Zenless Zone Zero – Hollow Zero: Ray’s Research Log Completion Guide

Resonium Database

By Nemea_Nat.

Classic Resonium

(Critical, Duel, Dodge, Energy, Shield, Onslaught, Ignite, Shock, Freeze, Assist, Ether, Synergy)

Every type of resonium from this list is basically built the same. Let’s use the ‘critical’ resonium to explain. 

  • 3 S Rank Resonium 
  • 2 Advanced Resonium you get by having 4/8 Resonium of the same type
  • 4 A Rank Resonium 
  • 1 UP Resonium (Collection Specialty Resonium)
  • 4 B Rank Resonium

To unlock the third S rank resonium and the fourth A rank resonium of the Onslaught, Shock, Ignite and Freeze series, you need to clear Hollow Zero with 6/12 agents of the same elements. Tedious, but not that hard.

You can choose the UP resonium at the start of your run, except for the ‘Assist’ one! For this one you need to change your Resonium using the rest Area at the end of the first plane. Use this choice to get it:

If you’re missing an A rank resonium: Use the Old Capital Metro zone and take the corruption at the start to have a better chance to get it.

If you’re missing a S Rank Resonium: Plane bosses always drop a S Rank resonium. Finish the first plane and use your rerolls here.

Warning: You can’t get Onslaught/Freeze/Ignite/Shock/Ether if you don’t have a member of your team of the corresponding element. Make sure to have a Fire character in your team to farm Ignite Resonium for example.

Hollow Resonium

Hollow Resonium are harder to farm, you need events to get them. You can get some S rank and A rank using the Busy rest area (the top option this time).

Special events in the hollow might also help you farm Hollow resonium, these ones in particular:

You can get 2 Hollow resonium per event, making the farm easier. Some hollow resonium can be obtained through the ‘Opportunist’ interaction on Constructions ruins. Keep asking for help on the rest area and he might give you some Hollow Resonium. 

I resumed the info I have right now on this picture. And still looking for information on the flashlight and on the mystery card pool.

Best way to farm Hollow Resonium: 

Rest area resonium are pretty straightforward. Go to the corresponding zone, kill the first boss, get a hollow resonium, give up, and try again (some are harder to get, specifically the insect catalog and the toy ambulance).

‘Common’ pool: S rank on the ‘common’ pool is the real problem. You’ll need luck to get them. But you can increase your chances by going to Construction ruins Heartland. Easy fights so you don’t need to spend too much time on combat, and still 3 planes. Then you get as many events as you can get (PubSec and Research institute). And in every rest area, you talk to the opportunist and accept his help by paying gold coins. He will offer you to get ‘Special resonium’. Those are Hollow resonium. Since you can’t get the same resonium twice in the same run, you’ll have a better chance to get those S rank resonium.

Bonus: If you have Ben at trust lv4, his trust event gives a Hollow resonium too. 

Research Resonium

Those ones are easy to find, you can get them at the start of every Hollow Run, depending of the zone you choose: 

  • Old Capital Metro for the corruption one.
  • Construction Ruins for the gold coin one.
  • Abandoned Skyscraper for the health one.

Artifice Resonium

Easy ones too, they are just the upgrades of the corrupted ones you find on these events:

You unlock 4 of them in combat configuration, make sure to get this upgrade to get them:

General Resonium 

You get most of them through your agents.

Either by replacing them in a team, or by telling them that you don’t need them if your team if full:

It means that you CAN’T get a full index if you don’t have EVERY single agent, including the limited ones… And I’m quite angry about it. I hope we get to borrow agents from friends to complete these ones. Cause I really want to make Ray happy and that won’t happen if I can’t help her complete her research.

Back to the topic. Not every general resonium is tied to an agent. Those left can be found with ‘classic’ resonium after a fight, or in shops (I’m talking about the bag of floor, letter, cleaver, bow and kettle).


Ally Resonium

You get those bangboos on the corresponding event tiles: 

For Safety and Amillion, you need to have at least one agent of the corresponding faction for the bangboo to appear in the selection. It seems that Butler is exempted from this rule as you can get him even without anyone from the Victoria Houskeepers with you… Weird ruling here.

And you can’t pick the bangboo you chose for your team at the start of your run. If you’re missing Sharkboo, make sure you don’t use it on your team.

Affinity Resonium

And these ones are the worst… First, you need to have the corresponding agent. (Including limited ones, still a pain). 

Then you need to have them at trust level 3 at least (which means that Soukaku, Lucy and Piper Affinity Resonium can’t be found at the moment).

But… you can only get those resonium from the rest area. AND you need to kill the boss before the rest area with the agent you want to get. I’m talking about the final hit that kills the boss. Pretty easy with Attack or Anomaly agents, but a pain to get with Stun, Assist and Defense Agents. 

The agent that appears on the wipeout screen will then have a chance to trigger an event when you rest in the event in the middle of the rest area:

An example with Ellen: 

And now let’s talk about the last five resonia: 

Those seemed random at first sight. But they’re not. 

You need an agent you can hang out with. (So no piper, lucy or soukaku). If you have the agent under lv3 trust. Just last hit the boss before the rest area and you get a chance to get the affiliated class resonium. If your agent is lv3 trust or higher (means you can get their trust event), then you need to possess the mindscape given by the corresponding trust resonium…

Exemple: Your Nicole is max trust and you want the support resonium. Then to get it, your Nicole must be at least mindscape 4.

If you don’t have Grace, no affinity resonium for you… at least until we can level up Piper’s trust. So don’t get fixated on getting those. It’s possible you locked yourself out of them. Got grace full trust and no mindscape? No anomaly resonium for you either.

Funny thing: If you have Rina’s M1, she also gives anomaly class resonium instead of the support one. Probably a bug but another way to get that anomaly resonium.

Corruption Research

The next step of Ray’s research is quite painful. Let’s look at the list of corruptions in our index: 

Those are pretty easy to get: Just get corrupted, and you’ll eventually get them all.

For those interested, the corruption you can get on the Ether crystal event on abandoned skyscraper are not on this list. But even if they are not on the list, they do count for the achievement. So if you’re at 31/32, take one from the ether crystal event and you’ll get your polychromes!

It seems that some of them can’t be found in certain areas. If you’re missing one specific corruption. Try to farm another zone. 

As for the second type of corruption, they are not as hard to get as it seems:

You can get the ‘Exhausted’ one on the tutorial stage: Qualification Assessment, but you’ll need to get a special bonus in combat configuration to reach 5 corruptions: 

For the rest: Five for the Butcher, four for the corruption complex and three for the twin marionettes. It reminds me of something:

It’s that simple. You get the level 1 of shadow of horror on the first difficulty of the Old Capital Metro (Edge), level 2 on the second difficulty (Frontline), level 3 on the third difficulty (Interior) etc.

It will ALWAYS be the last corruption you get. Make sure that you will be fully corrupted before the end of the run if you want to get those. And have fun with bosses that deal 50% more damage and twins that revive much faster.

Hay Fever is the withering garden boss corruption. The existence of Hay Fever I probably means that there is a ‘Hay Fever II’ but it does not seem correlated to ether levels. You get Hay Fever I on intensity 11 too… Further testing is required here. 

Special Area Log

This part is pure RNG. But there is a catch. You get the events for the first line on ‘Challenge’ events, and those on the second, third and fourth line from the ‘Random’ events. The rest is up to your luck.

It still requires further testing but I only found challenge area on Skyscraper (zone 3) and withering garden for now.

Lost Items from the Old Capital

Last but not least, the lost items:

To get those items, you’ll need to check your hollow map for special tiles outside the regular path. 

Those tiles are where you need to go if you need those lost items. Some of them require a certain amount of gold coins (2000 and 5000 gold coins if I remember correctly, but the one at 5000 doesn’t need to be paid in one go).

Make sure to have the required amount of gold coins if you’re specifically hunting for the Lost items. 
It seems that you can get a maximum of 3 of these events per day. If you got 3 of them, come back tomorrow.

When you have a complete set of items, it will trigger a quest. Two of them will only require talking to some NPC. And two of them trigger a special commission. That means more Interknot XP and more polychromes!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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