All figure combinations to make the special named Resonances.
In Blasphemous 2 you can pair certain figures with each other to create special named Resonances. These named Resonances are more powerful than other combinations as they unlock special bonuses. This guide contains all of the special named Resonances you can make.
How to Make All Special Named Resonances
To make the special named Resonances you must slot specific figures together in the Altarpiece of Favours. When you do this the figures get gold symbols over their heads and become connected by a flaming orb. When a named Resonance is active it gives you additional buffs to specific aspects of the game including weapons, the Bile Flask, dodging, and Prayers.

If you have a Resonance active you can read about its effect by accessing the Resonance tab on the Altarpiece of Favours screen. The complete details of each pairing and what they do can be found in the table below.
Figure 1 | Figure 2 | Resonance Name | Effect |
The Anointed One | The Purified One | Deflagration | Boosts some of Veredicto’s hits, creating bursts of Fire when activated |
The Anointed One | The Alchemist | Venomous Resin | Replaces Verdicto’s embers with toxic incense, causing its blows to create clouds of Miasma |
The Anointed One | The Confessor | Purging Bronze | Inflames Veredicto with dark fire born of Guilt itself. Increase damage depending on accumulated Guilt |
The Thurifer | The Selfless Father | Burning Faith | Reduces Fervour consumption to zero by keeping Veredicto in an Active state |
The Ecstatic Novice | Viridiana | Slaughter | Executing an enemy halts the passage of time for a few seconds |
The Ecstatic Novice | Nacimiento | Alchemical Time | Drinking a Bile Flask halts the passage of time for a few seconds |
The Scribe | Nacimiento | Liquid Faith | Drinking a Bile Flask regenerates a good amount of Fervour |
The Veteran One | The Tempest | Stormrage | Sarmiento & Cantella’s strikes can create chain lighting bolts that damage nearby enemies |
The Veteran One | The Guide | Spellblade | Verdadera Destreza charges Sarmiento & Centella’s blades with currents of Mystical damage. In addition, Sacred Lunge casts a shadow that strikes after a short moment |
The Veteran One | The Confessor | Purging Silver | A dark storm born of Guilt itself sweeps across the silver. Increases the damage of Sarmiento & Centella’s lightning bolts depending on the amount of Guilt accumulated |
The Pilgrim | Nacimiento | Second Wind | Drinking a Bile Flask regenerates all Verdadera Destreza markers |
The Pillager | The Tempest | Storm Steps | Dodging creates lightning bolts, which damage nearby enemies |
The Pillager | The Alchemist | Briar and Thorn | When dodging, a barrier of thorns is invoked, damaging and piercing through enemies |
The Partisan | The Demented One | Endless Wrath | Killing an enemy during Blood Pact renews its duration |
The Partisan | The Alchemist | Contagion | Blocking an attack creates a whirlpool of Miasma that damages nearby enemies |
The Punished One | The Guide | Rosary of Torment | Reaper Rosary launches a cutting wave that causes mystical damage |
The Punished One | The Confessor | Purging Steel | A dark force born of one’s own Guilt runs through the Ruego Al Alba. Increases Mystical damage of Blood Pact depending on the Guilt accumulated |
The Punished One | The Tempest | Galvanic Plead | Blood Pact imbues the blade of Ruego Al Alba with lightning |
Trifon | The Alchemist | Thorned Retort | Creates a barrier of thorns when struck, inflicting Miasma damage |
The Woman of the Stolen Face | The Flagellant | Orison Apocrypha | Intones occult versions of certain prayers, which should never again be uttered |
The slot you place either figure 1 or figure 2 doesn’t matter. The duos simply need to be placed together to activate their named Resonance.
I dont see this pairing on the list.
The Thurifer and the Estactic Novice = Gregals Favor -Boosts the strength of Veredicto
This shows a blue candle resonance.
These are just the special pairings. The Favour pairings: Gregal’s, Lebeche, Jaloque, and Cierzo are made if you pair any of the same types together.
To add to the previous comment, Orison Apocrypha also changes “Galera of the living briar” which is the quick verse that summons a ball of lighting in front of you before shooting a bolt out. It has a similar change to “Serrana of the kindled hearth” making it it crimson instead of the normal colour. Most likely changes the damage type to mystical.
Seems like Orison Apocrypha buff Serrana of the fanned hearth (not sure for the name), the “flamethrower little prayer”. The spell change color when the resonance is active and the fire become darker. Maybe a dmg buff with guilt stack