Derail Valley – Advanced Gaming Experience Guide (with Tips)

Derail Valley: Overhauled is a train simulation software, based on Unity graphics. It has not great graphics and it’s a not-so-simple-not-too-complicated game. It’s perfect for entertaining. Here is my tips for an advanced gaming experience.

Overhauled Advanced Guide

Load Weight

Every engine has a max. load weight. The DH2 for example 400 tons. But if you put after it a 400t cargo it will not move. Why? Because the shunter has a weight and every system has an efficiency. The DH2 is 38 tons and we can calculate with a 85% efficiency. We spare some force (5%) for incline and better acceleration too.

LW=((400x0.85)(1-0.05))-38=285 tons

This is the cargo weight, wich you can move easily between two stations, without compromises and with time bonus.

As above, the DE6 has 1300 tons capacity and 115 tons selfweight.

LW=((1300x0.85)(1-0.05))-115=934.75 tons

If you do yardwork, you can exceed it, because stations has flat surface and you have the time (if you do it right).

Multiple Units

Sometimes you need more power. I think, it’s better to use 2 shunter under 600 tons, than burning fuel with a DE6. But I never did experiments.

In this cases use 2 DH2 and don’t forget to use the blue-yellow cable. Don’t forget to turn both engines on and restart both after overheating. If you forget it, it will be only dead weight.

Shunting and Yardwork

When I started the game I tought, i will never do shunting. Nowadays the 70% of my gametime is cleaning the stations.

Prepare! Take your time to save you time!

Here is how I do it:

Read the manuals!

You need to understand the markings! You can not find your next outgoing cargo on a G2S marked track.

The jobs has 4 categories.

  • SL- shunting loading. S-L-O tracks on a station.
  • FH- freight hauling. O-I tracks between stations.
  • LH- logistic hauling. S-S tracks between stations.
  • SU- shunting unloading. I-L-S tracks on a station.

Clean the S tracks (SL)

If you have a job with the number HB-SL-27 on it, you can be sure, that you have some empty cars with the same number on it. They are on the S tracks of the Harbor and Town station. If it says 2 pick-ups and you see 5 cars on it, then you must collect the 5 cars from 2 tracks. Collect them on the L track (or on a cleaned track) and after this, start the job at the Job Manager. They go to the O tracks.

Start collecting your next cargo (FH-LH) from O tracks

Now you have free tracks. Choose the longest. If you did all the SL jobs, now you have all outgoing jobs. Collect the outgoing jobs you prefer on this track and put engine to the front.

Clean the I tracks (SU)

If you have the mood, do the unloading jobs.

Leave the station

Pick up the choosen FH and LH jobs (what you collected and coupled together in step 3). Bon voyage!

Other Tips

  • Sometimes I choose jobs to intermediate station, for example on Harbor – Machine Factory route I haul scrap metal to Steel Mill and I attach a DH2 to the back. I use this on Steel Mill. Don’t forget to loosen the brakes, set reverser to neutral and turn it off to save fuel! Calculate the cargo weight with it!
  • Do not try the 640t coal cargo with only 2 DH2’s! Maybe it’s possible, maybe not. I tried once. It’s stopped before 100m from peek. I think it’s possible, but don’t worth it.
  • The Harbor C sector has Y-shaped ingoing tracks. The C1L is always empty. If you need reversing to D-sector, you can use this.
  • The speed is important when you coupeling. Above 10 km/h the cargo could be damaged and after 5 km/h the cars could be moving away.
  • You can stop loose cars with opening the brake pipes.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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