Guide on completing Taskmaster achievement.
Taskmaster Achievement Guide
The Guide
- Step 1: Act 1 Part
- Step 2: KCT Loyal (Do not lock rep!)
- Step 3: Wolves
- Step 4:
- 1. Chloe – Girlfriend
- 2. Lauren – FWB
- 3. Penelope – Loyal
- 4. Autumn – Loyal
- 5. Aubrey – FWB
- 6. Amber – FWB
- 7. Riley – FWB
To be honest, this can be done a number of ways, below is a step-by-step that is 100% guarenteed, but this is the general guidelines:
- Get Amber off of drugs, make sure she trusts you. Any options of empathy, use them.
- Do not make fun of Lauren. Buy her Brown horse for her birthday.
- Treat Penelope like the queen she is (@me bros) and do not go swimming with Jenny.
- Do not go swimming with Jenny!!!!
- Be as friendly to Autumn as possible and smoke weed with her. Do not stare at her glorious rear or you will not get the option to smoke with her.
- Lauren must be set to FWB. You cannot kiss Autumn if you are Relationship status’d with Lauren.
- Start party with KCT-Loyal. It should not change from loyal at this point in the story, but it needs to be loyal.
Note: Guide also includes agree to disagree and pumpkin achivement
Example of how to get achievement. Select the bolded option.
Riley: He Did / He Didn’t
Riley: Like us both / Pick one of us
Imre: It’s genius / It’s idiotic
Chloe: I’ll help / I don’t have time
Lauren: Joke / Compliment
Lauren: make fun of her / Compliment her
Lauren: help Lindsey / Don’t help Lindsey
Lauren: ask her to sabotage / Don’t ask her
Lindsey: help Lindsey / Don’t help Lindsey
Chloe Planning Board – Phase 1
Announce the wolves as official brotherhood of the chicks
Photoshoot with real wolf / Photoshoot with plush toy wolf
Autumn: It was great / It was alright
Autumn: We should hang out more / It was nice catching up
Chloe: That does kinda suck / Don’t worry about it
Chloe: Continue / Pull back
Chris: That’s very selfless / It sounds inconsiderate
Chris: Agree / Disagree
MC: Agree with Chris / Agree with Chloe ** Unlocks Achivement
MC: Twezzlers / Gummy Fish
** Achivement for Twezzlers If I remember correctly.
Amber: Nice pills you got there / what are those amber?
Amber: I’m sorry / what a ♥♥♥♥
Amber: Empathize with her / stay quiet
Amber: No more drugs, Amber / Let Amber be Amber
Amber: That’s a lot of pressure / Of course
Amber: Let her stay / Move away
Emily: Of course / can we speak here?
Emily: Stay calm / be angry
Chloe: standing next to the plush / Holding the plush and cheering
Chloe: It’s perfect / What about something else
Jenny: accept jenny’s invite / Decline Jenny’s invite
Penelope: hey princess / hey penelope
Penelope: Greet / Greet with Compliment
Penelope: Be serious / laugh
Penelope: same here / focus on us
Penelope: I’d wait / Hell yeah
Penelope: I wouldn’t have changed a thing / Sex would’ve been nice
Imre: work with penelope / Work with riley
Penelope: romantic scene / argument scene
Elijah: Chloe / Lindsey
Elijah’s hot mom: Introduce yourself / I’m Eli’s Friend
Imre: : She was pretty hot / Meh not my type
Amber: make a joke / Be supportive
Nora: Doesn’t matter which text
Imre: Of course I know / A monkey?
Imre: Stick up for Nora / Say nothing
Autumn SMS: Uhm, sure. / Of course! I’ll always be …
Autumn: Offer to help / Say hello
Autumn: You think you’re funny / I want one
Autumn: Agree / Flirt
Autumn: Good Luck / We Will
Autumn: No don’t change it / Yeah let’s change it
Autumn: Make a joke / Look at her ass
** Look at it and roll it to unlock achievement if you haven’t somehow done this one yet.
Autumn: Pop a balloon / Keep working
Autumn: Threaten owner / comfrot oscar
Autumn: Smoke weed / Don’t smoke
Chloe Phase II
Less Tuition for Chicks
Either Option
Aubrey: as friends / As your date
Imre: Agree with Imre / Dismiss Imre
MC: Eat Donut / Don’t eat donut
** Achievement if you don’t have it
Shopping for Lauren: Brown Horse
Imre: I’m not interested / Looks easy
Note: Party order honestly doesn’t matter
Amber: don’t mention list / Mention list
Riley: Dance / Don’t Dance
Riley: No it’s fine / Yeah, I do
Autumn/Penelope: Good thing I’m a werewolf / Your secret is safe
Autumn/Penelope: Show the list / Don’t show the list
Ryan: gag / Hold it back
Lauren and Imre screen: Click the pumpkin until it gives you the achievement
Aubrey: We’ll have fun / I’ll be there
Aubrey: Smile / Don’t smile
Aubrey: Mention the list / Don’t mention the list
Lauren: With Reason / No, I wouldn’t
Lauren: Be Honest / Lie
End Free Roam on Lauren
Aubrey: Keep her quiet / Let her be loud
MC: Steal the panties / Don’t steal the panties
Penelope: Don’t interrupt / Save Penelope
Penelope: Ask for Help / Tell her the list is stupid
Ryan: Take condom / Don’t take it
Autumn: Nevermind / Let’s make out
Lauren: The balcony is better / Bigger the better
End Free Roam
Lauren: Try to Have Sex / Don’t Try
** Achievement Unlocked
If you did everything above right, you should have the achievement
Cannot set Lauren as FWB at the pathbuilder. Only got options of Girlfriend, Kissed, Friend.