Captain of Industry – 1K City Guide (with Some Tips)

I offer my humble 1K city for you to learn from.

Guide to 1k City


Hi, i see a quite a lot of question but little to no guids and answers, so i deside to post my 1k city for you all to hopefully learn something from it.

Disclamer: im not gonna describe picures, just becouse I want you to make it yourself.

City Center

  • I had more houses, but with upgades i was able to shrink it down.
  • Waste threatment goes directly to chem plant, i dont use reclamed water in farms, i use salt water processor.

Industrial Area (Smelters + Production)

I run simple building block desine:

  • 0+0+0
  • 0+0
  • 0

Works like a charm.

  • I build my smelters after i build factories, so there is mix of iron, coper and steel in one row.
  • Both iron and coal are connected directly (i have separet coal min for chem. plant).
  • Glass, furniture, concrete and additional steel.

Chem. Plant (+ Main Power Generator)

  • Power cannot stop! Make sure your water-steam-power-water loop is outside of your fuel production, be aware to connect new things to it, always do the math!
  • Its a spaghety monster, it was grown not desined.
  • But there is a fuel extraction block (1-3), old diesel now paused, rubber and acid makers.
  • I “focus” on that orange gas (fuel gas), because i can loop him around for gass boilers.
  • Separate your oil and wood harbor, ship can get stuck unloading wood and you will run out of fuel!

New Farm (+ Salt Water Processor)

  • 4 additional farms, im gonna needed to scienced the s**t out of it, or build more.
  • Rain farm is connected only to production section, i could build a water gate, but i dont need to.
  • If you build greenhouses, you will loose the natural rain on farms! be prepare with your water production.
  • Salt water processor is a best power maker i found, you just take sea water and turn it in power and brine, witch you can use, or dump it back into the sea.
  • One lone feritizl maker and i never run out of it.

Pollution in 30y

  • So… things gonna go bad before it will get better.
  • Industrial area have exhaust to water reclaimer buildin.
  • City waste goes to chem. plant as water.
  • Chem. plants have exhaust to steam reclaimer buildin (be aware this is a dead switch for this colony, if fuel stops, significant power generators will stop and everything will colapse)
  • Chem. plant dont have waste water dump.

At last, core of your game in one pic:

  • I dont need more then two reaserch centers, i found that if i have more, tech tree just fly around me and i will loose track.
  • Ship, this game is build around it, use it and play with it, you dont need everything (watch for sailors needed), found 1or2 oil rigs and one sawmil.
  • Use your market dock to survive fokups and problems, its a good deal most of the time, and there are more settlements out there.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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