Boyfriend Dungeon – How to Unlock Better Than Santa Achievement if It’s Bugged

As someone who achievement hunts games a lot I understand that sometimes a game you get will have an unattainable achievement due to it being a potentially abandoned or unsupervised project, accompanied by an annoying bug that prevents said achievement. Here’s how to unlock that pesky last achievement.

Better Than Santa Achievement Guide

Description of Bug as It Stands

Instructions are in the next section this is a description of the issue in case the devs ever feel like looking into this.

Okay, SO, basically the achievement bugs out and does not list two of your gift items (for me it was the Digital Camera and the Blue Lipstick, not sure if this is EVERYONE’S missing items or just mine) in the section of the code(?) labeled “collectGiftNamesHistory”. All I had to do was copy the format of a gift code, add in the name of the gift, SAVE the changes made to the document, close document, reopen game, go into my savefile with said changes made, and bing-bang-boom I got the achievement. Clear instructions with Pictures next.

How to Fix the Issue

Step 1

With the game closed, go to your steam page, right click the game menu, click Manage, and then Browse Local files.

Step 2

Open the SaveData folder.

Step 3

Find whatever savefile you are using. It’ll probably be saveslot1, I just used a second savefile because I was convinced I missed two in my actual playthrough and could find them again if I went through the game a second time. Anyway, open that on Notepad or whatever text-editing app you have.

Note: For me a pop up happened asking me what app I wanted to use, I had to select from more apps and chose on a Windows system the app Notepad. Not sure if there are different apps for Linux, MacOS, etc.

Step 4

Okay, there’s a lot of text, but don’t panic. Open the search function for Notepad (Use “Ctrl + F”) and type in “collectedGiftNamesHistory”. This will take you to the section we need to be in. Close the little search function after.

Step 5

Fully read before attempting as I do not know the consequences of messing up here (probably just a corrupted save file which would suck).

If the idea of potentially messing up your save data worries you, you can make an exact copy of the saveslot1 file and leave it untouched outside of the folder!

This is the simplest fix, I’m just gonna give you some text to copy. All you gotta do is highlight the text exactly as shown in my screenshot, and delete it all. Then you’re going to paste in the text below the picture.

Alternatively, you can go through all of your gifts and check which two you specifically need (I suggest checking for Digital Camera and Blue Lipstick first, in my own experience), and type them in yourself. Worst case scenario, you have a picture reference of all the gifts you would need to type in in this space to fix it all over.

Here is the text you are going to paste in, copied exactly from the bracket down to the end of “Gift_DigitalCamera”


Step 6

Save the text document. Close the text document. Reopen your game. Load into the specific save slot you did this in.

Hopefully you get the achievement this way. If not… well… I’m sorry for wasting your time.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7051 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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