Simple fix for missing in-game resolutions.
The Fix
If you don’t see 1920×1080 or any other resolution that your monitor supports in CS2 follow these steps
Change CS2 graphics settings to what you desire before starting this, you will not be able to change them later because it will revert your resolution every time you change a setting and you will need to repeat the procedure below.
- Open Windows explorer
- Go to (default location)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata*YOUR_ID*\730\cfg
- Open
Find the lines below in the file and alter them as needed, leave the refreshrate_numerator as is, you most likely don’t need to touch it.
Example is for 1080p 60hz (your refresh rate might be different)
"setting.defaultres" "1920"
"setting.defaultresheight" "1080"
"setting.refreshrate_numerator" "59954"
After changing values, save the text file and relauch CS2
It will still show the wrong resolution in the in-game menu but ignore it, you are now running at your desired resolution.
Don’t change any graphics settings or it will reset your resolution back to in-game settings. (You can set the txt file to read-only but i don’t think you really need to).
Have fun!
Im not completely sure what my numerator oughta be, its just set as 0 for me, but i cant copy your example since I play 144, is there an algorithm to determining the numerator or is random? perhaps you could provide me with that numerator? Thanks :3
It depends on your panel, you could have 2 60hz or whatever hz displays with different numerator values, you can always try 144000 or 143000 to be safe, as long as you get the value mostly correct (so the game gets 144 Hz and not 1444Hz) the only difference you can notice if it’s slightly off would be alt tab taking longer (going black) because your desktop is running at a slightly different Hz.
To find your Hz on Win10 (even if I think windows rounds the value)
You can go to your desktop -> right click -> display settings -> advanced display settings -> make sure the monitor you want is selected and at the bottom look at the list of available Hz values , ie. 59.940Hz is “59940” for the config file. If you’re still not sure just go for 1hz less than your monitor supports to be safe.