All Things Money Guide
By Xzar.
Pop-ups are limited-time bundles that appear whenever you achieve a significant task, such as researching a new tier of troops or unlocking a new hero. Compared to other packs and bundles, pop-ups offer some of the best value in the game and are a must-have for all levels of spenders.
Pop-up bundles do not last forever; they only appear once and do not provide a reward for the alliance. However, they offer the best value in the game. At the start, it is almost possible to reach T4 purely through pop-ups.

Change of Fortune (Wheel)
The Change of Fortune Bundle is a limited-time bundle that appears during each wheel event. During the event, players can buy tickets either with 700 gems per ticket or through the Change of Fortune Bundle.
Some of the best heroes in the game, such as Madeline (Infantry) and Kinnara (Marksman), are only available in the wheel event. Each wheel event lasts for 3 days and allows you to spin it a total of 200 times, while also granting rewards for reaching certain spin milestones.
The Change of Fortune Bundle consists of 5 consecutive levels, with costs of $5, $10, $20, $50, and finally $100, totaling at $185. By purchasing the Change of Fortune Bundle, you receive 100 spins (tickets) and enough gems to buy 66 additional tickets.
The remaining 34 tickets can be acquired for 23.8k gems. The wheel event is one of the two events for which players should save up their gems, and it offers one of the best values for obtaining hero tokens (skill ups) in the game.
The wheel also provides various other rewards, including speed-ups and resources, with an average of approximately 690 hours of speed-ups when maximizing the wheel. This is a lot of speedups considering the troop training, research, or building bundles give 262 hours when maxed to the same price ($185).

Forge of Light
The Forge of Light Bundle is a limited-time bundle, similar to the wheel event. During the Forge of Light event, players have the opportunity to choose one of two legendary artifacts (which are typically the best of the best) and are guaranteed to obtain that artifact every third legendary artifact they acquire.
Ten keys (pulls) cost 6,000 gems, and a legendary or epic artifact is guaranteed every 10 pulls. The Forge of Light Bundle functions similarly to the Change of Fortune Bundle and is priced at $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. By maxing the bundle, you receive 93 keys (pulls).
What makes the Forge of Light event so valuable is that the probability of obtaining a legendary artifact from the normal artifact chest is only about 1.5%, and that legendary artifact can be any of the 18 artifacts available. This means that, on average, only 1 out of 18 legendary artifact pulls will be the specific one you desire.
However, during the Forge of Light event, every third legendary artifact pull is guaranteed to be your chosen artifact. This significantly increases the probability of obtaining your desired artifact. Additionally, certain artifacts, such as the Infernal Flame, are only available from Forge of Light.

Daily Deals
The Daily Deals consist of three packs that can be purchased once every day for $0.99, $1.99, and $2.99. If you buy all three packs together at the same time, you receive a discount, with the total cost being $2.99. How Daily Deals work is that, among other things, the packs provide a chest containing either a legendary medal, a gold key, or 1-10 tokens of a chosen hero.
The chosen hero can be any legendary hero that you have already unlocked. Each of the three packs includes one of these chests. This offers an excellent opportunity to quickly max a hero. It is highly recommended to purchase this pack on a daily basis.

Growth Fund
The Growth Fund costs $9.99 and rewards you with gems as you upgrade your Hall to specific milestones. It offers the best value for gems in the game, providing a total of 82,000 gems. In comparison, the gem store only offers 25,000 gems for $100! The Growth Fund is a must-have bundle for every player.

Monthly Packs
Monthly Packs are two packs that can be purchased every 30 days. Both packs can be bought simultaneously, and they provide gems, keys, and other items each day when the player logs on. This bundle is highly recommended for all players.

Heroes of Tamaris
Heroes of Tamaris is a bundle that, similar to the Change of Fortune and Forge of Light bundles, consists of 5 different packs with a total cost of $185. However, unlike the other packs, Heroes of Tamaris can be purchased every day and provides universal legendary tokens that can be used to upgrade any Legendary Hero. When fully maxed, the Heroes of Tamaris bundle offers 40 tokens.
An interesting strategy to maximize the value of the Heroes of Tamaris bundle is to take advantage of the first pack, which costs $5. This pack provides 2 tokens for $5, equivalent to $2.5 per token. This represents a significantly better value for the tokens compared to maxing the entire bundle, which costs an average of $4.625 per token.
Hypothetically, if you were to fully upgrade a hero solely using this bundle (requiring 690 tokens), it would cost $1,725 and take 345 days by utilizing the first pack strategy. In contrast, buying the entire bundle would cost $3,191.25 and take 17.25 days.

VIP Heroes
Liliya (mage) and Hosk (overall) are two legendary heroes that can only be unlocked and fully upgraded by obtaining them from honor (VIP) chests.
Each level of VIP grants access to an honor chest. Liliya and Hosk, widely considered the best mage and overall heroes in the game, can exclusively be obtained from these honor chests.
For instance, a 5111 Liliya (legendary mage) is superior to a 5555 Waldyr (epic mage). Liliya can be acquired from the first 10 honor chests, with a total cost of $194, while Hosk can be obtained from the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th honor chests, with a total cost of $290.

Seasonal Bundle
At the beginning of each season (which lasts approximately 70 days), a seasonal bundle becomes available. This bundle offers resources, gems, and speed-ups and is structured similarly to the wheel and artifact bundles, comprising a total of 5 packs priced at $185.
When compared to the standard building bundle called City of Hope, the seasonal bundle provides 50% more resources and a greater number of speed-ups. This makes it the bundle with the highest value in terms of resources and speed-ups.
The first seasonal bundle of Season 1 is named “Shimmers of Glory,” while the second seasonal bundle is called “Blaze of Glory.”

Bundles Ranked by Value
S: Must Have
- Legendary Hero Pop Up ($5 for 10 Legendary Tokens)
- Growth Fund ($10 for 82k gems)
- Liliya Honor Chests (Lowest Cost for the Best Hero)
A: Best Value
- Change of Fortune
- Pop Ups
- Monthly Bundles
- Dailies
B: Great Value
- Seasonal Bundles
- Hosk Honor Chests
- Heroes of Tamaris $5 Strategy
C: Above Average Value
- Epic Artifact Popups
- Forge of Light
- Heroes of Tamaris (universal tokens)
- Time of Harvest (resources)
- March of Conquistadors (training speedups)
D: Normal
- City of Hope (building speedups)
- Path of Knowledge (research speedups)
- Treasures of Tamaris (artifact keys)
Comparison of Bundles
The following is a comparison of all 5-part bundles made by Abused Panda (Textbook Gaming).

Tiered Heroes
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Mages: (Best Overall: Liliya / Velyn)
- DPS: Liliya / Velyn
- Outlast: Liliya / Hosk
- Shield: Liliya / Theia
- Freeze Synergy: Waldyr / Velyn
- Early Game: Liliya / Waldyr
- Flying: Theia / Atheus
Marksman: (Best Overall: Kinnara / Nico)
- Control: Kinnara / Nico
- Open Field: Kinnara / Hosk or Nico / Hosk
- Rallies: Nico / Kinnara
- Behemoth: Nico (Precision Talent Tree) / Kinnara
- Early Game: Nico / Gwanwyn
- Flying: Kregg / Flying Hero
Infantry: (Best Overall: Madeline / Nika)
- Rallies: Madeline / Nika
- Garrison: Madeline / Nika
- Counterattack: Madeline / Nika
- Darklings: Nika / Madeline
- Tank: Garwood (Tank Talent Tree) / Madeline
- Support: Madeline or Garwood / Theia
- Early Game: Nika or Garwood / Bakhar
- Flying: N/A
Cavalry: (Best Overall: Bakshi / Emrys)
- One v One: Bakshi / Emrys
- Rallies: Bakshi / Emrys
- Early Game: Emrys / Alistair
- Flying: Kregg / Flying Hero
Farm Killing:
- Cavalry: Emrys / Bakshi
- Speed: Emrys / Kregg
- Flying: Kregg / Atheus
- Wood: Indis
- Wood: Pan
- Gold: Kella
- Ore: Chakcha
- Mana: Ordo
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