I have free time. Why not spend it finding and logging every single card in this game?
Let’s be honest– we’ve all had times where finding that last little thing is annoyingly difficult. This guide aims to make it at least a little more manageable, bit by bit.
Also, I wanted to prove the guy who made a guide just saying “There are no guides” wrong. On occasion, you have to use spite to fuel you.
Additional notes: I hope you only use this if it’s needed– or if you’re doing the speedrun achievement. Good luck with it.
Total coin cost for just what’s needed to get all the cards: 1504.
Total coin cost for all items and cards: 2729.
- ACE: Go deep into the forest by the Travelling Merchant of Threes. Follow the wall, and eventually, you’ll come across a spider. Talk to the spider for the Ace of Hearts!
- TWO: It’s in a small room in the wizard’s keep. Go to where the Two of Spades is, then down.
- THREE: The Travelling Merchant of Threes has it– it’s on the road by the wizard’s keep and the town. 10 coin cost.
- FOUR: In the Cirus Village, it’s lying in the first house on the bottom.
- FIVE: Once you have the heart key, you can enter the graveyard for this one.
- SIX: At the soldier’s camp, talk to the one with no shield or armor.
- SEVEN: At the soldier’s camp, talk to the one with the sword and shield.
- EIGHT: At the soldier’s camp, talk to the one in black armor.
- NINE: At the desert, look around. The small red thing sticking out? That’s the nine.
- JACK: At Wahl’s End, you will find the Sacrificial Son. Talk to him for his card– the Jack of Hearts.
- QUEEN: At the top of the castle, there is an open chest. It’s got the Queen of Hearts.
- KING: At the top of the castle, there is a closed chest. It’s got the King of Hearts.
- ACE: The relic supplier in town has it for a 1000 coin cost.
- TWO: In the first room you arrive in, it is lying on the floor by the exit. Grab it.
- THREE: The Travelling Merchant of Threes must have dropped it– it’s on the road a bit further from the wizard’s keep. 10 coin cost(?)
- FOUR: In the first room you arrive in, you will find a chest. Open it for the four of Diamonds.
- FIVE: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- SIX: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- SEVEN: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- EIGHT: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- NINE: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- JACK: The relic supplier in town has it for a 50 coin cost.
- QUEEN: The relic supplier in town has it for a 100 coin cost.
- KING: The relic supplier in town has it for a 100 coin cost.
- ACE: Deep in the mine, you will find a computer. Type “ACE” into it. (Note: If you’re an achievement hunter, hold off until after you do the doom easter egg!)
- TWO: In the third room of the Wizard’s place, you will see it lying on the floor. (Don’t forget to get the penny from the closet!)
- THREE: The Travelling Merchant of Threes has it– it’s on the road by the wizard’s keep and the town. 10 coin cost.
- FOUR: Just below the castle, there’s a rock. Dig it up for this.
- FIVE: When you have the shovel, go to the sign for Ruca’s Lumberyard. Go directly south. There is a rock there you can dig up for the five of Spades.
- SIX: By the mine, there’s a chest in the mining camp. Open it up for the six of Spades.
- SEVEN: Go into the mine, and stick to the left wall. It will be in the second path.
- EIGHT: Go into the mine, and stick to the left wall. It will be in the third path.
- NINE: With the shovel, go right by the Lady of the Isle. There’s a rock there to dig up. (This one took me FOREVER.)
- JACK: Below the graveyard, there is a rock near the path. Dig it up for the Jack of Spades. (This was the other one that took me ages to find.)
- QUEEN: Go into the mine, and stick to the left wall. On the fifth path, you will find a rock. Dig it up for the queen.
- KING: Go into the mine, and stick to the left wall. It will be in the first path.
- ACE: Win the dice roll against the weird deer skull.
- TWO: It’s in the second room of the Wizard’s keep.
- THREE: The Travelling Merchant of Threes has it– it’s on the road by the wizard’s keep and the town. 10 coin cost.
- FOUR: The Lady of the Sea (The ghost in the northwest corner of the map) is directly north of this card. Find her, then go directly south.
- FIVE: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- SIX: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- SEVEN: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- EIGHT: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- NINE: The relic supplier in town has it for a 20 coin cost.
- JACK: From the Storyteller south of town, go west into a small forest. You’ll meet a man there named Jack Clubs, who gives you his card.
- QUEEN: Nearby Jack Clubs, there’s a blue chest. Walk over the doubled-up trees to reach it. (I don’t know if you need the Lady of the Sea’s key for this, but it wouldn’t hurt.)
- KING: Give the book (See below) to the guy in the town. He’ll give you the king of Clubs.
Wilds / Other
Looking for a specific item or a specific wild? Look no further.
- WILD 1: Once you’ve spoken to the Lady of the Sea in the northwest corner, return to the Wizard’s Keep for this wild. It’s behind the blue-locked door.
- WILD 2: Follow the fence along the bottom of Ruca’s Lumberyard to find a dog. Talk to the dog, and it gives you the second wild!
- SHOVEL: The shop in the town has it. Cost of 14 coins, but it more than pays it back.
- HARPOON: The shop in town has it. Cost of 15 coins.
- AXE: The shop in town has it. Cost of 20 coins.
- PICKAXE: Once you have the diamond key, go to the house of the blacksmith, near the mines. You’ll receive a pickaxe when you talk to them!
- BOOTS OF GREAT SPEED: The shop in town has it. Cost of 90 coins.
- YANG DIE: The shop in town has it. Cost of 100 coins.
- YIN DIE: The back alley merchant (Behind the castle) has it. Cost of 500 coins.
- SOLE/SOUL INSERTS: The back alley merchant (Behind the castle) has it. Cost of 500 coins.
- CLUBS KEY: The Lady of the Sea in the northeast corner has it.
- SPADES KEY: The Lady of the Island, just beyond the Abandoned Graveyard, has it.
- HEARTS KEY: Alexander, in the northern forest, has it.
- DIAMONDS KEY: In the village, go around the back of the house at the end of the lane and poke the back wall twice. You’ll find it inside.
- DICE TRANSLOCATOR: Go through the mine, and follow the right path, then the left path. It will guide you to that.
- MAP: With the axe, enter the house in the village with two people and hit the shelf in front of the stairs. Then go down the stairs.
- SEVEN-SIDED DIE: With the hearts key, enter the graveyard. Talk to the skull for this perk.
- BOOK: Once you’ve mined through the mountain, talk to the guy who tasked you with doing so. He will give you the book.
Also, found the trigger for the Easter Egg! In the top right corner of the second Easter Egg, you can press Interact and it’ll pop up a little dialog box saying “Hmm…”. After I did that and went up to the third Easter Egg, it popped no problem.
I found my best way to get money was (using keyboard), run the dice gambler till he bans me, pause the game and exit to main menu while still next to him. Keep mouse over where the exit button was. Immediately begin hammering an activate button to start the game AND do the first 5-6 rolloffs while the game’s loading, bypassing the wait time for dialog boxes, he’ll usually be griping around weighted dice by when the game finishes loading. Tap a pause key (P/Esc), click the mouse on the exit to menu button, rinse and repeat. I got to the point where I was getting about 2500-3000 a minute, I think. Had my thumb over enter and finger over P
I managed to get every achievement, including the speedrun one, except one! The “Discover An Easter Egg” achievement isn’t popping for me for some reason. Someone happen to know anything? I’m wondering if maybe I need to put that text string into the D.I.C.E. on a fresh file or something
Well since you know all this, anychance you’ve got a good method of getting coins fast, or know how to beat the doom easter egg?
The way I got coins fast was by saving and quitting repeatedly after getting both dice and talking to the 20 coin gambling guy, and the way I beat the doom easter egg was by doing the konami code (Up up, down down, left right, left right, activate activate activate) in there to get the better weapon so it’ll auto-shoot all the enemies with no need to reload. Hope those things help you out!
Immensely helpful and you got me three more achievements, thanks!
While we’re at it, any ideas for the secret achievements like w h e r e or 10/10/10/10?
Well, that’s simple– For where, go to the dice counsel and type “Start” then “where”. For 10/10/10/10… There’s a guide in the discussions for basically every achievement