Newbies Guide to War Pets
By Zaynor
War Pets: A quick dive-in regarding how to build and upgrade them.
Before leveling your pets, you need to push them to level 2 in loyalty. To do so, there are several options:
- Press the heart above their heads once a day in your Pet Sanctuary.
- Clean poop. This is the most essential part of the gameplay here, so please pay very close attention, so that your pets don’t trip on it and fall. They’ll die from a horrible death.
- Give them food. To see how to get them, check the next paragraph.
Note: it is said in the tooltips that you can get regenerative potions and food from cleaning your pet sanctuary. It’s extremely rare, but it can indeed happen.
Chest opening
When you press the hearts or clean poop (again, very important) you’ll gain some “pet tokens” that will allow you to claim gifts, opening like the silver / golden keys in the tavern. They can be opened 1 by 1 or 10 by 10. Price is 10 token per chest, or 100 for 10 chests.
When opening 10, you will get a 0 to 3-star skillcard, so I’d recommend opening them 10 by 10.
These chests will give you:
- Food for your pets to increase loyalty.
- Skills for them to become stonk bois.
- Regeneration potions.
- Resources. Like 10k wood. Yey. Please pretend to be happy when you get that.
Leveling up
Once you reach loyalty level 2, you can add the pet of your choice to your legion. They’ll automatically gain experience from combats that you do. It’s then a good idea to go fight some darklings, or dark creatures. USE DEEZ CPs. It’s always useful.
Leveling up will:
- Increase the potency of every spell on your pet
- That’s pretty much it. But that’s the whole point.
What pet to choose for which legion
Ok, now is the technical part. I’ll try to keep it as concise as possible.
The below are my recommendations based on testing & discussions with other players. Along with my reasonings. Please feel free to experiment.
As seen on the chart, you want to go for Ice Lizard or Sapphire Faedrake. My personal go-to will be Sapphire Faedrake, let me explain why:
The Ice Lizard’s spell is to send a frost bolt following the target for 3 seconds. This sounds amazing, when you see it from dark creatures but there is a catch: Like every lizards, its rage skill goes before your heroes’ rage skills.. In big open fights, where you fight until rage skill goes off then run or enter a city, this can mean that your damages are vastly lowered. I strongly recommend you use the next Faedrake until they fix it.
The Sapphire Faedrake’s spell is basically a big beam that hits the target and the legion next to it. Its secondary skill (that you can get in the shop) increases pretty well the damage output (up to 40% for the one with 1 star). Another reason is that The Faedrake is flying, making him a good pair with Atheus & Theia when you want to harass opponents with celestials. It’s also, overall, the best pet for mages.
Whatever your choice, you want a big intelligence and luck pool for these pokemons.
For tanks, The Bears are the obvious candidates. My personal preference goes for the Frostbear due to the current tank PvP Meta: the aim is that you tank obviously, but it’s also to deal counterattack damage to ranged units. Most people use Madeline, or Eliana, giving big shields. This is where the Frostbear shines: his spell gives a “reflective shield” that deals damage depending on the amount of shield you have when you received damage, which makes you dealing even more damage to enemies far away.
For this one, you want a pool of Strength, Spirit and Endurance.
There is also another option: the Poison Lizard. This one’s skill will give you a chance to apply damage over time to anyone that hits your legion, making it a strong candidate for tanks!
After testing quite a few possibilities, the best ones are the Snowpeak Roc, the Berserk Faedrake or the Golden Roc. The reason for that is that the only talent skill that works on marksmen is the Snowpeak’s roc, but it requires to use Nico or have Kinnara awakened. If you use Syndrion + Ffraegar, for example, it won’t work. You then mostly want to use a “stat mule”, using a pet to increase your overall stats and your rage generation, which these 3 pets are amazing at, and don’t even need a talent skill!
For this one, you want a pool of Strength, Agility and Luck.
The best candidate so far is the Golden Roc. His passive skill gives you some rage accumulation that gives damage if you already have it. It pairs especially well with Emrys & Bakshi, which both gain it aswell, multiplying everything. Coupled with defense ignore, physical damage and HP ignore, he becomes a monster.
For this one, you want a pool of Strength, Agility and Luck.
How to get a good pet
This is where it gets tricky. Hope I didn’t lose you yet.
In this part, I’ll explain to you my strategy regarding how to build and select the skills you want on your pet. This is where Lilith could improve the way things are, and I might not have the best strategy yet, but please let me know if you have any better idea.
So far, here is what I’m doing, step by step:
First of all, I’ve upgraded the policy “Administrative Excellence”. It gives you the ability to capture 5 pets per day instead of 2. This is extremely important if you want to upgrade fast your pets.
In the VIP shop, you can buy 20 “Regenerative potions” for 40 gems each. In the Merits shop, you can very often buy some aswell. These potions will allow you to get your pets to legendary, they’re super important (Please note this can take a lot of your gems, it’s not very “F2P” friendly).
In the world map, where you clic on the loop to look for darklings, you can now search for Beasts: you can then select a particular type of beast of your choosing. Then, I capture the same type of pets (as example, if I want to focus on Cavalry, I go for golden rocs) again & again until I capture one with his talent skill with 1 star. The chance to get this sort of pet increase with their level. The higher chances being on level 25s, which can spawn with 2 & 3 star talent skills (Personal note: I’ve never seen that happen, but apparently it can).
Why is this important?
Talent skills are unique for each pets, as explained before. They cannot be learned yet and give your pet unique abilities. Getting one at 1 star is, in my opinion, the basic minimum for a good pet.
Once that pet is captured, no matter its rarity, as long as it has the unique talent spell as 1 star, I can spam using “Potion of regeneration” until it reaches legendary rarity with the right stats. Another important factor is that the number of spell slots is completely random: you can get a legendary pet with 3 skill slots, making it way less useful than an epic one with 6 or more. This is the very frustrating part: it can take you 2 potions, as 80, or even 500. That’s a lot of poop, let me tell you.
If you managed to get that pet, congratulations! Now is the annoying whale part. There are 2 ways to get the skills you want:
You can either buy directly the skills you want and try to teach them to your pet. It will either register on an existing spell, or register in a new slot. This is especially annoying for the 2 star ones that you can only buy 5 time per season maximum, they also cost like 25$ each, or a lot of farm. An easier way to make sure your skills don’t get wasted is to fill every single skill slot with low-cost 0 star skills. They cost 40 coins and you can easily get them upon releasing pets, so it’s a good way to use these cards!
You can also train another pet with the skills you want, and “fuse” it with the one you want to use. This will destroy your other pet, bringing his spells next to yours. The fusing cost depends on several factors that I haven’t entirely figured out, please feel free to make some tests. This way is especially useful if you already have a pet with the right spells but got one with better stats.
Here is a few examples of the skill sets that you can use. They’re optimized to be efficient and synergizing with each others, I can’t post too many screenshots so please check for the icons ingame in the store to understand what they do.

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