A checklist of things to do daily in your Valley.
Daily Chests
Most Importantly, if the only thing you do each day.
Make sure you are connected to the internet – Collect your blue chest!
It will be located somewhere in your Valley and will award you 10 Moonstones. It isn’t much, but if you play every day and it only takes a minute to get, it’ll add up.
Secondly and not as important, a green chest will appear in your Valley, which contains a few hundred Star Coins.
That’s two chests per day, just for playing the game.
Daily Discussions and Gifts
Daily discussions are limited to one per character per day but offer a large friendship gain.
Favorite gifts change each day and you can only give each of the three gifts once to receive the full Relationship benefit but are the quickest way to level up friendships.
You can give as many gifts as you want per day, there seems to be no limit.
The more valuable the gift, the larger the friendship gain. Lobster Rolls make great gifts, if you can afford to spare them.
Passive Collection
Make sure to collect your own planted Crops, Harvest fruit trees and bushes.
Moana’s Fishing Boat
- At Max Level (9) can store 20 fish.
- Currently the only way to obtain the Walleye Fish
- New fish caught every 6 minutes.
WALL.E’s Garden
- At max Level (9) has 30 crop’s growing.
- Grows a variety of Crops.
- Can be collected once per day. Takes a full day to grow.
Eric’s Blueprints
- Once per day, after midday he will provide 2 new blueprints for sale on his blueprint desk in his house.
- Currently the only way to obtain blueprints for furniture you can craft that isn’t unlocked from finding the materials required.
Goofy’s Stalls
Goofy rotates his inventory at each of his stalls daily. Crops, Seeds and Fruits native to the biome the Stalls are in.
Peaceful Meadow
- Carrot
- Lettuce
- Wheat
Dazzle Beach
- Tomato
- Corn
- Sugarcane
Forest of Valor
- Bell Pepper
- Onion
- Caonla
Glade of Trust
- Okra
- Spinach
- Rice
Sunlit Plateau
- Chili Pepper
- Zucchini
- Soya
Frosted Heights
- Asparagus
- Cucumber
- Eggplant
Forgotten Lands
- Leek
- Potato
- Pumpkin
Critter Feeding
You can only feed each critter once per day.
Critter Favorite Foods:
- Squirrel – Apples
- Rabbits – Lettuce
- Turtles – Seaweed
- Crocodiles – Lobster
- Racoon – Blueberry
- Fox – White Sturgeon
- Sunbird – Flowers which are the same colour as the bird being fed, Eg. Red Sunbird – Red Bromeliad.
Check your Critters tab on the Collection page, many Critters rotate throughout the day. You may be able to feed more than 2 of each critter each day.
Feeding Critters is currently the only way of obtaining Motif Bags, also a great way to earn shards and sometimes flowers.
Re-spawning Debris
Each day the Valley respawns in each Biome it’s native Debris, removing these yields resources:
- Rocks – Stone
- Coral – Sand
- Mushrooms – Mushrooms
- Stumps – Wood
- Ice – Snow
- Night Thorns. – Star Coins, Shards, Seeds and Furniture and Clothing Bags.
Occasionally some will respawn larger and with a yellow Chest within them, those chests contain Star Coins also. (I haven’t seen anything else from them, yet.)
Scrooge McDuck’s Store
Scrooge McDuck rotates his inventory daily and the higher the level of his store, the more stuff he will be selling.
At Max Level he will have:
- Two rounded tables downstairs with Four small items each – One clothing, the other furniture.
- Two square displays downstairs – One with 3 clothing items, One with 4 furniture items.
- Two window mannequins – One always seems to have a full costume/dress for 40k
- Two medium displays upstairs – Two medium sized items each, or one large item.
- One Large display upstairs – 4 Hanging lights or one large item.
Your daily catalog order limit also resets allowing you to purchase up to 25 items, which are delivered directly into your storage.
Chez Remy
Each Character can be found at Chez Remy throughout the day.
They supposedly have their own schedules of when they will go each day but if you do serve them the food they order, you will get a very large friendship gain, the same, if not more than their Favorite Gift gains.
It’s best to check often as I don’t know the hours each character will visit.
If at any time you are playing during a Thunderstorm it is advised that you take a fishing companion with you to Dazzle Beach and attempt to catch the Fugu fish which can only be caught during a thunderstorm, not just rain, but a thunderstorm.
Weather is unpredictable and for future proofing, it might be best to make sure you have some Fugu in storage for any Favourite Gifts or Quests that might require it.
Thank you for sharing my guide and crediting me, it is greatly appreciated! 🙂
A huge thanks to you!
Thank you for the tips. Loving this game so much! I caught the Fugu fish so that’s cool. The blue and green chests, I didn’t realize these were every day bonuses. I will always look for them now. Thank you!!