Gifting guide by investigator and by gift.
Gifting List
By Investigator
- Hein: Beer, Coffee, Butterfly Knife, Shonen Manga
- Joey: Electric Guitar, Vodka, Sake, Whiskey (21 Years), Black Tea, Coffee, Milk
- Sizz: Stuffed Animal, Frying Pan, Coffee
- Trisha: Electric Guitar, Butterfly Knife, Vodka
- Miss Chain: Toolbox, Vocal Microphone, Fashion Magazine, Beer
- Azar: Shonen Manga, Coffee, Decor Pistol
- Lian: Camera, Frying Pan, Milk
- Phoenix: Cheesecake, SF Novel, Vodka
- Pressel: Art Supplies, Black Tea, Leash
- Ironheart: Beer, Decor Pistol, Toolbox
- Charon: Art Supplies, Black Tea, Cheesecake, Violin
- Silverstein: Vocal Microphone, Decor Pistol, Mugwort, Whiskey (21 years)
- Huz: Stuffed Animal, Vocal Microphone, Sake, Black Tea
- Helia and Selena: Fashion Magazine, Mystery Novel, Violin, Whiskey (21 years)
- Narhan: Leash, Fishing Rod, Mystery Novel, Milk
- Johan: Frying Pan, Milk, Romance DVD
- Ilya: Camera, Fishing Rod, Sake, Vodka
- Leryn: Mugwort, Romance DVD, Sake, SF Novel
- Momori: Leash, Fashion Magazine, Frying Pan, Vocal Microphone, Milk
By Gift Item
- Vodka: Joey, Trisha, Phoenix, Ilya
- Sake: Joey, Huz, Ilya, Leryn
- Whiskey (21 Years): Joey, Silverstein, Helia and Selena
- Beer: Hein, Miss Chain, Ironheart,
- Black Tea: Joey, Pressel, Charon, Huz
- Coffee: Hein, Joey, Sizz, Azar
- Milk: Joey, Lian, Narhan, Johan, Momori
- Mugwort: Silverstein, Leryn
- Leash: Pressel, Narhan, Momori
- Stuffed Animal: Sizz, Huz
- Toolbox: Miss Chain, Ironheart
- Vocal Microphone: Miss Chain, Silverstein, Huz, Momori
- Cheesecake: Phoenix, Charon
- Electric Guitar: Joey, Trisha
- Violin: Charon, Helia and Selena
- Decor Pistol: Azar, Ironheart, Silverstein
- Butterfly Knife: Hein, Trisha
- Fashion Magazine: Miss Chain, Helia and Selena, Momori
- Fishing Rod: Narhan, Ilya
- Mystery Novel: Helia and Selena, Narhan
- SF Novel: Phoenix, Leryn
- Shonen Manga: Hein, Azar
- Camera: Lian, Ilya
- Frying Pan: Sizz, Lian, Johan, Momori
- Romance DVD: Johan, Leryn
- Art Supplies: Pressel, Charon
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