Dark Hours: Prologue – Gameplay FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


I get a fatal error when starting the game after I started the game in the lobby

Please check that:

  • You are using Windows 10 64-bit or Windows 11 64-bit: we do not support older versions of Windows.
  • The software prerequisites have been installed by Steam. These are the DirectX redistributable and Visual C++ redistributables.
  • You have a graphics card.
  • Test to disable XMP or to change the XMP profile in BIOS.
  • Install the latest graphics driver for your graphics card.

In some cases, using DirectX 11 is better for older computers to avoid the graphics drivers emulating DirectX12: add -dx11 to the launch options of the game.

When will the second map be release?

We will add new maps in the next updates, which are scheduled for August.


What does it take for a demon to appear?

Monsters are attracted by the noise you make: your voice, the noise from your backpack, if you run or if you activate alarms.

How to beat the black tree man?

He doesn’t like bright lights and the camera is your friend, though has limited flashes.

Is here only the tall ghost guy and the statue, or is there a third monster?

The third monster should be there, but a bug is preventing it from appearing in the game. We are trying to fix this as soon as possible in an upcoming patch.

Can my partner help me get into the ventilation if he is already inside it?

Not yet, but we are considering a new cooperative feature where he could pull you up into the ventilation to help you climb in.

How to use ventilation

  • You have 2 types of air vent grilles.
  • some are clean, some a little bit rusty.
  • You can destroy the rusty ones to enter in the air vent.
  • Some air vents are on the ground, you just have to crouch to enter them.
  • Other are located high up: if you are in single player mode, you have seom stepladdrs, in multiplayer, one of the player has to interact with the wall to help other to climb up

How to find exit key?

You need to find the exit key, which is in one of the rooms in the auction house. If you’d like, I can be more precise about its location, but I’ll keep the information in ‘spoiler’ format in case you or others do not want the full solution:

  • Room location: The key is located in the director’s office.
  • More precise: The key is placed on a piece of furniture in the director’s office.
  • Exact location: The key is placed on the desk in the director’s office.

Why 1v1 prime showdown is still locked for me, even though in lvl 23?

You need to complete your story mode first, victor will talk to you to unlock the mode.

I hope this helps!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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