I hope this can help some new players who might not have high-level teams set up yet, or those struggling with any of the hard-mode stages.
Guide to Chapter 6
By Voidling
I will reveal the general strategies to help against each stage’s enemies, and suggest some characters that might be particularly useful for the battle, but remember that Reverse 1999 allows for a lot of team variability—especially at higher character levels.
6TH-3 and 6TH-3 (Hard)
Even though the plant enemy can heal the others, it is most beneficial to target the beast enemy first to prevent moxie gain on the enemies. If you deal too little damage to kill them before a natural ultimate can be gained by them, then it is more beneficial to kill the plant enemy first, as the moxie gain will not matter much either way.
In this latter case, try to bring along someone who can seal the enemy, or remove moxie, like La Source, The Fool, Bkornblume, etc.
Leave the Old Golem for last. If you have a damaging ultimate ready, try to get rid of the Golem’s shield in the same turn for optimal damage.
6TH-4 and 6TH-4 (Hard)
There is not much special to this stage. Try targeting the golem that you have afflatus advantage against, if any. Single target attacks can be more beneficial, as they can help remove the shield in one strike, allowing the following attacks to deal more damage.
In the Hard stage, do not rely on characters that give any debuffs to the enemy, they will be removed if even 2 or more are present. If you are planning to bring Isolde or a poison character like Jessica, they can still work well, but only as long as you do not add another debuff except burn/poison.
6TH-5 and 6TH-5 (Hard)
Follow-up attacks are useful in this stage, as you can deal damage after a first initial attack has been blocked by the enemy’s [Incorporeal]. Make sure not to use any powerful attacks as the first attack in a round on an enemy.
It is usually most beneficial to take out the blue Spirits first, to avoid their debuff.
Isolde is particularly useful in this stage, because her follow-up attack can remove the stack of [Incorporeal] from all the enemies at the start of every round without you needing to use an action for it.
6TH-6 and 6TH-6 (Hard)
Use the same strategy as in 6TH-5.
Even though the plant enemies can heal the others, it is most beneficial to target the beast enemies first to prevent moxie gain on the enemies. If you deal too little damage to kill them before a natural ultimate can be gained by them, then it is more beneficial to kill the plant enemy first in the second wave, but usually still not in the first wave.
If you cannot kill multiple guards in one turn, try to bring along someone who can seal the enemy, or remove moxie, like La Source, Зима, The Fool, Bkornblume, etc.
Having [Burn] or [Nasty Wound] can help reduce the healing that the plant enemies provide.
6TH-7 (Hard)
Try to bring along characters that can seal or remove enemy moxie. Several characters can do this with their ultimates (like some mentioned above), which you will have available the moment you join the battle.
Alternatively, you can bring characters that deal mass attack damage to try to clear out the enemies in one turn.
If you have low levels, the main problem will be the second wave’s ultimates. To counter this, try to bring characters that can provide you a shield or a buff that reduces damage taken. It is also better to bring characters who have debuff damage cards, as they will still be able to attack when disarmed by the enemy ultimate.
6TH-8 and 6TH-8 (Hard)
When attacking, if the attack lands on the real Kakania, she will gain one stack of [Saw Through]. So try to land an attack on each Kakania during odd rounds, and keep track of when she gains the [Saw Through] stack. That Kakania will be the real one.
During even rounds, focus all your attacks on the Kakania that caused them to gain the [Saw Through] stack.
Follow-up attacks can also trigger [Saw Through], so use these to your advantage to get the stacks to 5 faster.
If you are struggling a lot to clear this stage due to low levels, you can target only one random Kakania with all your attacks and just hope that it is the right one. If she did not gain [Saw Through] for every attack, you can restart the stage and try again.
- Recommended characters: Isolde, Jiu Niangzi, Lilya, etc. (any follow-up attacks)
Focus on killing all of the spirits first. Try to avoid hitting Isolde if possible. So single-target attacks are ideal. Remember not to hit a spirit with a strong attack at the start of the round.
6TH-10 (Hard)
Keep your characters at high health. So bringing Balloon Party as your healer is inadvisable.
Do not bring characters that rely on their ultimate or gaining moxie, like Getian or Centurion.
- Recommended characters: Jiu Niangzi, Lilya, Tooth Fairy, Sonetto, Tennant, Yenisei, etc.
- If your team mainly relies on Mental Damage, kill the Armor first.
- If your team mainly relies on Reality Damage, kill the Wand first.
Bringing a character that can disarm, like Sonetto, can help a lot. Also, characters that can reduce resistances, penetrate, or deal genesis damage, are at an advantage.
6TH-12 (Hard)
Do not bring characters that rely on their ultimate or gaining moxie, like Getian or Centurion.
If you have an Intelligence character built, it is useful to bring them along for the sake of a very large comparative boost in damage.
- Recommended characters: 6, x, John Titor, Mesmer Jr., 37, Ezra
6TH-14 and 6TH-14 (Hard)
Kill the beast enemies first, to prevent the enemies from getting their ultimates.
6TH-15 and 6TH-15 (Hard)
Bring a Mineral character to reduce the Rioter’s moxie immediately.
Reality damage dealers are at a slight advantage in this stage due to the carbuncles having less reality defence.
For Hard mode, bring someone who can always ensure that the enemy has a debuff on them. Poison or burn works well.
Avoid causing mental damage in this stage. If you only have a Mental dps built, then make sure you can heal and/or shield them throughout the battle.
Yenisei is a good healer for when only one character wracks up tons of damage.
6TH-19 (Hard)
Try to kill multiple enemies in one turn. Bring their health down low, and take as many down in the turn as possible. But kill one if they are about to use their ultimate, regardless of whether you can kill multiple the same turn or not.
Do not rely on characters that give any debuffs to the enemy, they will be removed if even 2 or more are present. If you are planning to bring Isolde or a poison character like Jessica, they can still work well, but only as long as you do not add another debuff except burn/poison.
Recommended characters: Jessica, An-an Lee, Sotheby, Eagle
6TH-21 and 6TH-21 (Hard)
- If your team mainly relies on Mental Damage, kill the Armor first.
- If your team mainly relies on Reality Damage, kill the Wand first.
If your team only does one type of damage, kill the respective prop and then target Heinrich directly.
Bringing a Spirit or Intelligence character is preferred, especially Intelligence characters due to the additional afflatus advantage.
Bringing Getain can allow you to override the enemy array with your own.
For Hard mode, bringing someone who can provide shield might be preferred, since shield will not be reduced by 50% like healing is.
Recommended characters: 6, X, Isolde, Getian, Ezra, Ms. NewBabel, 37
6TH-24 and 6TH-24 (Hard)
Follow-up attacks are useful of generating extra burn in this stage. Save most of your powerful (burst) attacks and ultimates for when the boss enters the [Embers] state after getting 30 stacks of burn.
Having characters like 37 and Ezra who deal a lot of genesis damage can allow you to bypass the boss’s high defence and damage resistance while you stack up burn with their attacks, waiting for the opportunity for your main dps to strike when the boss is in the [Embers] state.
Bringing Getain can allow you to override the enemy array with your own, making him not only useful for his follow-up attacks, but also for preventing a lot of additional damage.
When a spirit is summoned in the last wave, if you cannot override the array, then just focus on attacking the boss instead.
For Hard mode, try to focus on merging your incantation to 2-stars when possible (unnecessary if you rely on 37 or Ezra).
This will also help generate moxie for using ultimates during the [Embers] state. Make sure to plan your moxie gain well so that you are able to deal as much damage as possible when the boss enters this state.
- Recommended characters: Spathodea, Isolde, Getian, Ezra, 37, Jiu Niangzi + anyone else with follow-up attacks
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