Content Warning – How to Cheat (Save File Editing Guide)

In this guide, I will show you how to increase views and money by editing your save file. This explanation is intended for those who may find the process complicated.

How to Cheat

We must warn you that the devs have not provided a standard console for cheat codes in the game. Perhaps in future updates will appear console commands, but the developers have not announced it.

However, even in the absence of a console, we can go for some tricks and make the gameplay easier by editing the save files. Adding money or views is very easy!

Finding the Save File

There are two methods to locate your save file. I’ll explain both.

Method #1

  • Press Win+R to open the Run dialog. In the text box, type %appdata% and then click OK.
  • You’ll now be in a folder where you should click the dropdown arrow next to AppData and navigate through the folders.
  • Go into the LocalLow folder.
  • Inside LocalLow, find and open the Landfall Games folder.
  • In the Landfall Games folder, look for the Content Warning folder.
  • Within the Content Warning folder, you’ll find the Saves folder.
  • Congratulations, you have found the save files.

Method #2

  • Open the file explorer and enter the following path in the directory bar:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\Landfall Games\Content Warning\Saves
  • Remember to replace UserName with your actual username.
  • This will take you directly to your save folders.

Note: Read about the best way to backup your save files in this guide and how to save and then find your in-game videos on different platforms in this guide.

Editing the Save File

Now, let’s start editing your save file so you can become rich and famous.

  • To edit the save file, visit or search for “Save Editor” online.
  • The page should look like this:
  • Click on the Upload File button. This action opens a file dialog. Navigate to the save file, whether you’ve pinned the save folder for quick access or moved the file to your downloads folder. Select the file you wish to edit and click Open.

After uploading the file, the editor will display various editable fields. Here, you can adjust:

  • “CurrentDay” to change the in-game day.
  • “CurrentQuota” to modify how many views you have.
  • “CurrentQuotaDay” to set the time you have to meet the quota.
  • “Money” to alter the amount of money you possess.


By following these steps, you can modify your game to enhance your playing experience. Enjoy your newfound success in the game!

Tips to Get More Views

These Tips Do Work to Get Consistent ~100 000 Views:

  • Always fill out the film, anything bellow 1:30 minutes is not gonna cut it.
  • Roleplay it, actually act like you’re filming an urban exploration video.
  • Sprinkle all sorts of content, not just scary stuff or not just walking around aimlessly.

How to Easily Gain Views!

Rule #1: Don’t go solo, squad up!

  • Snap some cool pics with your buddies. Hit R for a selfie, and LMB to start recording.
  • Get shots of you in front of your ship before you head out, and don’t forget one when you’re hopping off.
  • Go big or go home! Do crazy stuff like jumping off tall stuff and getting up close with the monsters. Make sure you’re filming it all.
  • Chat it up in the game, not just on DC or Teamspeak. Tip: turn on voice detection so you’re not always smashing that talk button.
  • Emote like a boss. Press T for emotes, but remember, one at a time—this ain’t Fortnite.
  • Light up the scene with firecrackers just like you’d flex a new emote from the shop.
  • Grab any skulls, ribs, or spines you find laying around on the map. Yup, you can actually pick those up.
  • The longer your video, the more peeps are gonna watch it.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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