Avoron Knight Dash Build Guide
This build is centered around using Outflank as an offensive tool. I don’t have Equilibrium to enable the pure thorns style builds, so this was my idea as an alternative way of converting tankiness into damage.
Basically, we use 60% damage reduction suffix to make minions and tick-based attacks hit us for nothing, farm dash refreshes off of blocking these, and kill everything with trail of fire.
Skill Tree:
- T1- Armor
- T2- Block, the core of the build along with outflank
- T3- Damage reduction, continue down block line 1pt
- T4- HP
- T5- These are really flex points. You can go %healing, the dmg% skill in T4, status resist, or rerolls/shard pull depending on your preference
- T6- Upgrades to master, 1pt in block line to unlock outflank, expert offers. You don’t need 3 in expert offers but I like it since I don’t use a ton of uniques to buff master%
- T7- Armor to damage and outflank are core. I have 1 in attack to power dmg since you have exalted a lot and it helps flare/radiance get the build off the ground early, but you can reallocate if you like
- T8- Grand archon. None of the others do much, consistent rarity boost is good
Gods / Strategy:
Summer and justice are core. I think trail of fire is non-negotiable, I’ve tried other dashes but it just feels like it hits so much harder than the others. This build murders bosses easily since they all have small rapid tick damage that insta refreshes our 100k damage dash. I’ll focus on the early game since it’s the hardest part.
On level 2-3, you need something to kill mobs passively and ramp up xp and shrine farming. 1-2 points into flare or radiance fills this role nicely. Once you have that, focus on trail of fire (expert+) and justice passives (protection, inner peace, retribution, piety, purification/reprisal). Try for expert+ retribution and put some points into it before insect ladies, it can be hard to catch them all before they kill you if your only dmg is dash. Purification > reprisal IMO as you apply lots of status.
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