A guide explaining step by step how to reach 100% progress in the game and tips to run the game without problems in Windows 10.
How to Complete the Game
Missions and Errands
In all, counting the side missions, there are 76 missions, the main missions are the ones necessary for the continuation of the game’s campaign, so they are mandatory to do, the secondary missions are only necessary for 100%, as example we have the challenge missions that are represented by the red star on the map, they are:
- Preppies Challenge: Available in chapter 2, a simple challenge where you need to win some preps in the boxing ring.
- Nerds Challenge: Available in chapter 3, challenge where you have to beat the score of one of the nerds in the arcade game ConSumo, beating the highscore of 1010 points.
- Greasers Challenge: Available in Chapter 3, a simple challenge where you just hit some greasers inside their bar.
- Jockers Challenge: Available in chapter 4, another simple challenge where you need to beat the jockers in dodgeball.
- Townies Challenge: Available in chapter 5, similar to the greasers challenge, just hit some townies inside their warehouse and that’s it.
Notes: Be careful to don’t miss the side quests from chapter 3, as they have a Christmas theme, I’m not sure if they will appear in the following chapters, anyway when you finish the game, everything that wasn’t previously completed will be available to do.
When trying to do the mission: Weed killer I had a problem that when leaving the mansion the mission did not end, to be able to solve this, enter the school through a side door and exit through the main door.

Errands are short missions where Jimmy’s help is requested, to complete 100% it’s necessary to complete a total of 41 of these mini-missions out of the 50 available, some are easy, others will need a little effort, but they are usually done in less than 3 minutes, they appear as a blue X on the minimap, some give Jimmy rewards like clothes, skills and have special times to appear. All give some cash value.

They are available everywhere on the map, like the school and the neighborhoods of the map, each chapter of the game releases more errands, I managed to complete them all so here’s the list of all errands:
Available at School:
- (Chapter 1) – Escort Algie to the library, appears after the quest to take him to the locker.
- (Chapter 1) – Lockpicking 3 lockers, will appear after the mission to help Bucky.
- (Chapter 1) – Put box of candy in Gloria’s locker.
- (Chapter 1) – Put box of candy in Trevor’s locker.
- (Chapter 1) – Take Chrissy to the dorm, available from 7pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 1) – Pull fire alarm, will appear after the mission to help Bucky.
- (Chapter 2) – Get toilet paper for the student pt. 1, first floor men’s bathroom.
- (Chapter 2) – Throw 3 students in the trash.
- (Chapter 2) – Eggs in the Girls’ Dorm, will appear after the mission “The Eggs”, available from 7pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 2) – Eggs in the boy’s Dorm, will appear after the mission “The Eggs”, available from 7pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 2) – Put 2 students into the lockers.
- (Chapter 3) – Get toilet paper for the student pt. 2, first floor men’s bathroom.
- (Chapter 3) – Throw a bomb in the bathroom.
Available in BullworthTown:
- (Chapter 2) – Find the lost dog pt. 1
- (Chapter 2) – Find the lost dog pt. 2
- (Chapter 2) – Recover the stolen bike, available from 7pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 2) – Hit 3 people with water balloons, will unlock water balloons for Jimmy when he interact with sinks.
- (Chapter 2) – Retrieve pills for the hobo.
- (Chapter 2) – Knock out the greasers on the gas station roof.
- (Chapter 3) – “Strange Hobo” Give some change to the hobo.
- (Chapter 3) – Retrieve the lost jacket for Algie, will appear near to the police station.
- (Chapter 4) – “Detective Jimmy” Take photo of the corrupt cop, will appear near to the police station.
Available in Old Bullworth Valle:
- (Chapter 2) – Visit the last island, it will appear in the pier area.
- (Chapter 2) – “Swim It” Swim to the buoy and back, it will appear near the beach light-house.
- (Chapter 2) – Retrieve the bear for little girl, will appear in the pier area.
- (Chapter 2) – Explore the sunken ship, will appear in the pier area.
- (Chapter 2) – “Fast Food” Deliver food to the customer, will appear in the cafeteria.
- (Chapter 2) – Retrieve the crabs, will appear in the pier area.
- (Chapter 3) – Make delivery to the postman, will appear near of the mansions.
- (Chapter 3) – Take pictures of the carnival, will appear in the carnival.
- (Chapter 3) – Tag 3 Preppies tags in the area.
- (Chapter 3) – Escort the old lady to the park, she will appear at the asylum.
- (Chapter 4) – The old lady ask to Jimmy to put flowers on her late husband’s grave, will appear in the asylum.
Available in New Conventry:
- (Chapter 3) – Take photos for the guy of his wife cheating on him, available from 5pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 3) – Spray 3 Greaser tags around New Coventry.
- (Chapter 3) – Take a picture of someone tagging a wall, will only appear after the “Tag” mission and will be available from 5pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 3) – Smash up a car, available from 7pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 3) – Throw 3 eggs at the Tenements, available from 7pm to 11pm and near the greasers’ hideout.
- (Chapter 3) – Escort the old lady to the Tenements.
- (Chapter 4) – Kill the rats in the Tenements, it will appear near the greasers hideout.
- (Chapter 4) – Put out fire in the Tenements, will appear near the greasers hideout.
- (Chapter 5) – Take Chrissy to the motel, available from 7pm to 11pm.
- (Chapter 5) – Deliver to Spazz industries.
Available on Blue Skies:
- (Chapter 5) – Capture 2 escaped patients, will appear in the asylum.
- (Chapter 5) – Salvage the lost cargo, will appear in the docks area.
- (Chapter 5) – Deliver a package to a guy near the Police Station
- (Chapter 5) – Kill 5 rats at the docks, will appear in the docks area.
- (Chapter 5) – Break 4 satellite dishes.
- (Chapter 5) – Egg some of the Greasers, will only appear after the mission “Showdown at the Plant”.
- (Chapter 5) – Smash up a car pt. 2, available 7pm to 11pm and only after the mission “Showdown at the Plant”.
Notes: The ones that I didn’t specify the time of will be available from 8am to 7pm, the chapter informed on the side is the chapter in which the errand is released, they are available after changing the chapter. As for the errand to retrieve Algie’s coat, this one was bug when I did 100% on Xbox360, it didn’t even appear, but on PC i made it, I believe this is an exception that is only available during chapter 3!
Jobs and Collectibles
To complete 100%, it’s also necessary to complete all levels of all jobs available to Jimmy in the city, jobs are represented by the green $ icon on the map. There are 3 jobs available:
Paper Route: Available throughout all chapters after the first one, the easiest job (even the soundtrack is the best of all jobs), the maximum level is to have 24 clients to deliver the newspapers.

Lawn Mowing Park: Available in all chapters, with the exception of the first and third (There is no way to cut grass in the snow), the maximum level is the third where you must cut 90% of the grass in the park.

Lawn Mowing House: Available after completing all levels of lawn mowing in the park, it will also not be available in the third chapter and the maximum level is also the third one where you must cut 90% of the grass in the mansion, An important detail of this work is that you can’t break the bird fountains, Jimmy loses money with each one broken, so a tip is to break all the fountains before starting the service.

They are items around the map that must be collected for the completion of 100%, completing some geography classes will unlock on the game map the location of 4 of the 6 available collectibles.

There are a total of 6 collectibles in the game, they are:

1 – Garden Gnomes: there are 25 in total, to collect them just break them, most can be found in Old Bullworth Valle and their location will appear on the map after completing the 5th geography class. The reward for collecting all 25 is this beautiful outfit:

2 – G&G Cards: are 40 in total and their location will appear on the map after completing the 3rd Geography class. The reward for collecting all 40 cards will be:

3 – Rubber bands: are 75 in total and their location will appear on the map after completing the 2nd Geography class. The reward for collecting the 75 rubber bands will be a giant rubber band ball(The best weapon ever):

4 – Transistor: definitely the easiest collectible of all, there are only 6, their location will appear after completing the 4th geography lesson and the reward is given for each one collected when taking it them to the veteran who lives behind the old bus, taking a transistor he teaches Jimmy new fight moves.

5 – Tombstones: special attention to this one, there are only 19 and will only be available on Halloween night, to collect them just break them, if you don’t get them , will appear again only in the mission “Smash It Up” from chapter 5, because it’s Halloween there is no location of the geography class, but during halloween go where there is a lawn in the college they will be there, the reward for collecting them all will be:

6 – Pumpkins: special attention again , there are only 27 and will only be available on Halloween night, to collect them just break them, if you don’t get them, will return to the basement of the school in the mission “Help Gary” at the end of chapter 1, because it’s Halloween there is no location of the geography class, if you want to collect during halloween there will be several outside the school, but also visit the interiors of the school such as library, girls’ dorm, gym, etc. The reward for collecting them all will be:

Races and Extras
To reach 100% it is also necessary to complete all available Kart and Bike races, races are identified by a yellow trophy icon.
Kart Races: There are 8 in total, 5 at the carnival, 2 at Old Bullworth Valle (Released after all the previous 5 completed) and the last one in Blue Skies, completing the races will unlock a go-kart of in the school parking lot.
Bike Races: There are 14 in total, 7 at in Old Bullworth Valle, 4 in BullworthTown, 2 in New Conventry and the last one in high school which is only released in Chapter 5.

To avoid repeat bike race, when you complete a race the banner will be marked with a red mark of verify.
It is also necessary to do some extra things for 100%, as several things without a characteristic in common, i decided to group in this list of extras.
- Win at least once at Carnival attractions: Strike Out, High Striker, Splish & Splash and Shooting Range.
- Ride at least once in the 3 attractions of Carnival: Ferris Wheel, Roller Coaster and Kraken.
- Buy all the prizes at the little shop in Carnival.
- Beat the highscore in the arcades, the arcades, can be found in the shop from Carnival, the highscore to beat in each arcade is: Monkey Fling (69,900), Nut Shots (333) and ConSumo (1,010).
- Defeat all opponents of Box Challenge from Boxing Club, there are 4 opponents, when showing on the yellow mark a “random opponent” it’s done (Available after chapter 2 from 4pm).
- Win at least once in the 3 betting mini-games: Penalty Shots, Keep-Ups, and Wrestling of midgets.

YearkBook and Clothing
For 100% it’s also necessary to complete the yearbook, it’s a book that is available goes beyond the 2nd Photography class, to complete it, just take a picture of all Bullworth Students , you can track the progress of your yearbook by clicking on the “Yearbook” option in the pause menu.

A tip to complete it’s to take a photo of each “faction” at a time, start by going to the location of each one and take a photo of all the members, for example going to the library, is the place with the highest concentration of nerds, take a picture of everyone, go to the gym, is the place with the highest concentration of jockers, and so on. To take a photo easily, just put a camera in your hand, aim at who you want to take the photo, interact with the person saying “hi” then he will stop and you take the photo, if you haven’t taken a photo of a person yet, a Green rectangle will appear and a description that “it was added in yearbook”, if you have already taken a picture of a person, a standard white rectangle will appear, make sure you frame the person correctly, sometimes the game does not understand the Photograp.

It is possible to take a photo of all students, except the “bosses” of each faction, in which case their photo arrives automatically when Jimmy defeats them, they are: Derby (Leader of the prepies), Johnny (Leader of the greasers), Ted (Jockers Leader) and Gary (Released after the last mission only).
And finally, for 100% it is necessary to collect all available clothes in the game, as there are more than 300 clothes, I will not list one by one, I will list the main ones and the others are included in the list here, to keep track of the statistics of how many kilometers traveled, how many throwables, just go to the pause menu and click on the “Statistics” option.
Here is the list of clothes and how to get them:
- Red Ninja Outfit: Complete mission “The Big Prank” on Halloween, note that this mission will only be available during halloween if you sleep without do it, it never appear again!
- Green ninja Outfit: Shooting 1,000 projectiles, shooting with slingshot, brick, marble, firecrackers, at the shooting range also counts, and so on.
- Black ninja Outfit: Complete the Yearbook, this one is only unlocked at the end of the game, as Gary’s photo is only delivered in the last mission.
- Boxing Outfit: Complete the preps challenge.
- BMX Champion outfit: Complete the first bike race.
- School Mascot Outfit: Complete the mission “Nice Outfit”.
- Elf Outfit: Complete the mission “Miracle on Bullworth St.” during Chapter 3.
- Nutcracker Outfit: Complete the mission “Nutcrackin'” during Chapter 3.
- Orderly Uniform: Complete the mission “Finding Johnny Vincent” during Chapter 5.
- Gnome Costume: Collect all Garden Gnomes.
- Grotto Master outfit: Collect all G&G Cards.
- Prison Uniform: Not necessary for 100%, but I think it’s interesting to have it because there you have all the clothes in the game officially, to win, just complete all levels of detention at the college, don’t forget to go to detention inthe winter. The maximum level of the winter detention is to remove 9 snowdrifts in the parking lot, and in the mowing detention the maximum level is to mow 80% of the lawn of the football field.

Gold Suit: Buy all the clothes in the game, just go to all the stores in the game: From the school, Aquaberry store, thrift store in Bullworth Town, the fairground shop and the barber shop in New Conventry, buying all the clothes the costume will be unlocked.

Clothes “Collectable”:
- Bike shorts: Obtained by riding 100 km via bike.

- Running Shorts: Obtained by running 100 km on foot.

- BMX Helmet: Complete all bike races.
- Dunce Cap: Fail 5 times in any class (It doesn’t have to be 5 times in the same subject, you can fail 3 in one and 2 in another for example).
- Graduation Hat: Complete all classes (note that earning this one will earn you countless outfits from each completed Music, Biology, Math and Geography class).
- Firefighter Helmet: Activate the fire alarm 20 times.
- Two can hat: Drink 500 sodas (Yes, you didn’t read it wrong, it’s 500, but after buying 100 sodas in the vending machines they will be free, so just keep pressing Y until your finger drops) .

- Edna’s Mask: Collect all tombstones.
- Pumpkin Mask: Collect all pumpkins.
- Crash Helmet: Complete the first Kart race at the Carnival.
- Bandit Mask: Attention! To earn this, you must lockpick the lockers during Halloween night, get in the school during the 5 side missions because time doesn’t pass, break into all the lockers, after that it will only be available on the chapter turn day (as soon as a new chapter begins) and at the end of the game.
- Werewolf Mask: Attention! The same thing from Bandit Mask!
- Pirate Hat: Just defeat the “pirate” on the island near the pier.

- Viking Hat (1): Collect all 6 collectibles in the game, in the collectibles section I teach you how to get each one.
Clothes that are errand rewards:
- Tiny Swimsuit: Complete the errand “Swim It”.
- Cowboy Hat (2): Complete the errand “Strange Hobo”.
- Incognito Hat (3): Complete the errand “Detective Jimmy”.
- Fast Food Outfit: Complete the errand “Fast Food”.

That was the guide, I hope you enjoyed it.
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