Hero Tale – How to Kill Leviathan (Melee Only)

Guide to Kill Leviathan

This guide is for melee build, which can kill Leviathan at lower levels since range build has a huge defense disadvantage.

Gear (Full Defensive)

Elder Shield1412
Dryad’s Casque42
Elder Armor511
Leafy Pants21
Cultist Sabatons324

Plus we need 90HP health potions which drops from Imp Shaman (best farm area is Imp Habitat).


First we will calculate how much damage Leviathan does to us.

  • Leviathan damage per hit is 1595 – 1950 averaging 1772. 
  • You need full defense nodes in your skill tree with gear written above which happens to have 58.3% defense. This brings Leviathan damage per hit to 665 – 813 scale and average is 739. 
  • OK you need some armor also. Gear brings you 17 Armor and you can upgrade it until 40.8. Recommended but not has a priority since Armor is deducted from net damage taken. Instead of investing in this area you can invest on healing related nodes (magic, health reg) which brings better results. For our calculations we will use 25 Armor, which decreases average hit to 714. 
  • Leviathan has 8 secs attack charge and 1 sec attack speed, which is 9 secs. Thus Leviathan average damage per second (DPS) is 79.3. 

Secondly we will calculate our health regeneration. This is needed for how much time we have against Leviathan. Even if you are at level 1000, Leviathan does more damage than your healing so we are running against time in Leviathan case.

  • First and most important is your heal spell. Heal spell is affected by Power + Magic + Health Reg. stats. You have to have at least almost all Power nodes which brings you 27.5 Power (power from gear not used in formula for heal spell), more than 95 Magic (100 better) and 2.0 Health regeneration (the more the better but not priority).
  • The Hero Calculator shows us we gain 29.29 HP per second with auto-heal selected. Plus 2.1 HP Reg equals to 31.39 HP gained per second. 
  • We need to use health potions also. If you have Fairy level 0, you need to use health potions manually which is a huge disadvantage. We will calculate assuming you have at least Fairy level 1 which means no time lost between uses. 90 HP potions can be used per 8 sec which results to 11.25 HP can be gained per second after you take the first hit. 
  • A total of 42.64 HP can be gained with auto-heal and potions in this scenario. For power full + Magic 100 + HP Reg 2.8 this formula results as 45.82 HP gained per second.  

Next is to calculate how much time we have to play with Leviathan. Substituting Leviathan DPS from our HP gained per second, 79.3 – 42.6 = 36.7 HP you are losing each second while fighting with Leviathan. Now your total health (which is not very important since starting the game) plays a critical role in this formula. If you have less than 60 seconds you can forget about killing Leviathan, which is 60 x 36.7 = 2,202 HP.

Why? There are two reasons, first in 60 seconds you damage is limited. If you have chosen all power, melee, crit rate, crit mult, and att charge nodes the only thing that increases your damage becomes your combat experience. At lvl 79 you need more than 50,000 hits (25k if Fairy lvl is 2) to increase combat by 1. So it gets harder and harder to increase your damage even by 1.

This makes the Total Health points more important. Secondly, since Leviathan averages 714 damage per hit in the above scenario, under 650 HP you don’t have a chance to live if attacked. This 60 secs time period is an optimistic number, where in real fights it will be lower than that for sure. The more your HP increases the more time you have to damage Leviathan. And without getting main and big HP nodes in your skill tree, you can’t increase your HP that much. 

Assume we have at least 60 seconds. It comes to damage, which Leviathan has a huge 45,000 HP reserve. Can we do such damage and how?  As we can see from Hero Calculator there is an average damage calculated. By the way, these are the stats I beat Leviathan for the first time at level 209. Easy calculation is Leviathan has 45,000 HP and we have 60 secs to kill, we need to do 750 DPS.

One of the problems is Leviathan licks you while its attack is charging, and that licking costs your attack charge time increase from 0.03 to like 0.70. Our attack period is calculated as attack charge time + attack speed. You can decrease your attack charge time to 0.03 at most from skill nodes. On the other hand, each level you gain in your combat mastery decreases your attack speed. For example, at 80 mastery your attack speed is 0.67 sec. At 90 and 100, 0.61 and 0.55 consecutively. 

Also Leviathan has 120 armor which will decrease your damage significantly. For my case as seen in sheet; 583-120=463 is my average damage per hit. But my 104 combat mastery drops my attack speed lower than 0.53. For the periods my attack charge is not affected by Leviathan, my DPS is 463/(0.53+0.03) = 831 DPS. When Leviathan licks me, my DPS becomes 377 with the same formula. Also there are heal casting periods which decreases my DPS a bit more. 

Luck also has an effect for sure. You can crit a lot and Leviathan hits can be mostly under 700. But sincerely I do not think a player has a chance if their average damage is under 550. Your chance starts to rise, increasing your DPS since increasing HP is really hard. I sincerely recommend getting your base combat to at least 77-78 before starting to try. 

So, which skill nodes are important, which are not? 

I recommend getting all attack charge, defense, combat and power (it affects healing also) full.

Apart from Armor and Mana, you need to take all main nodes which give % uplifts to your stats. Although movement rate doesn’t affect your Leviathan fight, the game will be really boring if you don’t get them. Over 2.0 Health Regeneration,  over 20% crit rate, over 2.5 crit multiplier are needed. You need to get all 4 big nodes of HP if you want to kill Leviathan under level 200. 

At which level Leviathan can be killed minimum?

My honest opinion, at 180s you can kill him but with a lot of luck. You need a Levi build (starting like Training build then choosing nodes like Power build). Priority in order is attack charge, mana reg (at minimum), defense, magic, health reg , combat and then HP (big nodes and main node). Then you will change to a power build (crit rate, crit multiplier, and lastly power).

Armor minimized and Mana none. Why? Because you need a lot of Combat training starting with training build and getting power skills later will let you build up combat XP for a long time. After level 130s you change to a power build. You can try to reset your skill tree after getting Leviathan drops and play as you wish. 

You can ask, no Ranged? You can farm ranged (I sincerely recommend it until lvl 32, better until 44, to get Dual talent skill which will give you 3 or 4 Combat skills respectively. And it will not take much time.) But do not get any Range nodes for your levels. What about movement rate? Honestly, if you don’t get movement rate your Combat XP drops a lot in areas where any ranged monster spawns.

This makes your game a lot boring, since some parts of the gear you are using need to drop from Ent and Ivy Cultist, and you need to farm them, especially Ent which spawns only in one area and if you don’t invest to your movement rate, both your XP and training significantly drops per hour. Yeah, you can farm them with ranged, this is also an option.

Somewhere at 180s level you may beat Leviathan if you’re really really really lucky. You need to crit a lot of times, and if you’re not critting above your regular percentage in the first 30 seconds, switch search mode to rest mode, it is better than dying and waiting for minutes. 

Is there anything I need to do while fighting Leviathan?

Yes. Probably you are auto healing every time you are farming. Before Leviathan to increase your chances better you stop auto healing. Wait until Leviathan spawns, after his first damage starts auto healing. That is what I do. Some people do manual healing all the time, especially they heal when attack charge time increases due to Leviathan’s lick.

But, I recommend mine, first you may mismanage your timing, second there will be 1-2 seconds periods during fight where you need to wait but it decreases your chances because 2 seconds mean more than 60 HP loss from gain. Do it according to how you feel it is better for you. 

Thanks for reading the guide, I hope it was helpful to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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