Money Making Early Game Tips
How to farm this game and make money…
All commercial buildings are you’re farms. The Bank is your best commercial building at low grass surface levels. Every time you get a free Bank build it, level it up and farm it rest of game.
Farming in this game is for silver keys, gold keys, diamond keys, and gold coins. Farming silver keys takes 5 hours, gold keys 10 hours, diamond keys and gold coins takes 15 hours. You have to have money to farm silver keys. You have to have silver keys to farm gold keys. Gold keys are needed to farm diamond keys. Diamond keys are needed to farm gold coins.
Build some banks keep them together and always farming what you need or what you have to farm up, but always keep them farming. Other buildings to watch out for are when you open desert surface is Resort available at level 22.
Mud has the best buildings for farming but wont reach those till after level 100. The Barn and the Combine Harvester are the 2 best buildings for farming and the Harvester is the best.

How to Improve My Economy
Build the Best Money-Making Buildings
- Build and upgrade buildings that make the most money. Stores and houses usually give you the most cash.
- Look at how much money each building makes per minute. Pick the ones that will earn you the most over time.
Keep Upgrading Your Buildings
- Upgrading buildings makes them give you a lot more money. Upgrade the buildings that make the most money first.
- Build new buildings and upgrade the ones you have. You need both to make more money.
Do Missions and Quests
- Always check for new missions and quests. They often give you a ton of money and other good stuff.
- Do the quests that give the best rewards and are quick to finish.
Buy More Land When You Can
- Buy new land when you have enough money, but don’t buy too much at once. More land means you can build more and make more cash.
- Build a mix of houses, stores, and factories to keep your game economy going strong.
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