Death Must Die – Lingchi Skadi Warrior Build

Lingchi Skadi Warrior (Death by a Thousand Cuts)

I will write a disclaimer instantly just so people are aware ahead of time of what to expect with this build: It requires a very high level of gear for the highest DPS version, anything less and the builds function will heavily diminish, that being said, I will provide alternatives for those who wish to play the build and get a feel for how it may look but don’t have the gear to fully commit into it.

Anytime something has a “*” Next to it , this will be required but will have alternatives for a budget versions, and i will give further detail on it.

Stats / Gear

Stat Priority:

  • Master %> 9+ Alterations > Luck % > 3 of Reroll + Banish Dices > Pull area*

This isn’t needed, but you won’t have any in this build if you ignore it. Its okay to sacrifice a tiny bit of luck for this to make the Quality of life better.

This requires you to get as much starting Luck as possible, Serendipity will further impact this thanks to its multiplicative nature, Starting with 100% + on gear is preferable.


  • Witchsword, Lightning Hands (or five elements), Leprechaun Boots

Witchsword provides us Wind Fervor, Wind Fervor has 100% Luck efficiency, Witchswords version is 30% chance instead of the usual 3%, this is huge as now with every 100% luck we are adding an additional 30% proc chance (30% + 100% luck = 60%).

This is why we want to stack as much Luck as possible, and this will reflect in our god choices later.

Lightning Hands, Attack Speed is massive for this, they’re not 100% needed, so you can choose to drop them for Five Elements if you prefer to play a different Sign, or for a normal Pair of Gloves that have Luck + Pull Area, this will add a nice touch of quality of life back into the build.

Five Elements is for if you choose to not run Sign of the Cosmo, if you choose to do this, you’d want to run Sign of the Wyvern or Sign of the Apprentice instead.

Leprechaun Boots, these provide 48% Luck, on a slot that can’t normally roll Luck, this is massive and really impacts the performance of this build, if you do not have these, wear any boots that have either High movement speed, a +1 dash or Dice.



Wrathful Strike: this has a 50% Conversion Factor, so 200% luck is needed to double its base proc chance.

Chain Lightning: For Aoe clearing and Single Target nuking.

Haste* (We lack movement speed due to our boot choice, and no Gem High, this is a big must).

Optional: Lightning Orbs/Lightning Bolt.


Serendipity: Multiplicative with Gear Stats. (requires a luck based spell to appear, Wrathful Strike and Execution doesn’t count for the requirement, so it must be Soulstealers or Chain Lightning in this build for it to appear).

Soulstealers: Consistent damage for bosses, as well as a reliable source of Cursed (can banish after the first point if you wish).

Malady* (The build can function without this, but if you do get it, it takes it to a whole new level of dumb).

Mayhem: Since we’re killing stuff rather fast it won’t stack that high, but for a 1 point blessing, even if it only gives you 100% damage, it’s still massive levels of efficiency.

Optional: Execution(great for xp) / Ravens of Pestilence(they won’t do much, they’re too slow and you’ll nuke screens anyway)

Note: Vampirism* is valued low due to removing armor and providing no DPS benefit.


Hoarfrost*: This is additive with Mayhem’s stacks, each debuff we apply will be 100% damage, with enough luck and how fast Witchsword swings, you will apply all 8 debuffs thanks to cosmo easily, so this is 800% damage and where this build becomes its true self.

(This build requires this, the entire concept falls apart if you don’t find it).

Icebound: Additive with Hoarfrost and Mayhem, but offers a large damage % just for freezing.

Frost Ring: You will attack roughly 10x a second with optimal gear, this will constantly trigger enabling the above.

Wintertide: Spell Area effects Malady spread radius as well as Freeze Ring, very good utility.

Optional: World Freeze/Chill to the Bone/Shatter(Shatter is huge, but you will also be one shotting most things anyway)

Low Luck:*

Replace Leigong with Time if you are low on luck (below 80% from gear).

Having the additional Movement speed from Gem High, and pick up range from Force will bring quality of life back to the build as well as bring more attack speed and generating procs more frequently with Witchsword in this version.

Deadly Strike for attack blessing from Mort will be better, as it has the higher base damage scaling as well as allow you to farm Mayhem more efficiently or Times Attack for more Gem Generation to fuel Gem High.


Sign of the Cosmo: This is the main Sign, it will provide you the debuffs required for Hoarfrost, proc % scales from luck (Lightning Hands or Normal Gloves with Luck% / Pull Area).

Sign of the Wyvern: If you opt to run Five Elements for your gloves, Wyvern brings scaling mobility back to the build, allowing you to dodge bosses more efficiently as well as scout for shrines.

Sign of the Apprentice: This is an alternative to Wyvern, if you’re confident with your ability to avoid damage, this actually is a massive benefit to the build as you’ll be gaining even more level efficiency to your blessings.

Additional Notes:

  • Due to how we set this build up, Taking Pull area from any shrine where its a option is best.
  • In a perfect world if you land Luck on all the correct pieces, you’d be starting every run with 171% luck from gear.
  • Witchsword has Wind Fervor, Wind Fervor is a 1.0 Conversion Factor, meaning every  100% luck, is doubling its proc chance.
  • Wrathful Strike is only a 0.5 Conversion Factor, meaning every 200% is doubling its proc chance.
  • Serendipity is Multiplicative to every other source of Luck, so starting with 100%+ luck will set all shrines into its multiplicative region, and then serendipity will multiply it further after those factors it is very easy to hit 300%+ consistently.

I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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