Crab Champions – List of Perk, Mod Descriptions

This guide contain heavy spoilers!


The words [PrimaryBuff], [SecondaryBuff] and [Debuff%] is variable (programming language), and in actual game they will be changed to numbers depending on your level of Perk or Mod.

Perks – Rare

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
AdrenalineFire rate increased for a short time after eliminating an enemyFire rate increased for PrimaryBuff seconds after eliminating an enemy
AutoloaderChance to instantly reload after each eliminationPrimaryBuff% chance to instantly reload after each elimination
Big ClawsMelee range increasedMelee range increased by PrimaryBuff%
BullseyeMax health increased after every 10 one shot eliminationsMax health increased by PrimaryBuff after every 10 one shot eliminations
Critical ThinkingCritical hits deal more damage but non critical hits deal less damageCritical hits deal PrimaryBuff% more damage but non critical hits deal Debuff% less damage
Danger CloseDamage increased to nearby enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to nearby enemies
DrillerDestroying destructible rocks has a greater chance to spawn lootDestroying destructible rocks has a PrimaryBuff% greater chance to spawn loot
Eagle EyeDamage increased to distant enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to distant enemies
EfficiencyChance to gain ammo when dealing damagePrimaryBuff% chance to gain ammo when dealing damage
EnduranceHeal after clearing each islandHeal PrimaryBuff health after clearing each island
Enhanced TurretsTurret damage increasedTurret damage increased by PrimaryBuff%
Fast ClawsReload speed increasedReload speed increased by PrimaryBuff%
Finishing MoveEnemies eliminated with critical hits drop more crystalsEnemies eliminated with critical hits drop PrimaryBuff% more crystals
FirestarterFire debuff stacks increasedFire debuff stacks increased by PrimaryBuff%
FMJDamage increased to armored enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to armored enemies
FortitudeMax health increased after clearing each islandMax health increased by PrimaryBuff after clearing each island
Ghost AmmoChance to not use ammo when firingPrimaryBuff% chance to not use ammo when firing
Gold CoatingGain crystals when healingGain PrimaryBuff% of healing as crystals
Hard TargetIncoming damage reduced (up to a cap of 75% reduction)Incoming damage reduced by PrimaryBuff%
High VoltageLightning debuff stacks increasedLightning debuff stacks increased by PrimaryBuff%
Hot SteamEnemies take damage when extinguishing fireEnemies take PrimaryBuff damage when extinguishing fire
IcebreakerEnemies take damage when thawing from iceEnemies take PrimaryBuff% weapon damage (+SecondaryBuff damage) when thawing from ice
Ice ColdIce debuff stacks increasedIce debuff stacks increased by PrimaryBuff%
Ice CubeDamage increased to frozen enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to frozen enemies
Metal RodDamage increased to shocked enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to shocked enemies
Oil CanDamage increased to burning enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to burning enemies
PaycheckGain crystals after clearing each islandGain PrimaryBuff crystals after clearing each island
Personal SpaceMax health increased after every 10 close range eliminationsMax health increased by PrimaryBuff after every 10 close range eliminations
Poison VialDamage increased to poisoned enemiesDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% to poisoned enemies
Power ArmorDamage increased for each equipped armor plateDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% for each equipped armor plate
Red FuryDamage increased for a short time after eliminating an enemyDamage increased by 50% for PrimaryBuff seconds after eliminating an enemy
RegeneratorHealth regenerates over time while on an active island (for up to 30 seconds)Health constantly regenerates by PrimaryBuff while on an active island
ScavengerChance for enemies to drop health pickups when eliminatedPrimaryBuff% chance for enemies to drop health pickups when eliminated
Second WindDamage increased when at low (less than 25%) healthDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% when at low health
Sharp ClawsMelee damage increasedMelee damage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
SnatcherEnemies eliminated at close range drop more crystalsEnemies eliminated at close range drop PrimaryBuff% more crystals
Sonic BoomReloading damages and knocks back nearby enemiesReloading deals PrimaryBuff damage and knocks back nearby enemies
Special DeliveryShops contain more goods for saleShops contain PrimaryBuff more goods for sale
Speed DemonMovement speed increasedMovement speed increased by PrimaryBuff%
StaminaGain more dashesGain PrimaryBuff more dashes
Tony’s Black CardShop prices are discountedShop prices are discounted by PrimaryBuff%
ToxicPoison debuff stacks increasedPoison debuff stacks increased by PrimaryBuff%
Valued CustomerHeal when making purchases at shopsHeal PrimaryBuff health when making purchases at shops
VampireHeal after each melee eliminationHeal PrimaryBuff health after each melee elimination

Perks – Epic

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
All You Can EatNo ammo is used for a short time after eliminating an enemyNo ammo is used for PrimaryBuff seconds after eliminating an enemy
AssassinDamage increased after every 10 one shot eliminationsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% after every 10 one shot eliminations
Big ChestsChests contain more loot choices to choose fromChests contain PrimaryBuff more loot choices to choose from
Bonus CrystalsMore crystals drop when eliminating enemiesPrimaryBuff% more crystals drop when eliminating enemies
BulletproofChance to block incoming damage (up to a cap of 75% chance)PrimaryBuff% chance to block incoming damage
ChecklistDamage increased after every 25 eliminationsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% after every 25 eliminations
CollectorDamage increased for each perk level that you haveDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% for each perk level that you have
Damage AuraDeal constant damage to nearby enemiesDeal PrimaryBuff damage per second to nearby enemies
Explosive ArmorCreate large explosions when breaking enemy armorArmor explosions deal PrimaryBuff damage
Fire AuraIgnite and damage nearby enemies every few secondsDeal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff fire stacks to nearby enemies
Fire ClawsMelee ignites enemiesMelee ignites enemies with PrimaryBuff fire stacks
Flammable ArmorIgnite nearby enemies when breaking enemy armorIgnite nearby enemies with PrimaryBuff fire stacks when breaking enemy armor
GemstoneDamage increased after clearing each islandDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% after clearing each island
Grave DodgerInvulnerable for a short time when at 1 healthInvulnerable for PrimaryBuff seconds when at 1 health
Green DiceAll chance based mods and perks are more likely to trigger and higher rarity loot has a greater chance to spawn from chestsAll chance based events are PrimaryBuff% more likely to happen
Grim ReaperHeal after eliminating enemiesHeal PrimaryBuff health after eliminating enemies
Ice AuraFreeze and damage nearby enemies every few secondsDeal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff ice stacks to nearby enemies
Ice ClawsMelee freezes enemiesMelee freezes enemies with PrimaryBuff ice stacks
Lightning AuraShock and damage nearby enemies every few secondsDeal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff lightning stacks to nearby enemies
Money Is PowerDamage increased by 1% for every 1000 crystals you haveDamage increased by 1% for every 1000 crystals you have (up to a cap of PrimaryBuff crystals)
Performance BonusChance to get an additional reward chest when flawlessly clearing an islandPrimaryBuff% chance to get an additional reward chest when flawlessly clearing an island
Poison AuraPoison and damage nearby enemies every few secondsDeal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff poison stacks to nearby enemies
ReinforcedGain additional armor plates each time you pick up armorGain PrimaryBuff additional armor plates each time you pick up armor
Repelling DashDashing repels nearby enemy projectilesPrimaryBuff% repel radius
Sentry TurretGain sentry turrets at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff sentry turrets at the start of each island dealing SecondaryBuff damage per second
ShockwaveReloading damages all visible enemiesReloading deals PrimaryBuff damage to all visible enemies
Sniper TurretGain sniper turrets at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff sniper turrets at the start of each island dealing SecondaryBuff damage per second
Tasty OrangeDamage increased for each enemy eliminated on an island (resets after each island)Damage increased by PrimaryBuff% for each enemy eliminated on an island

Perks – Legendary

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Care PackageGet additional reward chests after clearing every 4th islandGet PrimaryBuff additional reward chests after clearing every 4th island
ClearanceChance for goods in shops to be heavily discounted (75% off)PrimaryBuff% chance for goods in shops to be heavily discounted
Crystal AsteroidsChance for asteroids containing bonus loot to spawn on each islandPrimaryBuff% chance for asteroids containing bonus loot to spawn on each island
Dagger DashDashing sends an arc of daggers in the direction that you are lookingEach dagger deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Double VisionChance to get an additional reward chest after clearing each islandPrimaryBuff% chance to get an additional reward chest after clearing each island
Electric EnemiesEnemies shock all nearby enemies when eliminatedEnemies shock all nearby enemies with PrimaryBuff lightning stacks when eliminated
Exploding EnemiesEnemies explode when eliminatedEnemies explode when eliminated, dealing PrimaryBuff damage to nearby enemies
Faulty ChestsChance for unchosen chest loot to not disappearPrimaryBuff% chance for unchosen chest loot to not disappear
Fire TurretGain fire turrets at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff fire turrets at the start of each island dealing SecondaryBuff damage per second
Flammable EnemiesEnemies ignite all nearby enemies when eliminatedEnemies ignite all nearby enemies with PrimaryBuff fire stacks when eliminated
Freezing EnemiesEnemies freeze all nearby enemies when eliminatedEnemies freeze all nearby enemies with PrimaryBuff ice stacks when eliminated
Ice DashDashing freezes and knocks back nearby enemiesDeal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff ice stacks to nearby enemies when dashing
Level UpRandom mods and perks are upgraded to the next level after clearing every 3rd islandPrimaryBuff random mods and perks are upgraded to the next level after clearing every 3rd island
Mortar TurretGain mortar turrets at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff mortar turrets at the start of each island dealing SecondaryBuff damage per second
Poisonous EnemiesEnemies poison all nearby enemies when eliminatedEnemies poison all nearby enemies with PrimaryBuff poison stacks when eliminated
Poison TurretGain poison turrets at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff poison turrets at the start of each island dealing SecondaryBuff damage per second
PowerslideSliding shoots out fiery sparks that damage and ignite nearby enemiesSliding constantly deals PrimaryBuff damage and applies SecondaryBuff fire stacks to nearby enemies
Rare TreasureEnemies have a small chance to drop loot when eliminatedEnemies have a PrimaryBuff% chance to drop loot when eliminated
Regenerating ArmorGain armor plates at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff armor plates at the start of each island

Perks – Greed

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
BribeMax health greatly increased but lose crystals when taking damageMax health increased by PrimaryBuff% but lose Debuff% crystals when taking damage
Brute ForceBoth outgoing and incoming damage heavily increasedDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% but incoming damage increased by Debuff%
Cursed LotteryGain a gigantic amount of crystals but lose most of your max healthGain PrimaryBuff crystals but lose Debuff% max health
Damage SeekerDamage greatly increased but lose max health when taking damageDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% but lose Debuff% max health when taking damage
Double Edged SwordGain crystals when dealing damage but lose crystals when taking damageGain crystals worth PrimaryBuff% of damage dealt but lose Debuff% of your total crystals when taking damage
Double TroubleMax health greatly increased but so is enemy healthMax health increased by PrimaryBuff% but enemy health increased by Debuff%
Glass CannonDamage massively increased but lose most of your max healthDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% but max health decreased by Debuff%
High RollerChance for extra chests to spawn but also a chance for no chests to spawn at allSecondaryBuff% chance for PrimaryBuff more reward chests to spawn but also a Debuff% chance for no chests to spawn at all
JuggernautMax health increased but more enemies spawnMax health increased by PrimaryBuff% but Debuff% more enemies spawn
Leap Of FaithMax health greatly increased but fall damage is enabledMax health increased by PrimaryBuff% but Debuff% max health is dealt as fall damage
Limited LootMore crystals drop when eliminating enemies but the amount of loot choices in chests is reducedPrimaryBuff% more crystals drop when eliminating enemies but there are Debuff less loot choices in chests
Playing With PowerDamage massively increased but you can hurt yourselfDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% but you can hurt yourself
Rising StarMore crystals drop when eliminating enemies but more enemies spawnPrimaryBuff% more crystals drop when eliminating enemies but Debuff% more enemies spawn
Slippery SlopeGain crystals but also lose health at the start of each islandGain PrimaryBuff crystals but lose Debuff% health at the start of each island
Up The AnteDamage increased but more enemies spawnDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% but Debuff% more enemies spawn
WorkaholicMore crystals drop when eliminating enemies but you lose some of your max healthPrimaryBuff% more crystals drop when eliminating enemies but max health decreased by Debuff%

Weapon Mods – Rare

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Accelerating ShotShots deal more damage but start slow and accelerate over timeDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Aerial ShotShots deal more damage when airborneDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) when airborne
Big MagClip size increasedClip size increased by PrimaryBuff%
Big ShotShots are larger and deal more damage but move more slowlyShots are PrimaryBuff% larger and deal PrimaryBuff% more damage (+SecondaryBuff damage) but move Debuff% more slowly
Blind FireShots deal more damage but spread is heavily increasedDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) but spread increased by Debuff%
Bouncing ShotShots bounce around and deal more damage after each bounceDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) after each bounce
Chaotic ShotShots deal more damage but move in random patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Clip ShotShots deal more damage for each bullet remaining in the clipDamage increased by 1 for each bullet remaining in the clip (up to a max of PrimaryBuff bullets)
Critical ChainGreatly increased critical hit chance for 5 seconds after landing a critical hitCritical hit chance increased by PrimaryBuff% for 5 seconds after landing a critical hit
Fast ShotShots are faster and are less affected by gravityShots are PrimaryBuff% faster and lighter
Fire ShotShots burn enemiesShots apply PrimaryBuff fire stacks
Glue ShotShots stick to enemies and deal more damage but there is a short delay before damage is dealtDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Grip TapeSpread and recoil heavily reducedSpread and recoil reduced by PrimaryBuff%
Health ShotHeal when dealing damageHeal PrimaryBuff health when dealing damage
Heavy HitterShots deal more damage but fire rate is reducedDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) but fire rate reduced by Debuff%
Heavy ShotShots deal more damage but are heavierShots deal PrimaryBuff% more damage (+SecondaryBuff damage) but are Debuff% heavier
High CaliberShots deal more damage but clip size is reducedDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) but clip size reduced by Debuff%
Hot ShotIncreased critical hit chance but incoming damage is also increasedCritical hit chance increased by PrimaryBuff% but incoming damage increased by Debuff%
Ice ShotShots freeze enemiesShots apply PrimaryBuff ice stacks
Knockback ShotShots knock back enemiesKnockback strength increased by PrimaryBuff%
Lightning ShotShots shock enemiesShots apply PrimaryBuff lightning stacks
Light ShotFire rate increased but shots deal less damageFire rate increased by PrimaryBuff% but shots deal Debuff% less damage
Money ShotGain crystals when damaging enemiesGain PrimaryBuff crystals when damaging enemies
Poison ShotShots poison enemiesShots apply PrimaryBuff poison stacks
Power PunchIncreased critical hit damageCritical hit damage increased by PrimaryBuff%
PrecisionShots deal more damage for each shot you hit in a row without missing (up to a max of 50 shots in a row)Damage increased by PrimaryBuff for each shot you hit in a row without missing
Random ShotShots apply random debuffs to enemiesShots apply PrimaryBuff stacks of a random debuff
Rapid FireFire rate increasedFire rate increased by PrimaryBuff%
Recoil ShotShots deal more damage but recoil is heavily increasedDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) but recoil is increased by Debuff%
Reload ArcReloading fires an arc of powerful projectilesEach projectile deals PrimaryBuff damage
SharpshooterIncreased critical hit chanceCritical hit chance increased by PrimaryBuff%
Sharp ShotShots deal additional flat damageShots deal PrimaryBuff additional flat damage
Snake ShotShots deal more damage but move in snakelike patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Spiral ShotShots deal more damage but move in spiral patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Steady ShotShots deal more damage when aiming but less damage when hipfiringDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) when aiming but reduced by Debuff% when hipfiring
Streak ShotCritical hit chance increased for each shot you hit in a row without missingCritical hit chance increased by PrimaryBuff% for each shot you hit in a row without missing
Time ShotShots deal more damage but damage is dealt over timeDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Trick ShotShots deal more damage when hipfiring but less damage when aimingDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) when hipfiring but reduced by Debuff% when aiming
UppercutEvery fifth shot deals more damageDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage) on every fifth shot
Wind UpShots deal more damage for each shot fired until reloadingDamage increased by 1 for each shot fired until reloading (up to a max of PrimaryBuff shots)
Zig Zag ShotShots deal more damage but move in zig zag patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)

Weapon Mods – Epic

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Arcane BlastFire close range AOE blasts along with your shotsEach arcane blast deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Arc ShotChance to fire in an arc shot formationPrimaryBuff% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Aura ShotShots are surrounded by auras that deal constant damageEach aura deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Bubble ShotShots that hit enemies spawn damaging bubbles nearbyEach bubble deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Critical BlastCritical hits create powerful explosionsCritical blasts deal PrimaryBuff damage
Critical LinkCritical hits spawn 5 new shots that target nearby enemiesEach critical link shot deals PrimaryBuff% weapon damage (SecondaryBuff damage)
Dagger ArcFire arcs of daggers along with your shotsEach dagger deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Damage ShotShots deal more damageDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Firework ShotFire fireworks along with your shotsEach firework deals PrimaryBuff damage
JuicedIncreased damage, fire rate and reload speedDamage, fire rate and reload speed increased by PrimaryBuff%
Mace ShotFire mace balls along with your shotsEach mace ball deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Mega CritChance for shots to Mega Crit (deal 3x critical hit damage) when landing critical hitsPrimaryBuff% chance to Mega Crit when landing critical hits
Piercing ShotShots pierce through enemiesShots pierce through PrimaryBuff enemies
Piercing WaveFire slow damaging waves along with your shotsEach wave deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Scatter ShotChance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impactPrimaryBuff% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Shotgun BlastFire deadly shotgun blasts along with your shotsEach shotgun pellet deals PrimaryBuff damage
Spark ShotShots create bursts of damaging sparks on impactEach spark deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Split ShotChance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the airPrimaryBuff% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
SuperchargedFire rate increasedFire rate increased by PrimaryBuff%
Targeting ShotChance for shots to target nearby enemies on impactPrimaryBuff% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Thorn ShotFire homing thorns along with your shots that stick to enemies and deal damage over timeEach thorn deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Triple ShotChance to fire in a triple shot formationPrimaryBuff% chance to fire in a triple shot formation

Weapon Mods – Legendary

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Bomb ShotShots that hit enemies spawn clusters of bombs nearbyEach bomb deals PrimaryBuff damage
Critical BladesCritical hits spawn deadly blades that seek out nearby enemiesEach blade deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Double TapChance for shots to deal damage twicePrimaryBuff% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Fireball ShotFire fireballs along with your shotsEach fireball deals PrimaryBuff damage and applies SecondaryBuff fire stacks
FirepowerFire extra shots with increased spreadFire PrimaryBuff extra shots with increased spread
Fire StormShots create fiery storms that deal damage over timeFire storms deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff fire stacks over a Duration second period
Fire StrikeShots bring down powerful fire strikes that damage and burn nearby enemiesFire strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff fire stacks
Homing ShotChance for shots to home towards enemiesPrimaryBuff% chance for shots to home towards enemies
Ice StormShots create icy storms that deal damage over timeIce storms deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff ice stacks over a Duration second period
Ice StrikeShots bring down ice strikes that damage and freeze nearby enemiesIce strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff ice stacks
Lightning StormShots create electric storms that deal damage over timeLightning storms deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff lightning stacks over a Duration second period
Lightning StrikeShots bring down lightning strikes that damage and shock nearby enemiesLightning strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff lightning stacks
Poison StormShots create poisonous storms that deal damage over timePoison storms deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff poison stacks over a Duration second period
Poison StrikeShots bring down poison strikes that damage and poison nearby enemiesPoison strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff poison stacks
Proximity BarrageShots that hit enemies spawn powerful missiles that seek out nearby enemiesEach missile deals PrimaryBuff damage
Sharpened AxeFire spinning axes along with your shotsEach axe deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Spike StrikeShots cause spikes to erupt from the ground, damaging nearby enemiesSpike strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage
Splash DamageShots deal splash damage to nearby enemiesShots deal PrimaryBuff splash damage to nearby enemies
Spore ShotShots grow explosive mushrooms from enemiesEach mushroom deals PrimaryBuff damage and applies SecondaryBuff poison stacks
Square ShotChance to fire in a square shot formationPrimaryBuff% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Torpedo ShotFire homing torpedos along with your shotsEach torpedo deals PrimaryBuff damage
Triangle ShotFire powerful triangle projectiles along with your shotsEach triangle deals PrimaryBuff damage
X ShotChance to fire in an X shot formationPrimaryBuff% chance to fire in an X shot formation

Grenade Mods – Rare

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Bigger BoomGrenades have a larger explosion radiusGrenades have a PrimaryBuff% larger explosion radius
Big GrenadeGrenades are larger and deal more damage but move more slowlyGrenades are PrimaryBuff% larger and deal PrimaryBuff% more damage (+SecondaryBuff damage) but move Debuff% more slowly
Chaotic GrenadeGrenades deal more damage but move in random patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Crit GrenadeIncreased grenade critical hit chanceGrenade critical hit chance increased by PrimaryBuff%
Glue GrenadeGrenades stick to enemies and deal more damage but have a delayed explosionDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Heavy GrenadeGrenades deal more damage but are heavierGreandes deal PrimaryBuff% more damage (+SecondaryBuff damage) but are Debuff% heavier
Imploding GrenadeGrenades deal more damage but have a smaller explosion radiusGrenades deal PrimaryBuff% more damage (+SecondaryBuff damage) but have a Debuff% smaller explosion radius
Snake GrenadeGrenades deal more damage but move in snakelike patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Spiral GrenadeGrenades deal more damage but move in spiral patternsDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)

Grenade Mods – Epic

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Aura GrenadeGrenades are surrounded by auras that deal constant damageAuras deal PrimaryBuff damage per second
Bubble BlastGrenades explode into damaging bubblesEach bubble deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Dagger BlastGrenades explode into clusters of daggersEach dagger deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Damage GrenadeGrenades deal more damageDamage increased by PrimaryBuff% (+SecondaryBuff damage)
Firework ExplosionGrenades explode into fireworksEach firework deals PrimaryBuff damage
GrenadierGain extra uses of your grenadeGain PrimaryBuff extra uses of your grenade
Layered GrenadeChance for grenades to explode twicePrimaryBuff% chance for grenades to explode twice
Spark ExplosionGrenades explode into a burst of damaging sparksEach spark deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Thorn ExplosionGrenades explode into homing thorns that stick to enemies and deal damage over timeEach thorn deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Triple GrenadeChance to throw 3 grenades at oncePrimaryBuff% chance to throw 3 grenades at once

Grenade Mods – Legendary

NamePick Up DescriptionInventory Description
Black HoleGrenades explode into black holes that suck enemies in and destroy their projectilesBlack holes have a PrimaryBuff% larger radius
Bomb ExplosionGrenades explode into clusters of bombsEach bomb deals PrimaryBuff damage
Clone ExplosionGrenades spawn more grenades when explodingGrenades spawn PrimaryBuff more grenades when exploding
Crystal BarrageGrenades explode into crystal barragesCrystal barrages deal PrimaryBuff damage over a Duration second period
Crystal StrikeGrenades explode into crystal strikesCrystal strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage
Energy RingGrenades explode into damaging energy ringsEnergy rings deal PrimaryBuff damage on each hit
Fire ExplosionGrenades explode into fire damage areasFire damage areas apply SecondaryBuff fire stacks over a Duration second period
Homing GrenadeGrenades lose speed but home towards enemiesGrenades home towards enemies with PrimaryBuff% speed
Ice ExplosionGrenades explode into ice damage areasIce damage areas apply SecondaryBuff ice stacks over a Duration second period
Lightning ExplosionGrenades explode into lightning damage areasLightning damage areas apply SecondaryBuff lightning stacks over a Duration second period
Poison ExplosionGrenades explode into poison damage areasPoison damage areas apply SecondaryBuff poison stacks over a Duration second period
Spike StrikeGrenades explode into spike strikesSpike strikes deal PrimaryBuff damage
Spinning BladeGrenades explode into spinning bladesEach blade deals PrimaryBuff damage per second
Spore ExplosionGrenades grow explosive mushrooms when explodingMushrooms deal PrimaryBuff damage and apply SecondaryBuff poison stacks when exploding
Grenades grow gigantic explosive mushrooms when explodingUltra MushroomMushrooms deal PrimaryBuff damage when exploding

Heart, Armor, Crystal Bundle, Key

NamePick Up Description
Bronze HeartIncreases max health by 50 and heals 33% of your health
Silver HeartIncreases max health by 100 and heals 66% of your health
Gold HeartIncreases max health by 200 and heals 100% of your health
Bronze ArmorGain 1 armor plate that reduces elemental damage, protects combo and will block one hit (regardless of the damage amount) when broken
Silver ArmorGain 2 armor plates that reduce elemental damage, protect combo and will block one hit (regardless of the damage amount) when broken
Gold ArmorGain 4 armor plates that reduce elemental damage, protect combo and will block one hit (regardless of the damage amount) when broken
Small Crystal BundleGain a small amount of crystals
Medium Crystal BundleGain a medium amount of crystals
Large Crystal BundleGain a large amount of crystals
KeyUsed in the lobby to permanently unlock new content for future runs
Double KeyUsed in the lobby to permanently unlock new content for future runs
Quad KeyUsed in the lobby to permanently unlock new content for future runs
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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