Pala Creatures
With little on their mind but food, these animals are mainly found in the forest. Besides meat and leather, they sometimes drop resin and won’t pay much attention to you unless you distrub them.
Possible Drops
- Resin
- Meat Scraps
- Thin Leather
- Fine Pelt
- Oro Resin
With little on their mind but food, these animals are mainly found in the forest. Besides meat and leather, they sometimes drop resin and won’t pay much attention to you unless you distrub them.
Possible Drops
- Leather
- Meat Scraps
- Fine Pelt
- Superior Pelt
- Icy Resin
Griz Creatures
Griz are actually very gentle creatures – unless they see you in their territory. Then they prefer to bite your head off. They deal serious damage, but also drop useful loot, such as their meat or fur. They feel most at home where there are lush trees.
Possible Drops
- Thick Pelt
- Fang
- Meat
- Fine Pelt
- Griz Fur
The much more frost-resistant cousin of the Griz, this creature is a truly scary opponent that shouldn’t be approached carelessly. Unless you like freezing to death and being eaten. They mainly inhabit the snowy mountains of Ambros
Possible Drops
- Thick Pelt
- Fang
- Meat
- Fine Pelt
- Griz Fur
Veer Creatures
The “Jewel of Ambros”. Light-footed, it strolls through the farmlands and attracts hunters enticed by its magnificent silvery plumage and tasty meat.
Possible Drops
- Feather
- Meat Scraps
- Thin Leather
- Feydveer Feathers
Perfectly adapted to the forests of Ambros, these creatures try to stay away from hunters by fleeing. But don’t mistake them for helpless, as they can kick fiercely and use their sharp feathers for attacks too
Possible Drops
- Feather
- Meat Scraps
- Thin Leather
- Forsveer Feathers
They live in the cold mountains and mostly hide. Only at night do these gentle creatures come out. Which is also when the Frostmane is most active in hunting them.
Possible Drops
- Leather
- Meat Scraps
- Oreveer Feathers
Every Ambrosian spring, a single Veerking is born among the herd’s offspring, distinguished by its almost golden sheen and four branched horns. Though its fur may adapt to its conspecifics’ silvery-white hue, it remains easily recognizable even in adulthood due to its imposing size.
While the females of the herd unleash their feather storm upon enemies from a safe distance, the Veerking tries to impress with fierce melee attack, showcasing its strength and valour.
Possible Drops
- Feather
- Meat Scraps
- Feydveer Feathers
- Superior Pelt
Dir Creatures
Once domesticated by the people of Ambros, this funny-looking nuisance of a creature now roams free after the war, feeding on the fresh wheat all over the Farmlands.
Possible Drops
- Grain
- Meat Scraps
- Thin Leather
- Haydir Trim
Camouflaged in their environment in the Moss Seas and the forests, it’s not easy to find these quiet creatures.
Possible Drops
- Moss
- Meat Scraps
- Thin Leather
- Mosdir Trim
Perfectly adapted to the cold mountains these creatures hip and hop all over the mountainsides. They are hard to catch and even harder to fight.
Possible Drops
- Meat Scraps
- Thin Leather
- Aisdir Trim
Teraiva Creatures
Farmstead Teraiva
Equipped with an imposing horn, these farmland-dwelling creatures are tough opponents that can take as much damage as they dish out, not only when attacked from the front. They used to live on Ambros farms, but now roam free and would like for it to stay that way.
Possible Drops
- Leather
- Horn
- Meat
- Fine Hide
- Farmstead Teraiva Leather
Feral Teraiva
The sturdier counterparts to the Farmstead Teraiva have primarily settled in the hills and evolved with the rougher terrain. Proud by nature, they do not rshy away from a fight but reward it accordingly.
Possible Drops
- Thick Hide
- Meat
- Horn
- Fine Hide
- Superior Hide
- Teraiva Skin
- Flawless Hide
The Moss Seas of Ambros have always been speculated to be rich in the magical resource Aqua. Maybe that’s what caused these creatures to evolve. They feature almost lizard-like skin, gills and many more fascinating adaptations to their swampy environments.
Possible Drops
- Leather
- Horn
- Meat
- Fine Hide
- Bryva Leather
- Superior Hide
Wartorn Teraiva
During the eternal wars and subsequent fierce battles against Sorgoth’s henchmen, these exceptionally resistant Teraiva served as the draft animals for the Hedonists. Forcibly captured in large numbers from the hills of Ambros and coerced into laborious tasks, their freedom was stripped away, and they endured deep scars from the relentless warfare.
Only a handful of Teraiva escaped back into their natural habitats, albelt after enduring a brief but immensely challenging period on the battlefield. Despite the passage of time, these scars remain with them to this day, and they haven’t forgotten how the Hedonists treated them during that dark chapter.
Possible Drops
- Thick Hide
- Horn
- Meat
- Fine Hide
- Superior Hide
- Teraiva Skin
- Flawless Hide
Otops Creatures
A comfy yellow that migrated from the Litikal Plains to the hills and mountains of Ambros long ago. Peaceful, but once attacked, they fight fiercely. They are known to be the only creatures in Ambros that can find an consume raw Lito beans, which they then digest and transform into the well-known delicacy.
Possible Drops
- Meat Chunk
- Thick Hide
- Holotops Scales
- Lito Beans
- Superior Hide
Similar to the Holotops, but more adapted to the swampy Moss Seas, these creatures moved into a new habitat and started to be overgrown by the Flora of this new biome.
Possible Drops
- Meat Chunk
- Thick Hide
- Mossotops Scales
- Lito Beans
- Superior Hide
Sorgoth Creatures
Corrupted Creatures
Regrettably, Sorgoth’s toxic breath can’t be entirely contained from entering the shield. Occasionally, it happens that creatures from Tormentosia come into contact with the corrupted air, leading to their own corruption.
These transfromed creatures of greater strength and resillience, along with the gothkin, unleash their wrath upon your town under Sorgoth’s command.
These corrupted beings appear distinctively different from their uncorrupted counterparts by wearing darker coloured coats and emitting reddish vapors of smoke.
Not exactly comparable to the usual creatures found roaming Tormentosia, these loyal minions of Sorgoth carry out their creators commands, ceaselessly striving to thwart the Coreborn’s endeavors in reclaiming the lost lands. Sustained by the noxious crimson vapor enveloping them, they extend the corruption of the Devourer beyond the protective barriers, launching assaults on any obstacles they encounter.
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