able to jump higher, which helps collect shrimp and go through levels quickly
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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