This guide contains information about how you aquire the Gacha Machine and what kind of loot you can get from it.
Guide to Gacha Machine Rewards
How to Get a Gacha Machine
Whenever Franklyn visits your island, you can sell him your Shiny Discs that you find using your metal detector or simply by shoveling different places on the island, if you’re lucky.
Each Shiny Disc is 8,880 Dinks. I’d recommend that you save them up, only to sell them to Franklyn. We could all use more dinks 😛
When you reach different amounts of Shiny Discs donated, you unlock items that Franklyn can create for you. You need to provide both dinks and resources.
One item that you can get through Franklyn is the Gacha Machine.
Here are the requirements for getting Franklyn to craft a Gacha Machine for you:
- 70.000 Dinks
- 5 x Old Gear
- 2 x Iron Bar
- 1 x Glass Bulb
- 1 x Button Board
- 1 x Old Toy
You can only craft one item from Franklyn per day. It will take him a day to finish and you will recieve it in your mailbox the day after you have ordered it. You can’t talk to him after you have ordered something, as he will be too busy to talk.
How to Draw a Gacha
To get the Gacha machine to work, you need to insert Dinks.
Each gacha is 5000 Dinks.
To put Dinks into the Gacha Machine, you have to go into your inventory by pressing tab, and then you simply click and hold your Dinks and drag them to your toolbar.
Then you can exit your inventory, have the Dinks in your hand, and when you stand in front of the Gacha Machine, “insert” pops up and then you can, well, insert your dinks.
What You Can Get From the Gacha Machine
- My first draw was a basic axe. Which dissapointed me, as they’re not 5000 Dinks in Johns shop.
- My second draw was an Iron pickaxe. That’s pretty awesome, cause I’m still only on copper.
- My third draw was a Chicken Coop. Yay, I can have more chickens!
- My fourth draw was another Basic Axe.
- My fifth draw was a Furnace.
- My sixth draw was a Copper Axe.
- My seventh draw was a Miners Helmet.
- My eight draw was a miners helmet.
- Ninth draw was a miners helmet aswell.
- Tenth draw was a bird coop/chicken coop.
- Eleventh draw was a tin bar.
- Draw number twelve is a worm farm.
- Iron Pickaxe
- Basic Pickaxe
- Iron Pickaxe
So far:
Out of 14 draws:
- Basic Axe x 2
- Iron Pickaxe x 4
- Chicken Coop x 2
- Furnace
- Copper axe
- Miners Helmet x 2
- Tin Bar
- Worm Farm
- Basic Pickaxe
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