Crimson Snow – Complete Walkthrough Guide

For anyone who doesn’t want to watch a video walkthrough and would rather read, I cover the whole game and how to get the endings! Minimal spoilers.



Welcome to Crimson Snow! This is a survival horror with an emphasis on survival. You will be trying to escape from your demonic ex who desperately wants you back. Most of the gameplay is walking around and collecting items. There is no sprint, no crouching, and no weapon usage until the very end of the game. Your ex patrols the halls of the house you’re in but it’s not too hard to evade her. I wrote this guide to help anyone who needs text instead of a video.


The game begins with you looking out of a window and your phone is to your left. A few seconds after starting, it will ring. Pick it up, press the action button again, and you’ll be introduced to your girlfriend, Joyce.

After her first question, you have the choice of how you want to respond to her. The ending will change depending on your responses during the course of the game. There are 4 main endings and 1 secret ending: Happily Ever After, We Are Together Again, Loss, Parting, and I Can Fix her. I’ll make a note of what responses lead to what ending.

The response here doesn’t seem to matter so pick whichever one you want and you’ll get basically the same reply from her.

She’ll ask if you want a photo of her in the mountains or in the pool. Choose whichever one you want.

When you tell her you got a letter, the choice doesn’t matter. She’s excited and tells you to go downstairs to open it. Apparently, she knows where he keeps his mail and that he didn’t open the envelope yet.

Open the door right across from the window, to the left of the bed. To your immediate left are the stairs, go down them. You’ll see a Christmas tree in a room in front of you, but turn left and you will see the front door. There is a white cabinet with the letter on top of it. Pick it up and read it. It’s from your crazy ex.

Joyce asks who it’s from and you can only lie to her with two choices: the tax office or your parents. You can choose either but she seems suspicious if you say it’s from your parents due to you being estranged from them.

She’ll tell you she has a surprise for you and to go back upstairs to the window you started at. Head on up there and open the window despite there being a blizzard outside.

You’ll see a light flickering on and off in the window of the house across the street, and your response to her doesn’t matter again.

She wants you to join her in the fun and requests you retrieve some sparklers to set off in your window. Turn to your right and you will see two doors. Go through the one that looks like a shutter. You’ll be in your laundry room and the sparklers are all of the top left cabinets except for the second one. Pick them all up. Depending on your brightness setting, you’ll either rely on them… or you won’t, for most of the game.

Return to the window and press the action button to set off a sparkler. Joyce asks you to come over and inquires if you have a Christmas gift for her.

The Parting ending is by telling her you don’t have a present for her, but if you don’t want that ending, tell her you have a gift.

Go downstairs and retrieve the present from the table next to the Christmas tree. With your gift in hand, head on outside into the blizzard and make a beeline for her house. Eventually, the storm will become too powerful and most of your screen will white out. Keep heading for the blinking window. You can check the inside of the mailbox for someone’s unpaid bills.

Entering the House & 2 Snow Globes

Once you get inside, the door automatically closes and locks you in. If you look to your left, you will see a room with a door with Christmas lights on the frame. Going up to it will show that it’s locked and you will hear a mysterious giggle…

The double doors right across from you will now be open so walk through them. Go all the way to the end of the hall and you will see a woman’s shadow walking into the next room. Follow it in and you’ll see a big Christmas tree, then receive a phone call from Joyce.

If you want the Parting ending, tell her, “You have a little mess here…” Otherwise, tell her, “I’m already inside your house.” The power blows a fuse and everything goes dark, along with ending your phone call with Joyce. When your vision comes back, the entire house is a mess.

Turn around and go back down the hall you came from. As you approach the entrance room, you will see an apparition of a ghostly woman in the living room. She disappears into the darkness before you can reach her. Enter the living room and the tv will turn on by itself.

Continue into the dining room, there is a cabinet on the left side with a sparkler in the drawer, and head for the red candle in the kitchen. The table has a photo of an elderly couple and there’s a postcard for you to inspect. The middle drawer has a sparkler in it. If you turn to your right, the last cabinet to your left has a sparkler inside of it as well. The sink behind you ALSO has a sparkler in the drawer to the right of it.

Walk to the right side of the kitchen and go through the white door. Walk down the hall and enter the first door on your right. You will hear bells jingling and there are two tables you can hide under. These will be useful very shortly…

There is a note on the table that you can inspect. After you read it, you will see a door open in front of you through the broken wall. Your stalker has now arrived. Turn around and hide under the table by pressing the action button. Wait for her to enter the room and stay put. She’ll try to trick you into thinking she knows where you are but hold out until she leaves the room.

She now starts her patrol on the left side hallway. Wait for her to walk in front of the open door and walk out as soon as she turns around, but try to keep a little distance. Turn to the right and walk down the hall away from her, don’t worry about her catching you. Enter the door on the left and feel free to close it. There is another door in the room to go through, feel free to close it as well.

Now you’ll be in a storage room with a line of Christmas lights on the ground. Follow them and squeeze past all of the boxes on either side of you. There is a door at the end that you can enter. You’ll enter a small room with a Christmas tree decoration on the door, adorned with three snow globes. There will be a jump-scare sound when you walk toward it and the door will keep moving away from you. Follow it until you get a phone call from Joyce. Either choice is fine but it’ll probably be easier for her to not think you’re just crazy if you try to be logical.

If you try to interact with the door, the snow globes will disappear. Now you need to track them down and put them back. Open the door and you’ll be back in the living room with the tv to your right. There is a chained door right next to it but you can’t do anything with it right now.

Enter the white door on the left with windows on it. You’ll hear the sound of a music box playing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”. There are two upper cabinets in front of you. The one on the right has a sparkler, so grab that first, and the left one has a snow globe. As soon as you pick it up, your stalker will approach the room. Hide under the table next to you.

She’ll eventually leave and retreat to the hallway on the left side of the living room. Feel free to put the snow globe on the Christmas tree door now or hold onto it for the time being.

Your stalker will walk from the hall into the living room and stand in the doorway for a few seconds. Make sure you’re hiding where she can’t see you. There’s a cabinet to the right of the door that you can hide behind and she won’t notice you. As soon as she turns around to walk away, follow her.

She goes to the right but you need to go to the open door on the very left. It leads into a pantry/storage room. There is a small maze between the shelves and she will poke her head in the doorway, causing a jumpscare. Turn around and hide behind the shelves, she won’t see you.

Her patrol changes: she walks further down the left side of the hall now. Wait for her to walk to the right of the door nearest to you and follow her when she heads back left. She’ll turn left again at the fork but you need to turn right and into the room on your right.

There is another snow globe in this room, along with a hiding spot. The snow globe is in the left drawer on the desk. As soon as you pick it up, turn around and hide under the table on your left. Your stalker will enter the room and stay hidden until she leaves.

Follow her when she walks to the left side of the hall and turns left again. Walk past her, straight forward. Walk all the way down the hall, past the double doors, and climb into the vent with the bloody hand prints on the wall.

You’ll fall into a room that has bolt cutters on the counter. Grab them and if you turn around, the table behind you has a drawer with a sparkler in it. The door is chained shut, so use your bolt cutters on it. As soon as you cut them, hide under the table. When your stalker leaves the room, follow her out.

We’re going to head back to the living room to the door with the chain. Keep following your stalker until you reach a room on the right with a table to hide under. Hide and wait for her to walk left past the doorway. Now you can leave and head right back to the living room. Feel free to put the second snow globe back on the Christmas tree door.

The Third Snow Globe

The door next to the tv has a chain on it, so use your bolt cutters to cut it off. Enter the room and the last snow globe will be on your right on top of a laundry basket. Don’t worry about your stalker catching you and go straight back to the Christmas tree door. When you put all three snow globes in the slots, it will unlock and you can open it.

There will be a pitch black room, walk forward and a spotlight will show you a box of tree decorations. Grab those and turn around, going back through the door you came from. Now it’s a long hallway that quickly shortens. Go out the door on your left and follow the lights on the floor.

Go into the door on your right. There will be a (harmless) jumpscare when you walk up to the door that’s slightly ajar. The door is locked, so you can’t go in there.

On your left is the room with the tree and the door has chains on it. Use the bolt cutters to get access in. Walk up to the tree and the screen will fade out.

When it comes back, Joyce calls you. There are two choices you can make here and they will impact your ending. “Joyce, you need to leave! Now!” will lead to Joyce getting hurt and the Loss ending. If you want her to survive, you need to choose, “Hide somewhere and call the police!” This is for every other ending.

Telling her, “Everything feels like a dream,” will get the best response from her. Saying, “I think I just found your Christmas decorations,” will cause her to become suspicious.

After the phone call ends, walk into the dark hall to the right of the tree. Keep going forward and you will see your stalker with her back turned to you. Getting closer causes her to bend over backwards and she begins to chase you.

Immediately head back into the tree room and run to the left side of it, up to the double doors with windows, and wait there. When she enters the room, she’ll stop and be in awe of the decorating you did. She then crawls into a vent to the right of the tree. You can follow her but don’t get too close or she’ll grab you and kill you.

Go back down the hall that she just chased you from. Walk all the way down and you’ll be back at the entrance. Go into the living room and grab the sparkler on the coffee table. Turn right and go back into the dining room. There’s a door on the right with a chain on it. Use your bolt cutters to cut it off.

When the door opens, you’ll be met with the stairs to the basement. Go down the stairs. Go to the right of the stairs and Joyce will call you again. Keep walking forward as you hear the tussle going on. You will automatically stop when you reach the chair.

Depending on what you told Joyce to do, she will let you know her physical condition. She needs to be injured for the Loss ending. Either choice for the next question doesn’t seem to make a difference. For the good endings, when she asks you what she needs to do (again), tell her to hide.

With the phone call finished turn to the yellow lantern ahead. There is a sparkler on the shelf to your left and on a table to your right. Go up to the lantern and go into the door right next to it.

Down Into the Basement

Follow the hall down and a barrel will roll in front of you. Walk past it and there will be a vent on your left. You’ll hear some clanging sounds coming from it. Keep walking through the maze of shelves and there will be a sparkler on the last one on your right.

A hallway with more shelves will be in front of you and fall when you approach them. You have no choice but to crawl through the mess. Right before you emerge, your stalker will pop up for a jump-scare and do a freaky crawl away from you and into a vent.

When you stand up, there will be a gated door to your right but you can’t do anything with it right now. Head to the left from where you crawled from. There is a red cable on the floor that you’ll need to follow later. When you get close to an open vent, she’ll crawl out and walk to the right. In front of you should be a door with a Christmas wreath on it. Turn left and follow the blue cable on the floor.

There will be a door on your right, enter it and grab the sparkler to your right. Leave the room and continue following the blue cable. You should enter a room with a bloody body bag hung from the ceiling. There’s a note on the table that you can read.

Interact with the breaker and immediately hide under the table. She’ll walk in, then walk right back out. Follow her past the door with the sparkler and take the first hall on your left. This leads you past her and the wreath door will be on your left. Ignore it and head straight.

She’ll crawl out of a vent in front of you, so enter the room on your right. There’s a note that you can inspect on the table. You’ll hear a door open, so go back out and follow the red cable to the right. She’s patrolling up ahead so be cautious when walking around here.

There’s a large room on the right with two entrances and is filled with red candles. She has a strange patrol pattern here. Wait for her to walk down the hall, then back up, then she goes into the candle room from the second entrance. Use this time to move past her in the hall outside.

Keep following the red cable and it will lead you to a room with another body bag. There’s a sparkler on the table that you can grab. Interact with the breaker box and the body will start moving around. Hide under the table.

She’ll barge into the room and immediately find you. This is scripted, don’t worry. You black out and wake up on the floor with her standing in front of you. Her back will be turned to you so walk out the door to your left. She’ll catch on right away, so follow the red cable to get away from her. It will lead you back to the gated door that you now have access to.

There’s a hole in the wall ahead, walk up to it and she’ll grab your arm. You break her grasp and now you have the key for the wreath door! Follow the red cable, then cross over to the blue cable and the door should be in front of you.

Unlock it and open it, then walk into the dark room. A spotlight will turn on and you’ll see a box of fireworks in front of you. Grab the box and walk forward into the brown door.

Fireworks Show! Boom!

As you walk into the room, Joyce will call you again. If you’re going for the Parting ending, tell her, “Please, speak quieter,” otherwise tell her you’re fine. And, again, if you’re going for Parting, tell her you found the fireworks, otherwise tell her the crazy lady stole your gift.

You need to get to the second floor, but the elevator is boarded up. If you turn left and open the second drawer, you’ll find a crowbar. There will be a jumpscare with her reaching out from under the dresser for you.

Use the crowbar on the wooden planks to gain access to the elevator. Crawl in and you’ll be on your way to the second floor.

When you get out, you’ll hear the sound of police sirens. Walk through the door in front of you and there will be a door decorated like a gift. Ignore it for now and turn to your left, going toward the large window. You’ll see the flashing police lights outside. Joyce will give you a call.

Keep walking forward and you’ll hear a commotion. Walk up to the next window and light up a sparkler. You’ll need to get closer to the police, so turn to your left and look for some lights on the floor. As you squeeze through some boxes, you’ll hear fun sounds going on.

Joyce calls you again and you can walk to the window in front of you for a gruesome scene. If you’re going for Parting, tell her to pull herself together, otherwise tell her you two will be okay.

There’s another line of lights on the floor to your left, go through that door. Walk down the hall and you’ll see a door with lights around the frame but you can’t do anything with it now. Walk past it and go to the door on your left. There will be a jump-scare but it won’t harm you. Pick up your controller from the floor and walk into the room.

There will be more postcards on the table in front of you to inspect and a note on the table next to it. There’s also a telescope in the room, inspect it and you will receive a call from Joyce. Tell her either option. If you’re going for the Parting ending, make sure to lie to her about everything, otherwise, tell her the truth.

For the good endings, tell her you didn’t realize it was her until you found evidence and that she was crazy, then that her health began to deteriorate.

After the phone call, turn to your right and head down the hall. Go into the door at the end on the left and you will find another key. When you turn around, there will be another harmless jump-scare. Take a deep breath and go back toward the telescope, then leave the room. You can now unlock the door with the lights on your left.

Avoiding the Landmine

The hallway you enter has many doorways in it. The first room on your right has a table and a large white wardrobe in it. Walk past it and when you approach the second doorway, your stalker will walk out. Turn around and go back into the previous room, then hide under the table.

Wait until she turns and walks away, then get out and follow her. Go into the doorway she came out of and you’ll be in a bathroom. If you hide back by the sinks, she won’t be able to see you. Wait for her to walk toward the first doorway and sneak past her, going right.

Go straight through the open door and feel free to close it behind you. Keep going forward until you see a red candle on a table. There’s a letter on the table that you can read and you’ll hear a door unlock.

Turn left and go down the hall. There will be a room on your right and ahead is a hallway where she stands with her back to you. Go into the room and you can push a dresser with bloody hand prints on it under a small window. Climb into the window and you’ll be on top of some bookshelves. She’ll be on your left side but won’t be able to spot you.

Crawl past her on the shelves and you’ll drop to the floor. She’ll have her back to you again so go through the white door on your right. Go into the room and feel free to close the door.

There’s a sparkler on the bed you can nab, then continue to the white door further in the room. You’ll emerge in a room filled with broken ornaments and your stalker is on the floor crying with her back to you. You need to follow the path to the other door without stepping on any of the ornament pieces. Don’t worry about her spotting you, she’s too busy crying.

When you reach the open doorway, go through and feel free to close the door. There will be large windowed double doors to your left but go to the large room on the right. In the broken window is where you can grab a gun.

After you acquire it, Joyce will call you. You’ll let her know that you found the gun with either choice. She’ll ask if you have a minute and for the Parting ending, say, “Seriously, Joyce? Not now,” otherwise ask, “What is it?” For the next Parting answer and for We Are Together Again, say, “Don’t say that,” otherwise let her know the gift is a ring.

Walk to the double windowed doors and there’s a padlock on them. Your solution? Shoot it with the gun. Walk through the doors and you’ll automatically stop after a bit. Your stalker appears and uses The Force to pull you towards her. As you’re being dragged forward, use the gun to shoot a red canister that will blow up in her face.

She really doesn’t like that and now you can go forward. Follow the lights on the floor to your left. When you squeeze past the boxes, turn to your right and go through the doorway. Keep going forward and on your left will be a doorway that leads to the Christmas present door. You can use your key– I mean gun, to “unlock” it.

As you walk into the darkness, yet another spotlight will light up and the next item to grab is the ring. Go through the windowed double doors and Joyce will call you again. Either answer should be fine for both sections.

Go down the stairs and the scene will fade to black.

The Final Showdown

Go through the white door on your right and go to the double doors leading to the Christmas tree. In front of the tree will be a green highlight for where to put the gift. Place the gift when you are ready for the final showdown.

Your stalker will walk into the room and up to the present. You have a button next to you to deploy the fireworks. If you want the secret ending (I Can Fix Her), don’t hit the button and choose to stay with her. If you get that ending, select continue from the main menu to get the other endings.

Hit the button when you are able to and the fireworks will explode in her face. Use your gun to shoot her until she disappears into a ball of flame. Now you’ll have to play a game of cat and mouse.

Make sure you shoot your gun until you reload to make sure you don’t run out when she’s actively chasing you.

There are red canisters set up around the house and she will attack you from different sides of the house. You need to make sure you stay within sight of a canister and shoot it when she’s close to it. Then continue to shoot her until she disappears. Listen to her footsteps to get a sense of where she is. You do this 3 times before she’s taken down for good.

Congratulations for beating her! Now you have access to the outside world and leave the house to see fireworks. Depending on your responses to Joyce, you’ll get one of four endings.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide was helpful and can help you get every ending easily! Some answers don’t necessarily lead to certain endings but I went with the best option for each one.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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