Welp, I’ll show you how to go down the mines without suffering.
Mines Tips
Stuff to Get Before Going into the Mine
Buddys! The most important thing!
- Your kittens! Mostly cuz you can edit there abilties.
Another option
- Champ
- Glimmer
- Any food, mostly voles, mice, ect.
- Rabbits (Very nice)
- Fill up before entering the mine (fill your hunger bar).
- Healing items
- Golden seal (ALOT)
- Morel (You get it in fall)
- 2 star and 3 star marigold
Extra stuff i don’t use alot, but make it hurt less!
- Change the game-mode to kitten, or any other easy game-mode.
- Honeycomb
- Snake lily
- Amanita (Its a 50/50 you lose hp, or earn a good amount of hp!)
- Farsighted-orb
- Dynamite
The items
Abilities (Atleast lvl 6 or above)
- Summon allies
- Nine lives
- Mortal Wound
- Sweet Melody (at lest lvl 8 – 9 cuz this really helps)
The Things You Need to Look Out for
The most annoying
- Ghosts
- Lurker
- (Red) Darkcandle
- Prowler (Silver fish)
- Tremer-trove
Somewhat helpful
- Spike
- (Normal) Darkcandle
- Rat
- Bat
Like to show up out of no-where and scare you
- Lurker
- Murk
- Prowler (Silverfish)
- Glower
Can be obvious, other times not at all!
- Wolf-spider
- Murk
- Lurker
- Prowler
- Dark-candle
- Glower
- (Normal) Bat
Rest-Stops & What You Get from the Crystal Rocks
What to do at a rest-spot!
Go to the Ahem. Go to the outside and re-stock on all your stuff.
The wonderful world of the too-many jewels you get from crystal rocks!
As i don’t not want to spend a LONG time i will show you them.
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